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Yakov A. Pachepsky

Soil Scientist

Impact of Sedimentation on Wetland Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Watershed - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (23-Sep-08)
Storm Water Pollution Removal Performance of Compost Filter Socks - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (12-Sep-08)
Multifractal statistics of discretized X-ray CT visualizations for the characterization of 3-D macropore structures - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (20-Aug-08)
The advective-dispersive equation with spatial fractional derivatives as a model for tracer transport in structured soil - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (13-Aug-08)
Multimodel Simulation of Water Flow in a Field Soil using Pedotransfer Functions - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (09-Aug-08)
Size Distributions of Manure Particles Released Concurrently with E. coli Under Simulated Rainfall - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (04-Aug-08)
Strain-dependent variations in attachment of E. coli to soil particles of different sizes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Karns, J.S., Yu, O., Shelton, D.R., Guber, A.K., Van Kessel, J.S. 2008. Strain-dependent variations in attachment of E. coli to soil particles of different sizes. International Agrophysics. 22:61-66.
Structure and Function in Soil Hydrology - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Lilly, A., Nemes, A., Gish, T.J., Gimenez, D. 2008. Structure and Function in Soil Hydrology. Joint meeting between The Geological Society of America (GSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies with the Gulf Coast Section of SEPM (GCAGS), Houston, Texas, October 5-9, 2008.
Temporal stability of estimated soil water flux patterns across agricultural fields - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guber, A.K., Gish, T.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Daughtry, C.S., Nicholson, T., Cady, R. 2008. Temporal stability of estimated soil water flux patterns across agricultural fields. International Agrophysics. 22:209-214.
Hydropedologic Analysis of Ground-Water Recharge at the Field Scale - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Gish, T.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E., Schwartzman, A. 2008. Hydropedologic Analysis of Ground-Water Recharge at the Field Scale [abstract]. International Hydropedology Conference, Penn State, University Park, PA, July 28-31, 2008.
Using X-Ray Computed Tomography Visualizations of Large Soil Columns to Study Hydropedologic Relationships at the Horizon Scale - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Tuller, M., Martin, M., San Jose Martinez, F., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2008. Using X-Ray Computed Tomography Visualizations of Large Soil Columns to Study Hydropedologic Relationships at the Horizon Scale [abstract]. International Hydropedology Conference, Penn State, University Park, PA, July 28-31, 2008.
Soil Structure and Soil Hydrologic Functioning: A Hydropedological Framework - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Gimenez, D., Lilly, A., Nemes, A. 2008. Soil Structure and Soil Hydrologic Functioning: A Hydropedological Framework. International Hydropedology Conference, Penn State, University Park, PA, July 28-31, 2008.
Loss of Bioactive Phosphorus and Enteric Bacteria in Runoff from Dairy Manure Applied to Sod - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dao, T.H., Guber, A.K., Sadeghi, A.M., Karns, J.S., Van Kessel, J.S., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Mccarty, G.W. 2008. Loss of Bioactive Phosphorus and Enteric Bacteria in Runoff from Dairy Manure Applied to Sod. Soil Science. 173:511-521.
Using support vector machines to develop pedotransfer functions for water retention of soils in Poland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lamorski, K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Slawinski, C., Walczak, R. 2008. Using support vector machines to develop pedotransfer functions for water retention of soils in Poland. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 72:1243-1247.
Using support vector machines to develop pedotransfer functions for water retention - (Abstract)
Lamorski, K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Slawinski, C. 2008. Using support vector machines to develop pedotransfer functions for water retention [abstract]. 17th Slovak-Czech-Polish SCientific Seminar "PHYSICS OF SOIL WATER", May 27-29, 2008, Vinianske Jazero Lake, Slovak Republic.
Promises of Hydropedology - (Review Article)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Gimenez, D., Lilly, A., Nemes, A. 2008. Promises of Hydropedology. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. 3(40):19.
Evaluation of Microbial Water Quality Indicators in a Forested/Agricultural Watershed - (Abstract)
Shelton, D.R., Karns, J.S., Sadeghi, A.M., Coppock, C.R., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2008. Evaluation of Microbial Water Quality Indicators in a Forested/Agricultural Watershed. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International (ASABE). Online: request.asp?JID=1&AID=24306&CID=iwqe2008&v=&i=&T=1&refer=7&access=
Structure and function in soil hydrology - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Lilly, A., Gish, T.J. 2008. Structure and function in soil hydrology. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, April 13-18, 2008.
