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NOAA At The Ends of the Earth Collection
Catalog of Images

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Bill Love and Ensign Harley Nygren At Leffingwell survey monument
Flaxman Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Lieutenant Don Jones observing angles with a T-3 theodolite
Flaxman Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Vincent Nageak
Flaxman Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Commander Robert Earle at Flaxman Island Standing at Leffingwell Survey marker from early 1900's
Flaxman Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Grave marker of an unknown on Flaxman Island
Flaxman Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Leffingwell's Flaxman Island Base - in use 1909-1911
Flaxman Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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An outbuilding at Leffingwell's Flaxman Island Base - in use 1909-1911
Flaxman Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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A group of Eskimos at Brownlow Point across from Flaxman Island
Flaxman Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Using a boiler to melt the permafrost for setting a triangulation marker
Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Using a boiler to melt the permafrost for setting a triangulation marker
Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Triangulation station NYGREN 1949 - 70 08 51.83200(N) 146 11 24.40800(W)
Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Other than the cold, baseline measurements were facilitated by measuring across the flat lagoon ice from mainland point-to-point. Baselines were measured to second-order standards and 4-5 miles long.
Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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Observing tower with wind screen
Alaska North Slope Spring 1949
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When the melt begins, it's time to start working on the boats
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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Looking over arm of the Beaufort Sea before the pack ice breaks up Oliktok Point Camp in distance in photo center
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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Looking towards Tigvariak Camp across lagoon ice
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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No waves today - standing on the shoreline of a frozen sea
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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Looking down the shoreline of Tigvariak Island towards the camp
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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Watching the ice melt and breakup on the north shore of Tigvariak Island
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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A last trip across the ice by dog sled
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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Gene Richards and Nogeak going for a final sled ride (or first swim)
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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Ice receding from the shoreline Soon it will be time to put the boats in the water
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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Eskimo diversion - flying high above the shore
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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Description not available.
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Collecting fresh water on a berg near Cross Island on misty day
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Ice along the shore at sunset
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Building a hydrographic signal - used for near shore hydrographic work Stan Jeffers on right.
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Ice along the shore at Cross Island
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Jellyfish along an icy shoreline
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Tide gage installation - Abe Simmons and Harley Nygren
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Building a hydrographic signal - used for near shore hydrographic work
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Beginning to build a hydrographic signal
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Orange, white, and blue - survey launch next to ice berg
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Signal pole on Dinkum Sands - east side of Prudhoe Bay The existence of these sands has been the subject of litigation
Dinkum Sands, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Collecting fresh water from ice berg Pools of fresh water collect on top of melting ice bergs
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Description not available.
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Survey launch towing dinghies after supplying observing camp
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Heading out to the Survey Launch #15 to start the day's work.
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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A cloudy day at Tigvariak - length of beard indicates nearing end of season Andrew F. "Pierre" Menard with beard.
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1949
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A late summer sunset from a survey launch
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Stopping at a small Alaska town on the way south
Barter Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Stopping at a small Alaska town on the way south
Barter Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Flying over the Colville River on the way home
Alaska North Slope Summer 1949
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Flying over the Brooks Range enroute to North Slope
Brooks Range, Alaska Winter 1950
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The sea ice off of Tigvariak Island
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Winter 1950
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A sun pillar forms as the sun rises over the Arctic plain
Alaska North Slope Winter 1950
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Drifting snow at Tigvariak Camp
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Winter 1950
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Digging out the Tigvariak Island Camp
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Winter 1950
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Harley Nygren
Alaska North Slope Winter 1950
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Drifting snow at Tigvariak Camp
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Winter 1950

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 |

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007