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NOAA At The Ends of the Earth Collection
Catalog of Images

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What the well-dressed scientist wears at South Pole Station.
Antarctica November 1978
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Passing over coastal Antarctic mountains on the way to McMurdo Sound Station.
Antarctica November 1978
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Passing over coastal Antarctic mountains on the way to McMurdo Sound Station.
Antarctica November 1978
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Setting foot on Antarctic soil ( maybe ice would be a better term.)
Antarctica November 1978
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Antarctic headquarters of the National Science Foundation at McMurdo Sound
Antarctica November 1978
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A view of the facilities at McMurdo Sound Station
Antarctica November 1978
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Active volcano Mount Erebus overlooks McMurdo Station
Antarctica November 1978
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Mount Erebus sheathed in a white mantle - the incongruity of fire and ice
Antarctica November 1978
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Mount Erebus blowing off a little steam
Antarctica November 1978
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A view near McMurdo Station
Antarctica November 1978
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A view near McMurdo Station
Antarctica November 1978
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Cross erected on Observation Hill, a 600-foot cinder cone. A memorial to the Scott Expedition. Inscription reads: To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Antarctica November 1978
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Castle Rock looms out of the fog. Thiocal tracked vehicle on the right.
Antarctica November 1978
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Entrance to an ice cave at Erebus Glacier tongue
Antarctica November 1978
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The entrance to the ice cave at Erebus Glacier tongue
Antarctica November 1978
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Ice crystals and icicles at the entrance to the cave at Erebus Glacier tongue
Antarctica November 1978
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Blue ice on the inside - red coats on the outside at Erebus Glacier tongue
Antarctica November 1978
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Ice spelunker in cave passageway at Erebus Glacier tongue
Antarctica November 1978
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Ice stalactites and columnar appearing sides within the cave at Erebus Glacier tongue.
Antarctica November 1978
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Weddell Seals hauled out on the ice getting ready to give birth.
Antarctica November 1978
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Weddell Seals hauled out on the ice getting ready to give birth.
Antarctica November 1978
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Weddell Seals hauled out on the ice getting ready to give birth.
Antarctica November 1978
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Weddell Seals hauled out on the ice getting ready to give birth.
Antarctica November 1978
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Scientists conducting studies of Weddell seals Hood placed over head causes seal to cause seal to not move. Scientists then tag seal's rear fins.
Antarctica November 1978
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Memorial to Robert Falcon Scott at Cape Evans
Antarctica November 1978
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The Scott shelter at Cape Evans - He departed from this shelter on his fatal trip to the South Pole.
Antarctica November 1978
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Boxes of Colman flour preserved since 1911 at Scott shelter at Cape Evans
Antarctica November 1978
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Weddell seals hauled out on the ice giving birth
Antarctica November 1978
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A mother Weddell seal and her pup
Antarctica November 1978
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Ahhhh! What a cute baby! Weddell seal pup.
Antarctica November 1978
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Complete trust - a baby Weddell seal
Antarctica November 1978
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Baby seal taking time out from suckling to pose for photographer.
Antarctica November 1978
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Boy! That milk was good. Think I'll take a nap. Note bloody umbilical cord area.
Antarctica November 1978
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Shoreline near Cape Evans. 77 38 S Latitude 166 24 E Longitude.
Antarctica November 1978
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Ice crystals forming
Antarctica November 1978
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Antarctica Route 1 - there's never a rush hour.
Antarctica November 1978
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Preparing a shelter in the snow during survival training.
Antarctica November 1978
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Sculpting ice for the entrance to an impromptu shelter in the ice
Antarctica November 1978
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Looking out the entrance of the snow and ice shelter during survival training.
Antarctica November 1978
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Coming into the ice shelter during survival training.
Antarctica November 1978
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Taking a little snooze in a well-designed and constructed ice shelter.
Antarctica November 1978
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Social life under the ice during survival training exercise.
Antarctica November 1978
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The completed shelter from the outside.
Antarctica November 1978
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A little dog sled training was given during survival training.
Antarctica November 1978
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The New Zealanders maintained a dog sled team at the time of this photo. Dogs came from a Greenland lineage now bred at Scott Base. Dogs are no longer permitted in Antarctica.
Antarctica November 1978
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What beautiful dogs!
Antarctica November 1978
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Scott Base is maintained by New Zealand. Mileage sign for those interested in going home.
Antarctica November 1978
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An ice cave with a freeze-dried mummified bird
Antarctica November 1978
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Stalactites and masses of ice crystals
Antarctica November 1978
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A mass of ice crystals at the end of the cave
Antarctica November 1978

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 |

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007