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AcademyHealth produces a wealth of publications that are relevant to health services researchers and health policymakers, ranging from newsletters to issue briefs to monographs and special reports. AcademyHealth's publications are key resources in several substantive areas, including health care financing and organization, purchasing, quality improvement, and rural, state, and international health policy.


Briefs & Reports

Cover layout of the December 2008 briefReducing the Administrative Burden of Health Care Quality Reporting
In a HCFO-funded study, Paul Ginsburg, Ph.D., Debra Draper, Ph.D., and colleagues at the Center for Studying Health Systems Change (HSC) examined the impact of quality measurement and reporting activities on hospitals and the strategies hospitals use to manage the demands associated with reporting. More >>

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Presentation Slides

AcademyHealth shares slides from meeting presentations in an effort to support the professional development of those who produce, use, and implement health services research findings. Slides presented here are provided with permission of the author, who retains all copyright. Please contact the author directly for reprint requests. More


AcademyHealth Reports, June 2008 — PDF file, 286KB
The June 2008 issue discusses a survey of members’ experiences with HIPAA and the launch of an ethical code of conduct for the recruitment of foreign educated nurses. More >>

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News From the Journals

AcademyHealth's Official Journals Healt Affairs and Health Services Research share updates on their latest issues, calls for papers and Web Exclusives. More