Booking Engines Fact Sheet

Both DoD and the civilian government use online booking engines to arrange for travel. DoD uses the Defense Travel System (DTS) while civilian agencies use the E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) booking engines. These booking engines allow travelers to make travel arrangements online. Some booking engines display base contract fares (fares without the tax) while other booking engines display the total cost of the trip, including taxes plus airport and security fees. Because of the difference in displays, do not be alarmed if the prices reflected on an agency’s booking engine does not “match” the fares posted on the GSA Airfares (City Pair) website.

Domestic fares posted on the City Pair website show the domestic price for the base fare, tax included but without segment and airport and security fees. International Airfares (City Pair) are shown as the base fare only, exclusive of all fees and taxes.

Last Reviewed 10/15/2008