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Special Permits within Part 193

The following are granted special permits relating to the 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 193.  They are displayed in regulation sub-part order.

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Part 193 Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities; New Federal Safety Standards

193.; General

Subpart B: Siting Requirements

193.2057; Thermal Exclusion Zone for LNG Facilities

193.2059; Flammable Vapor-Gas Dispersion Protection

193.2063; Flooding

193.2071; Adjacent Activities

193.2073; Separation of Facilities

Subpart C: Design

193.2171; Sump Basins

193.2173; Water Removal

193.2209; Instrumentation for LNG Storage Tanks

Subpart D: Construction

193.2301; Scope

Subpart E: Equipment

193.2429; Relief Devices

193.2445; Sources of Power

Subpart I: Fire Protection

193.2819; Gas Detection

193.2821; Fire Detection

Subpart J: Security

193.2907; Protective Enclosure Construction

193.2911; Security Lighting

193.2913; Security Monitoring

193.2915; Alternative Power Sources

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