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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Patricia C Allen
Animal Parasitic Diseases
Research Chemist

Phone: (301) 504-8772
Fax: (301) 504-5306
Room 1A
BELTSVILLE, MD, 20705-2350

Immunopathology and Cytokine Responses in Broiler Chickens Coinfected with Eimeria maxima and Clostridium perfringens Using an Animal Model of Necrotic Enteritis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Park, S.S., Allen, P., Lillehoj, H.S., Park, D., Fitzcoy, S., Bautista, D.A., Lillehoj, E.P. 2008. Immunopathology and Cytokine Responses in Broiler Chickens Coinfected with Eimeria maxima and Clostridium perfringens Using an Animal Model of Necrotic Enteritis. Avian Diseases. 52:14-22.
Innate immune response to Clostridium perfringens and Eimeria maxima in necrotic enteritis model - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Lillehoj, H.S., Park, S.S., Allen, P., Park, D.W., Fitzcoy, S., Bautista, D.A. 2007. Innate immune response to Clostridium perfringens and Eimeria maxima in necrotic enteritis model.Proceedings of America Avian veterinary pathologists, July 14-18, Washington, D.C.
The First Characterization of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (Mif) Molecules from Apicomplexan Parasites Belonging to Genus Eimeria, the Causative Agents of Chicken Coccidiosis. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Miska, K.B., Fetterer, R.H., Lillehoj, H.S., Jenkins, M.C., Allen, P.C., Harper, S. 2007. The first characterization of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (mif) molecules from apicomplexan parasites belonging to genus Eimeria, the causative agents of chicken coccidiosis. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 151:173-183.
Anticoccidial Effects of Xanthohumol - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Allen, P.C. 2007. Anticoccidial effects of xanthohumol. Avian Diseases. 51:21-26.
Acetyl Coa Carboxylase in Avian Eimeria - (Abstract)
Allen, P.C., Miska, K.B., Jenkins, M.C., Fetterer, R.H. 2005. Acetyl coa carboxylase in avian eimeria. Coccidiosis International Conference Proceedings. p. 164.
The Macrophage Inhibitory Factor of Eimeria Species - (Abstract)
Miska, K.B., Lillehoj, H.S., Allen, P.C., Fetterer, R.H., Jenkins, M.C. 2005. The macrophage inhibitory factor of eimeria species. Coccidiosis International Conference Proceedings. p. 163.
Characterization of Serine Proteases in Developmental Stages of Eimeria Tenella - (Abstract)
Fetterer, R.H., Miska, K.B., Allen, P.C., Lillehoj, H.S., Barfield, R.C. 2005. Characterization of serine proteases in developmental stages of eimeria tenella. Coccidiosis International Conference Proceedings. p. 165.
Analysis of Sequence Diversity of Ribosomal DNA (Rdna) Genes in Four Species of Eimeria - (Abstract)
Miska, K.B., Allen, P.C. 2005. Analysis of sequence diversity of ribosomal dna (rdna) genes in four species of eimeria. American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists Proceedings. p. 43.
Cross Protection Studies with Eimeria Maxima Strains - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Allen, P.C., Jenkins, M.C., Miska, K.B. 2005. Cross protection studies with eimeria maxima strains. Parasitology Research. 97:179-185
Ghrelin-Growth Hormone Relationship in the Coccidial Infected Chicken - (Abstract)
Allen,P., Richards, M., Poch, S., Vasilatos-Younken, R. 2004. Ghrelin-growth hormone relationship in the coccidial-infected chicken [abstract]. Biotechnologie, Agronomie Societe et Environnement 8:44.
Are There Immunovariants of Coccidia That Can Affect Vaccine Efficacy? (The Clues May Not Always Be Obvious) - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (15-Dec-03)
Development of a Protective Index to Rank Effectiveness of Multiple Treatments Within An Experiment: Application to a Cross Protection Study of Several Strain of Eimeria Maxima and a Live Vaccine. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Allen, P.C., Danforth, H.D., Vineyard, B.L. 2004. Development of a protective index to rank effectiveness of multiple treatments within an experiment: application to a cross protection study of several strain of eimeria maxima and a live vaccine. Avian Diseases. 48:370-375.
Update on Interactions of Diet and Coccidiosis in Poultry - (Trade Journal) - (10-Oct-03)
Mapping Quantitative Trait Locus Associated with Resistance to Avian Coccidiosis and Growth - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhu, J.J., Lillehoj, H.S., Allen, P.C., Van Tassell, C.P., Sonstegard, T.S., Cheng, H.H., Pollock, D., Sadjadi, M., Min, W., Emara, M.G. 2003. Mapping quantitative trait locus associated with resistance to avian coccidiosis and growth. Poultry Science 82:9-16.
Biotin-Containing Proteins in Avian Eimeria - (Abstract) - (15-May-03)
Eimeria Acervulina Infection Elicits An Elevation in Plasma Ghrelin and Changes in Other Metabolic Hormones - (Abstract)
McMurtry, J.P., Allen, P.C., Richards, M.P., Poch, S.M., Brocht, D. 2003. Eimeria acervulina infection elicits an elevation in plasma ghrelin and changes in other metabolic hormones [abstract]. Poultry Science. v.82:84.
The Development of a Homologous Radioimmunoassay for Chicken Leptin - (Abstract)
McMurtry, J.P., Brocht, D.M., Ashwell, C., Allen, P., Leach, R., Coon, C. 2003. The development of a homologous radioimmunoassay for chicken leptin [abstract]. Poultry Science. v. 82(Suppl. 1):85.
Control of Ixodes Scapularis and Amblyomma Americanum Using the '4-Poster' Treatment Device on Deer in Maryland - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Carroll, J.F., Allen, P.C., Hill, D.E., Pound, J., Miller, J., George, J. 2002. Control of ixodes scapularis and amblyomma americanum using the '4-poster' treatment device on deer in maryland. Experimental and Applied Acarology. 28:289-296.
Oxidative Stress During Avian Coccidiosis - (Abstract) - (10-May-02)

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Last Modified: 05/14/2009
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