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Fact Sheet

November 2007

First Five-Year Review to Begin, Ogallala Ground Water Superfund Site, Ogallala, Keith County, Nebraska


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts regular five-year reviews on Superfund sites where cleanups have been completed to ensure the remedial actions that were implemented continue to protect human health and the environment.  These reviews are required by the Superfund law [42 U.S.C. Section 9621].  EPA Region 7 and the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) have started the first five-year review of the Ogallala Groundwater Contamination Site in Ogallala, Nebraska. 

The site consists of two distinct areas or operable units (OU) located in the western part of Ogallala along the South Platte River.

Contamination at the site was discovered in 1989 when the Nebraska Department of Health detected chlorinated industrial solvents in Ogallala's water supply wells during routine sampling. 

In 1993, the city developed a new public water supply well field, north of the contaminated area.  Prior to the relocation of the city’s wells, the site posed an immediate threat to public health through ingestion of contaminated ground water.  The EPA, NDEQ, and potentially responsible parties (PRPs) have since implemented actions to control and reduce contaminant concentrations in ground water. 

In 1999, EPA issued a Record of Decision for OU 1 to address ground water contamination. 
The actions included:

In 2000, a Consent Decree was lodged with the courts for the PRPs to perform remedial actions selected in the 1999 ROD, to address ground water contamination at OU 1. 

In 2001, EPA initiated actions for OU 2 to address contaminated soils and ground water which included:

In 2002, EPA conducted a cleanup action for OU 2 to remove chlorinated solvents from the ground water.
Work included:

In 2006, EPA issued a Record of Decision for OU 2 to address the ground water contamination. 
It included:

Currently, the PRPs are continuing to conduct the remedial action for OU 1.  They are conducting a pilot study to consider the use of chemical oxidation injections in OU 1.

The EPA continues to conduct quarterly chemical oxidation injections and monitoring at OU 2.  Efforts at OU 2 have reduced contaminant concentrations in the down gradient portion of the plume.

The Five Year Review

During the review, EPA studies information on these ongoing actions and inspects the site to make sure it remains protective of human health and the environment.  We encourage the community to tell us about site conditions or any concerns you may have. 

A final report will be prepared at the end of the review and will be available at the site information repositories.

Additional Information

Detailed site information is available at the following locations during normal business hours:
Goodall Public Library
203 W. A  St.
Ogallala, NB.

EPA Records Center
901 N. Fifth St.
Kansas City, KS.

Questions or requests for information can be submitted to:

Fritz Hirter
Community Involvement Coordinator
EPA Region 7
901 N. Fifth St.
Kansas City, KS 66101
Toll free:  (800) 223-0425
e-mail: hirter.fritz@epa.gov

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