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Fact Sheet

August 2005

EPA Announces Proposed Plan and Public Meeting, Annapolis Lead Mine Site
Operable Unit 1, Annapolis, Missouri


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) are releasing a Proposed Plan to address mine and mill waste at the Annapolis Lead Mine Site, Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) Annapolis, Missouri.

EPA and MDNR are asking for your comments on the Proposed Plan. Although EPA is recommending an action to address the contamination, a final decision will not be made until EPA reviews comments from the public. A 30-day public comment period will run from August 25, 2005 until September 23, 2005.

After all comments are evaluated, EPA and MDNR will make a decision, which will be published in a Record of Decision (ROD). The ROD will also include a summary of EPA’s responses to the comments received during the public comment period.



EPA will hold a public meeting to give the community
an opportunity to make public comments on the
Proposed Plan for OU1. The meeting will be held

Tuesday, September 6, 2005
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
South Iron County Community Center
Intersection of Second and Center Streets
Annapolis, Missouri

Written comments must be postmarked and/or received
by e-mail no later than September 23, 2005 and
should be sent to:

Belinda Young
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of External Programs
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66101
Toll free: 800-223-0425


The Annapolis Lead Mine site is located east of Annapolis, Missouri, on the east side of Iron County Road 138. The site is located approximately 3/8 miles north of Missouri State Highway 49. For purposes of the response action, the site has been divided into two operable units. OU-1 is the mine site area and the downstream areas to Big Creek (approximately ¾ miles downstream). The total area of the OU-1 site is approximately 200 acres. The dominant feature of the site was a chat/tailings residue pile that covered approximately 10 acres in the northern portion of the site. Mining activities began in the 1920s and continued sporadically until 1940. Various equipment on site was used to crush and mill the ore to concentrate the lead. Other site features included numerous former mining operation buildings, located primarily in the northern portion of OU-1. Most of the buildings have deteriorated to where only foundations remain.

In May 2004, EPA conducted a time-critical removal action to identify, consolidate, and stabilize the lead contaminated waste mine tailings on-site. Excavated areas were backfilled with clean material. The tailings pile was graded, compacted, and covered with uncontaminated clay and topsoil, allowing for the establishment of vegetative cover. MDNR has maintained the protective cover since the removal action. EPA determined that a Remedial Investigation (RI) and Feasibility Study (FS) were necessary to evaluate site conditions and remedial alternatives at OU-1. The RI describes the nature and extent of contamination in the Sutton Branch floodplain to the confluence with Big Creek. The FS evaluates possible remedial alternatives.

The Site was placed on the National Priorities List on July 22, 2004. It was listed due to elevated levels of heavy metals, particularly lead, which were present throughout the site. In addition, surface water bodies located downstream from the site contained elevated concentrations of site-related hazardous substances that could pose a threat to recreational fisheries and wetlands in the area. A Feasibility Report was completed in August 2005.


The FS combined information about the nature and extent of the contamination in and around the Site described in the RI. The FS also developed alternatives for remedial action for the entire OU-1. Various cleanup alternatives were evaluated to select the best approach to address site risks. Four cleanup alternatives were developed to address site-specific Remedial Action Objectives (RAOs). More detailed information regarding the various alternatives is available in the FS within the Administrative Record file.

Alternative 1 – “No Further Action”

Alternative 2 - Phosphate Amendment of Flood Plain Spills with In-Stream Stabilization Techniques and Limited Sediment Removal
Alternative 2 is designed to reduce lead bioavailability in the terrestrial ecosystem and limit the movement of contamination further into the flood plain. Alternative 2 is also designed to reduce metal and sediment loadings in Sutton Branch Creek, reduce lead bioavailability in open flood plain soils, and increase the density of vegetation in the open flood plain soils. This alternative provides protection while limiting damage to the existing habitat.

Alternative 3 – Excavation of sediments in Sutton Branch Creek
This alternative includes the action described in Alternative 1, and also addresses the surface water and sediment RAOs. Alternative 3 involves the excavation of sediments in Sutton Branch Creek from the Probable Point of Entry (PPE) to the confluence with Big Creek. Excavated sediments would be piled onto high ground outside of the flood plain. Piles would be capped, contoured, and vegetated to prevent erosion.

Alternative 4 – Excavation of Sediments in Sutton Branch Creek and Soil Cap
Alternative 4 includes the actions described in Alternatives 1 and 3 and addresses the RAOs. Alternative 4 is designed to protect the environment by reducing metal and sediment loadings in Sutton Branch Creek and reduce contamination in the surrounding flood plain soils.


The preferred cleanup approach for OU-1 is Alternative 2 (Phosphate Amendment of Floodplain Soils with In-Stream Stabilization Techniques and Limited Sediment Removal). This alternative addresses all waste and allows flexibility with regard to excavating sediments. Specific elements of preferred Alternative 2 include the following:

The Proposed plan and other supporting documents provide details of the nature and extent of site contamination and the work that has been completed at the site. These documents are part of the Administrative Record, available during normal business hours at the following locations:

City Hall
204 School Street
Annapolis, Missouri

EPA Region 7
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, Kansas

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:

Belinda Young
Office of External Programs
U.S. EPA Region 7
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Toll Free: 1-800-223-0425



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