Overland transport of manure-borne pathogen indicator organisms: observations and modeling - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M. 2008. Overland transport of manure-borne pathogen indicator organisms: observations and modeling. European Geoscienes union General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, April 13-18, 2008.
Soil structural changes caused by agricultural machinery - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2007. Soil structural changes caused by agricultural machinery. In: Proceedings of the IX Internationl Symposium and IV National Congress of Sustainable Agriculture, November 19-21, 2007, Port Veracruz, Mexico. p.43-55.
Exploitation of Spatial Information in High Resolution Digital Imagery for Leaf Area Index Mapping - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Walthall, C.L., Pachepsky, Y., Dulaney, W.P., Timlin, D.J., Daughtry, C.S.T. 2007. Exploitation of spatial information in high resolution digital imagery to map leaf area index. Precision Agriculture. 8(6):311-326.
Probabilistic Evaluation of the Vegetated Filter Strip Efficiency With Respect to Pathogen Removal From Runoff - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Sadeghi, A.M., Shelton, D.R. 2007. Probabilistic Evaluation of the Vegetated Filter Strip Efficiency With Respect to Pathogen Removal From Runoff. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, December 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, CA.
Uncertainty in Climatology-Based Estimates of Shallow Ground Water Recharge - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Gish, T.J., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2007. Uncertainty in Climatology-Based Estimates of Shallow Ground Water Recharge. Fall Meeting of the American Geophyscial Union, December 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, CA. Abstract H23B-1304.
Site Specific Evaluation of Multisensor Capacitance Probes - (Abstract)
Rowland, R.A., Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Gish, T.J., Daughtry, C.S. 2007. Site Specific Evaluation of Multisensor Capacitance Probes. Fall Meeting of the American Geophyscial Union, December 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, CA. H51C-0646.
Pore space statistics from the X-ray CT of large undisturbed soil columns - (Abstract)
Martin, M.A., Tuller, M., Guber, A.K., Guttierez-Garcia, C., San Jose Martinez, F., Pachepsky, Y.A., Caniego, J. 2007. Pore space statistics from the X-ray CT of large undisturbed soil columns [abstract]. Fall Meeting of the American Geophyscial Union, December 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, CA. H53G-1707.
Modeling Solute Transport in Soil Columns Using Advective-Dispersive Equation with Fractional Spatial Derivatives - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (23-Sep-07)
Multiscale analysis of soil transect data - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tarquis, A., Bird, N.R., Whitmore, A.P., Cartagena, M.C., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2008. Multiscale analysis of soil transect data. Vadose Zone Journal. 7:563-569.
Multimodel and ensemble simulations of water flow in variably saturated soils - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Van Genuchten, M.T., Simunek, J., Jacques, D., Nemes, A., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2007. Multimodel and ensemble simulations of water flow in variably saturated soils. Unsaturated Zone Interest Group (UZIG) Workshop, August 27-30, 2007, Los Alamos, New Mexico. p.3.
Observing and Simulating Macropore Flow with Computed Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Methods - (Abstract)
Schaap, M., Tuller, M., Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2007. Observing and Simulating Macropore Flow with Computed Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Methods [abstract]. International Hydropedology Conference, Penn State, University Park, PA, July 28-31, 2008. Abstract 184-7. 2007 CDROM.
Temporal stability of soil water content and soil water flux patterns across agricultural fields - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guber, A.K., Gish, T.J., Pachespsky, Y.A., van Genuchten, M., Daughtry, C.S., Nicholson, T.J., Cade, C.S. 2008. Temporal stability of soil water content and soil water flux patterns across agricultural fields. Catena. 73:125-133.
The multiplicity of flow and transport models in unsaturated zone ¿ curse or blessing - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Van Genuchten, M.T., Simunek, J., Jacques, D., Nemes, A., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2007. The multiplicity of flow and transport models in unsaturated zone ¿ curse or blessing. Vadose Zone Hydrol. Vol. VIII, ZNS'07:pp 9-17.
