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This page provides a quick overview of the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis and the resources we have to offer at no charge to people with Multiple Sclerosis and those who care about them.

Download a PDF version of this page here.

Please share this with anyone whose life has been touched by MS. You can sign up here to stay informed as we add additional resources.


The Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis is a national nonprofit dedicated to curing MS by determining its causes. You can find more information about us here.


We are primarily focused on a research effort to determine the causes of MS. We believe the fastest route to a cure will come from knowing what causes MS.
  • To learn more about our MS Repository click here.
  • To learn more about our Cure Map click here.
  • The Cure Map documents are available here.
  • A short video overview of the repository is here.

Free Quarterly Print Newsletter

  • You can sign up for our free quarterly print newsletter here.
  • Download previous issues here.

Information on MS

We have created a number of documents to educate people about MS. Click on a document title to download it (as a PDF). There are other documents you can find here including interviews with top MS researchers.

Daily Updates on MS Research

  • MSNews features daily updates of what is happenining in MS. Click here to check it out.
  • We provide links to sites where you can find out about participating in current MS Clinical Trials here.


We host a variety of educational, social, and entertaining events throughout the year and around the country.
  • You can see what's coming up here.
  • Sign-up for our mailing list here to be alerted when a new event is scheduled.

T-Shirt and 15 Minutes of Fame

We've recently had our free t-shirt offer posted on a number of "Free Stuff" sites and we are getting pummelled with requests. As a relatively small nonprofit, we're happy to send out t-shirts to those who have a connection to MS, but would really appreciate it if you didn't ask for one if you are doing it just to get the free t-shirt. The money we save will go towards determining the causes of MS. Thanks.

Send us your name, address, and t-shirt size and we'll send you a free t-shirt. In exchange, send us a picture of you wearing it (or contribution) and we'll post it on our web site and put it in our newsletter.

  • You can place your order here by sending us your address and writing "T-Shirt" with the size you would like in the comment box at the end.
  • You can see how sporty you can look wearing one here.

Warm Fuzzy Feeling and a Tax Deduction

Our work is predominantly funded by contributions from individuals who have MS or a loved one with MS.
  • It always feels good to support a great cause. You can make your tax deductible contribution to support our efforts here.
  • If you're looking for opportunities to volunteer, you can sign up here by checking the box to be on acp-volunteer list.

Pointers to Other MS Organizations

We are committed to working together with other MS organizations and provide links to them here.

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