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Date created: 9/09/2000
Last updated: 04/13/2009

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ITL News:

ITL’s Jonathon Phillips Coauthors Award-Winning Paper at IEEE Conference
P. Jonathon Phillips, Information Access Division, coauthored a paper entitled “Focus on Quality, Predicting FRVT 2006 Performance,” which won the Best Paper Award at the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition in September 2008. Coauthors were J. Ross Beveridge (Colorado State University [CSU]), Geof H. Givens (CSU), Bruce A. Draper (CSU), and Yui Man Lui (CSU). The paper presents an analysis of results from the 2006 Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT).

ITL’s Cryptographic Module Validation Program Validates 1,000th Cryptographic Module
The Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP), operated by the U.S. and Canadian governments, achieved a significant milestone on August 15, 2008, by issuing the program’s 1,000th certificate. The certificate was presented to Microsoft Corporation for their Microsoft Windows Vista Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) cryptographic module. This module was successfully validated as meeting the overall Level 1 security requirements of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules. The Microsoft Windows Vista Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) cryptographic module runs as a kernel mode export driver, and provides cryptographic services, through their documented interfaces, to Windows Vista kernel components. It supports several cryptographic algorithms accessible via a FIPS function table request irp (I/O request packet).

Boisvert Receives IFIP Silver Core Award
Ronald Boisvert, Chief of ITL’s Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division, has received the Silver Core Award from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in recognition of outstanding services to IFIP. IFIP is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national professional societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO. Sponsoring more than 100 conferences each year, IFIP links more than 3,500 scientists from academia, industry, and government labs, organized into more than 101 Working Groups reporting to 13 Technical Committees. Boisvert has served as a member of IFIP Working Group 2.5 on Numerical Software since 1996, and has been the Working Group’s Chair since 2000.

NIST Statisticians Receive the Youden Prize for 2008
On August 5, 2008 Andrew Rukhin and William Strawderman from the Statistical Engineering Division received the 2008 W.J. Youden Award
in Interlaboratory Testing in recognition of their paper ``Statistical Aspects of Linkage Analysis in Interlaboratory Studies'' published in Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference in 2007. The award was presented at the Presidential Address and Awards Session of the
American Statistical Association Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. This annual award was established in 1985 to recognize publications that make outstanding contributions to the design and/or analysis of interlaboratory tests, or describe ingenious approaches to the planning and evaluation of data from such tests. Andrew Rukhin was a recipient of this
prize in 1998.

ITL Visualization Group Wins OASCR
ITL’s Scientific Applications and Visualization Group, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division, won a Department of Energy Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (OASCR) Award for their visualization demonstrated at the 2008 SciDAC Conference, held in Seattle, Washington, from July 13-17, 2008.
The winning visualization presented the results of a high-performance computer simulation of the flow of a particular complex suspension: concrete. The visualization showed a flow of a realistic collection of rocks of various sizes whose shapes were obtained by scanning actual rocks. The direct visualization of rocks is augmented with embedded data to provide additional information on rock-rock interactions and per-rock stress.
Supported by the Department of Energy Office of Science, the SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing) program brings together computational scientists, applied mathematicians, and computer scientists from across application domains and from universities and national laboratories across the United States.

ITL’s Computer Security Division Receives Government-wide Initiatives Excellence Award
The Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association (AFCEA), Bethesda Chapter, selected ITL’s Computer Security Division to receive the 2008 Excellence in Government-wide Security Initiatives Award. The award was presented for significant contributions to activities that provide efficiencies, effectiveness, or otherwise support government-wide initiatives in an outstanding manner to achieve results for our government. The award will be presented at the AFCEA Bethesda Chapter Awards Luncheon at the Willard InterContinental Hotel, Washington, D.C., on July 29, 2008



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