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Fact Sheet

September 2006

Remedial Action Implementation - Ogallala Ground Water Superfund Site OU2, Ogallala, Nebraska


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be initiating the implementation of the remedial action at the Ogallala Ground Water Superfund Site known as Operable Unit (OU) 2.  The activities will involve the placement of a chemical oxidant that would further degrade and reduce the levels of contamination in the ground water.  The first injection event is tentatively scheduled for the week of September 11, 2006, to be followed by subsequent injections every 3 months. 

Perchloroethylene/tetrachloroethylene (PCE) is the contaminant of concern at the OU2 portion of the site.  PCE is a chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent.  PCE is commonly used in dry-cleaning fluid, spot removers, and degreasers. 


The Nebraska Department of Health discovered contamination in Ogallala's water supply wells during routine sampling in 1989.  Since that time, the City has installed a new well field.  The Ogallala Ground Water site was placed on the National Priorities List in December 1994, making it eligible for cleanup under EPA's Superfund program.  Several actions have already been taken to address contamination at other parts of the site.

On February 3, 2006, EPA issued a Record of Decision for OU2 of the site.  In the ROD, EPA presented the selected remedy to address the contamination in the ground water.  The remediation goal of this remedy is to reduce contamination in the ground water to below drinking water standards.

EPA and its contractors will be performing the prescribed work at various locations extending from West A Street to East F Street. 


Site-related documents which provide details of the nature and extent of contamination and the work that has been completed at the Ogallala Ground Water Contamination site are part of the Administrative Record File, available during normal business hours at the following locations: 

Goodall City Library
203 W. A Street
Ogallala, Nebraska

EPA Region 7
Records Center
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, Kansas

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:

Beckie Himes
Community Involvement Coordinator
EPA, Region 7,
Office of External Programs
901 North 5th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66101
Toll-free 1-800-223-0425
E-mail:  himes.beckie@epa.gov

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