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FHWA / AASHTO Scan Signalized Intersection Safety

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Scan Approach

  • Develop an overview paper framing the issues and scope
  • Assemble a diversified team of experts
  • Complete a desk scan report to identify agencies to visit abroad
  • Develop amplifying questions for host agencies
  • Complete scan and prepare summary report
  • Implement promising strategies

Goals and Objectives

  • To identify promising and readily implementable intersection-safety solutions and/or programs for deployment in the United States.
  • To identify and overcome implementation barriers and special needs.
  • To gather specific examples and documentation

The Scan Team - 13 Members

  • Representatives:
    • 3 - FHWA
    • 1 - AASHTO
    • 3 - State DOT's
    • 3 - Municipal Transportation Agencies
    • 1 - University
    • 2 - Private sector/non-profit

The Scanning Team

Photo of Scanning Team

The Team

  • Gene K. Fong, Co-Chair
    Director of Field Services - East, FHWA

  • James H. Kopf, Co-Chair
    Chief Engineer, Deputy Executive Director
    Mississippi DOT

  • Philip J. Clark
    Deputy Chief Engineer/Director Design Division
    NY State DOT

  • Rick Collins
    Engineer of Traffic, TX DOT

  • Richard A. Cunard
    Engineer of Traffic and Operations
    Transportation Research Board

  • Ken F. Kobetsky
    Program Director for Engineering

  • Nazir Lalani
    Principal Engineer, Transportation Dept., County of Ventura

  • Fred N. Ranck
    Safety Engineer, FHWA Midwestern Resource Center

  • Robert K. Seyfried
    Director, Transportation Engineering Division
    Northwestern University

  • Kevin Slack
    VP, Senior Transportation Engineer
    CH2M Hill

  • James W. Sparks
    Deputy Street Transportation Director, City of Phoenix, AZ

  • Rudolph M. Umbs, P.E.
    Chief Highway Safety Engineer, FHWA

  • Stephen N. Van Winkle
    Director of Public Works
    City of Peoria

Six Focus Areas

  • Selection,Design, Operation of Traffic Control Devices
  • Innovative Traffic Control Devices
  • Innovative Geometric Design
  • Identify Problems & Select Countermeasures
  • Low Cost Improvements
  • Research Projects

Countries Visited

Map of countries visited: Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom

Working Meetings

55 presentations followed by Q. and A.

Photo#1 of the working meeting participants

Photo#2 of the working meeting participants

Photo#3 of the working meeting participants

Photo#4 of the working meeting participants

Photo#5 of the working meeting participants

Site Visits

Photo#1 of the scanning team on a site visit

Photo#2 of the scanning team on a site visit

Photo#3 of the scanning team on a site visit

Photo#4 of the scanning team on a site visit

Photo#5 of the scanning team on a site visit

Findings & Observations - Sweden

  • Intersection Safety driven by national Goals set forth in "Vision Zero" (50% reduction in fatalities 1997 to 2007)
  • Safety efforts are focused on fatalities and injuries (serious accidents)
  • Emphasize the safety of vulnerable road users (peds & bikes)
  • Developed LHOVRA to address safety at isolated intersections
  • Special detectors being used at school crossings


Findings & Observations - Germany

  • Local, multidisciplinary, safety commissions set safety priorities and identify solutions
  • Thorough, uniform calculations are completed to determine conflict clearance for all modes of travel at signalized intersections
  • Extensive use of pavement markings for peds & bikes
  • Use cameras for red light running and speed enforcement
  • Formalized safety checklists are completed during design phase (safety audits)

Findings & Observations - The Netherlands

  • Intersection safety driven by national sustainable safety goals
  • Philosophy is to reduce speed through intersections.
  • Extensive use of photo enforcement to control speed and red light running
  • Converting signalized intersections to roundabouts (rural)
  • Use of comprehensive public relations campaigns to convey safety message
  • Consistency by functional classification is a  key to safety

Photo of a road sign (Speed Limit 50 kmh)

Photo of a road sign

Findings & Observations -  United Kingdom

  • Challenged to balance safety with congestion/mobility
  • Developed MOVA to improve safety and operations at isolated locations

