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Best Practices Newsletters

Richard Ornburn
(202) 501-2873
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The GSA Best Practices Newsletter is an annual publication that includes best practice news and innovations, and honors awardees of the GSA Best Practices Achievement Award. Use this page to view the most recent editions of the Best Practices Newsletter as well as back issues.



2008 Best Practices Special Edition Newsletter [PDF - 8812K] [Word - 391K]
2007 Best Practices Special Edition Newsletter [PDF - 6525K] [Word - 533K]
2006 Best Practices Special Edition Newsletter [PDF - 2919K] [Word 351K]
2005 Best Practices Special Edition Newsletter [PDF - 3080k] [Word - 192K]
2004 Best Practices Special Edition Newsletter [PDF - 2416k] [Word - 124K]
2003 Best Practices Newsletter [PDF - 3558K] [Word - 248K]
2002 Best Practices Newsletter [PDF - 3154K] [Word - 186K]
2001 Best Practices Newsletter [PDF - 2945K] [HTML - 121K]
2000 Best Practices Newsletter [PDF - 14698K] [Word - 175K]