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Funding for Solid Waste Management and Recycling

Federal Programs

Solid Waste Funding: A Guide to Federal Assistance, available on the Jobs Through Recycling website, provides information on a variety of funding sources for solid waste research and management programs are available to state and local governments, the general public, and small businesses.

The JTR website also includes a comprehensive financing section, which provides helpful links, publications, organizations and agencies, and programs that have funding and financing opportunities for agencies and businesses.

State Programs

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Solid Waste Management Program Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer, manages four programs that provide grants and loans to support solid waste management and recycling projects.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources Waste Management Program Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer,
provides a range of competitive grant and loan programs to encourage implementation of innovative waste reduction and recycling techniques, develop markets for recyclable materials and products, and encourage the adoption of the best waste management practices. The programs are:

Additional financing information is available from Recycle Iowa Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer, a program of the Iowa Department of Economic Development. The web site includes the following links:

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer, has four Integrated Waste Planning and Aid Programs:

The Nebraska Environmental Trust Fund’s Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer, current focus areas include on the development of recycling markets and reduction of solid waste volume and toxicity. Areas of focus will be re-evaluated in 2005.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer, provides grants to assist with the implementation and enhancement of local and regional solid waste projects. Grants are used to fund the development and operation of recycling, source reduction, waste minimization and solid waste management, household hazardous waste, conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste and public education programs. The following programs have been established:

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