Graph: 100 m detector (Vehicle on loop), 40 m detector (Vehicle counted leaving loop). Cruise speed is equal to 1 box divided by 0.5 second

  • Detector technology being deployed to improve safety and operations of ped. & bike crossings
  • Using accident prediction models for signalized intersection design (OSCADY)
  • Comprehensive safety audit process - Planning, Design, Construction, Operation

Photo of people at intersection

Preliminary Recommendations

  • Develop model photo enforcement process/program for implementation at signalized intersections
    • Build on European experience
    • Communicate process through ITE, AASHTO, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, etc.

Photo of a road sign

Photo of an intersection

  • Identify and implement demonstration projects for enhanced dilemma zone detection using principals of LHOVRA & MOVA


Graph: 100 m detector (Vehicle on loop), 40 m detector (Vehicle counted leaving loop). Cruise speed is equal to 1 box divided by 0.5 second

  • Develop a pilot project to control speed through intersections using a combination of practices implemented in Europe
    • Geometric (lane widths & speed tables)
    • Pavement markings
    • Variable message signs
    • Photo enforcement, etc.

Photo of a street with bus lane

Photo of an intersection

  • Promote understanding and the application of single lane roundabouts as alternatives to signalized intersections 
    • Emphasis on managing the consequences of collisions
    • Efficient use of computer simulation (operational and geometric)
    • Determine the appropriate circumstances

Photo of a roundabout

  • Develop Guidelines and identify pilot projects to enhance pedestrian Crossings
    • pedestrian detection technology
    • audible pedestrian signals
    • Pedestrian Countdown indicators
    • improve communication with drivers and pedestrians

Photo of an intersection

Photo of a traffic light

Next Steps

  • Draft report by early September 2002
    • Team and agency Review by November 2002.
    • Final Report Spring 2003
  • Implementation begins May 28, 2003

Implementation Team Contacts

  • Fred Ranck, Chairman - Safety Engineer, Midwestern Resource Center, FHWA - 708-283-3545,
  • Rick Collins - Engineer of Traffic, TexDOT - 512-416-3135,
  • Ken Kobetsky - Program Director for Engineering, AASHTO - 202-624-5254,
  • Nazir Lalani - Principal Engineer, County of Ventura - 805-654-2080,
  • Jim Sparks - Deputy Street Transportation Director, City of Phoenix - 602-262-4435,
  • Rudolph Umbs - Chief Highway Safety Engineer, FHWA - 202-365-3285,

Team Information Sharing

  • Mississippi Transportation Institute, Oct 2002
  • AASHTO Subcommittee on Design, Jun 2002
  • AASHTO Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering, Jun. 2002
  • AASHTO Task Force on Geometric Design, Jun 2002
  • AASHTO Annual Meeting, Oct 2003
  • AASHTO Standing Committee on Traffic Safety
  • AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways
  • FHWA Annual Leadership Meeting, Jun 2002
  • FHWA Signalized Intersection Design Guidelines Task Force

Team Information Sharing

  • National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD), Jun 2002
  • NCUTCD, Jan 2003
  • American Public Works Association, Sep 2002
  • TxDOT Traffic Operations Conference, June 2002
  • Northwestern University Continuing Education Courses:
    • Traffic Signal Workshop
    • Traffic Control Devices Workshop
    • Traffic and Transportation Engineering Seminar
    • Bicycle Facilities Planning and Design Workshop
    • Pedestrian Facilities Planning and Design Workshop

Team Information Sharing

  • ITE International Meeting, Aug 2002
  • ITE, Illinois Section, Oct 2002
  • ITE, Intermountian Section, May 2002
  • ITE, Arizona Section Sep 2002
  • ITE, Local Sections in CA, NV, OR, WA
  • ITE, Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering Course, Oct 2002, Jan 2003, May 2003
  • TRB Signalized Intersection Committee Meeting, Jul 2002
  • European Transport Forum, Sep 2002
  • TRB Sessions at the national meeting, Jan 2003
  • Urban Street Design Symposium, Sep 2003


Signalized Intersection Safety



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