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NIST funds industrial and academic research in a variety of ways. The Small Business Innovation Research Program funds R&D proposals from small businesses. We also offer other grants to encourage work in specific fields: precision measurement, fire research, and materials science.

Grants/awards supporting research at industry, academic, and other institutions are available on a competitive basis through several different Institute offices. For general information on NIST grants programs, contact Melinda Chukran, (301) 975-5266.

NIST Recovery Act Information—On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The act includes funding for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In the near future, this web page will include information about specific NIST programs to be funded through the act. For information on fellowships, grants, and other funding available from NIST, please monitor NIST's Recovery Act page.

Measurement, Science, and Engineering Research Grants Program—Supports NIST laboratories with research in fields such as polymers, ceramics, metallurgy, fire research, neutron scattering, and spectroscopy. This link will take you to the search page. Once there, search by Funding Opportunity Number 2008-MSE-01. For detailed information on the MSE Research Grants Program page, click on the Full Announcement box. Contact: Melinda Chukran, (301) 975-5266.

Precision Measurement Grants—Support researchers in U.S. colleges and universities for experimental and theoretical studies of fundamental physical phenomena. Contact: Peter Mohr, (301) 975-3217.

Small Business Innovation Research Program—Solicits research and development proposals from small businesses that respond to specific technical needs that are described in the annual Solicitation. SBIR contracts are awarded for R&D that directly supports a NIST project and for R&D needed to extend technologies developed at NIST for the purpose of commercializing the NIST technology. No unsolicited proposals are accepted. Program information is available at

Nanoelectronics—Supports research and innovation in nanoelectronics through a partnership between NIST and the Semiconductor Research Corp. (SRC). A news release is available with details on the NIST/SRC partnership. To apply for funding see the SRC’s Nanoelectronics Research Initiative Web site.

Technology Innovation Program—Provides cost-shared awards to industry, universities and consortia for research on potentially revolutionary technologies that address critical national and societal needs.

For additional information on grant opportunities, visit

See also: NIST Products and Services, A-Z Subject Index, NIST Home Page

Date created: 09/06/00
Last updated: 05/12/09