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Fact Sheet

December 2006

Time-Critical Removal - Chemco Industries, Inc. Superfund Site, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 will be in Topeka, Kansas during the week of December 11, 2006.  EPA will oversee a Time-Critical Removal action at the former Chemco Industries, Inc. Superfund Site.  The Site is located at 6700 Southwest Topeka Boulevard, Building #638.  The site is being addressed under the EPA Superfund Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).

EPA will oversee the removal of hazardous substances and used/unused laboratory-grade chemicals from the Site.  Currently, the contaminants are contained, and there are no releases into the environment.  The proposed removal will include consolidation, removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 650 containers of hazardous substances and used/unused laboratory-grade chemicals.  The removal action will prevent the threat posed by the hazardous substances found in these containers to persons working in and around the Site.


In June, 1995, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) requested EPA to conduct a removal site evaluation at the Site located at Building #638, Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas.  The site was an individually-owned and operated small business.  The owner engaged in the purchase and resale of used laboratory-grade chemical reagents.

An inventory documentation of all laboratory-grade chemical reagents and chemical waste indicated that approximately 2,454 containers ranging from one ounce to 55 gallons existed.  The containers were filled with hazardous substances or a flammable, corrosive, toxic, irritating or oxidizing chemical.  Some of the chemicals close to one another were either rusting, leaking, bulging or had collapsed, resulting in the release of their contents within the Site.


EPA conducted a Time-Critical Removal Action at the Site from June 24, 1996 to July 8, 1996.  During this removal, 2,454 containers of laboratory-grade chemical reagents ranging from one ounce to 55 gallons were consolidated and transported off-site for disposal.

Currently, all of Building #638, Forbes Field, is being leased.  During July and August 2006, KDHE conducted an inventory of the remaining Site chemicals.  The inventory revealed many hazardous and potentially incompatible substances being stored in proximity to each other. A total of 650 containers were counted.


The EPA is currently preparing to undertake a Time-Critical Removal to stabilize conditions at the Site.  The Superfund Law authorizes a removal response whenever any hazardous substance is released or there is a substantial threat of such a release into the environment.

EPA will take precautions to ensure that no harm is done to human health or the environment.  The Time-Critical Removal will prevent the chance of a release into the environment, and it will quickly reduce the threat to human health and the environment posed by the current routes of exposure of the chemicals.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:

Belinda Young
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of External Programs
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66101
Phone: 913-551-7463
Toll free:  800-223-0425

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