Using the NRCS National Soils Information System (NASIS) to provide soil hydraulic properties for engineering applications - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rawls, W.J., Nemes, A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Saxton, K.E. 2007. Using the NRCS National Soils Information System (NASIS) to provide soil hydraulic properties for engineering applications. Transactions of the ASABE. 50(5):1715-1718.
Software to estimate ¿33 and ¿1500 kPa soil water retention using the non-parametric k-Nearest Neighbor technique - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemes, A., Roberts, R.T., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T. 2007. Software to estimate ¿33 and ¿1500 kPa soil water retention using the non-parametric k-Nearest Neighbor technique. Journal of Environmental Modeling and Software. 23:254-255.
Interaction of fecal coliforms with soil aggregates - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Yu, O. 2007. Interaction of fecal coliforms with soil aggregates. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 292-22. 2007 CDROM
Strain-dependent variations in attachment of E. coli to soil particles of different sizes - (Abstract)
Yu, O., Pachepsky, Y.A., Karns, J.S., Shelton, D.R., Guber, A.K. 2007. Strain-dependent variations in attachment of E. coli to soil particles of different sizes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 292-24. 2007 CDROM.
Using support vector machines to develop pedotransfer functions for water retention of soils in Poland - (Abstract)
Lamorski, K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Slawinski, C., Walczak, R. 2007. Using support vector machines to develop pedotransfer functions for water retention of soils in Poland. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 37-7. 2007 CDROM.
Modeling E. Coli Retention in Vegetated Filter Strips - (Abstract)
Sadeghi, A.M., Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Nemes, A., Shelton, D.R. 2007. Modeling E. Coli Retention in Vegetated Filter Strips [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 245-10. 2007 CDROM.
Using available soil data to populate models to address public concerns - (Abstract)
Nemes, A., Timlin, D.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2007. Using available soil data to populate models to address public concerns [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 37-7. 2007 CDROM.
Uncertainty in Climatology-Based Estimates of Soil Water Infiltration Losses - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Gish, T.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Chinkuyu, A., Schwartzman, A., Daughtry, C.S., Mckee, L.G., Timlin, D.J., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2007. Uncertainty in Climatology-Based Estimates of Soil Water Infiltration Losses [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 184-10. 2007 CDROM.
Comparison of Plot Scale Average Gravimetric Soil Water Contents with Data from Calibrated Multisensor Capacitance Probes - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Rowland, R.A., Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Gish, T.J. 2007. Comparison of plot scale average gravimetric soil water contents with data from calibrated multisensor capacitance probes. Proceedings of The Second International Symposium On Soil Water Measurement Using Capacitance, Impedance and Time Domain Transmission. Beltsville, Maryland, USDA, October 28 - November 02, 2007. Paper 1.6:1-9.
Scale-dependent complexity in soil and hydrologic systems and models - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2007. Scale-dependent complexity in soil and hydrologic systems and models. Proceedings of the Workshop on Scale Dependences In Soil and Hydrological Systems, July 3-6, 2007, El Barco de Avila, Spain. p.8.
Uncertainty assessment for the vegetated filter strip performance with respect to manure-borne pathogens - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Sadeghi, A.M., Shelton, D.R. 2007. Uncertainty assessment for the vegetated filter strip performance with respect to manure-borne pathogens. Joint Assembly of the European and American Geophysical Unions. Paper No. B41C-02.
Evaluating uncertainty in E. coli retention in vegetated buffer strips - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M. 2007. Evaluating uncertainty in E. coli retention in vegetated buffer strips. BARC Poster Day, April 25, 2007.
Software to use the non-parametric k-nearest neighbor approach to estimate soil water retention - (Abstract)
Nemes, A., Roberts, R.T., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T. 2007. Software to use the non-parametric k-nearest neighbor approach to estimate soil water retention [abstract]. BARC Poster Day. Abs. 28.
Multimodel prediction of water flow in a field soil using pedotransfer functions - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Jacques, D., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nemes, A., Simunek, J., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2007. Multimodel prediction of water flow in a field soil using pedotransfer functions. American Geophysical Union, May 22-25, 2007, Acapulco, Mexico.
Effect of Manure on Fecal Coliform Attachment to Soil and Soil Particles of Different Sizes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Yu, O.T. 2007. Effect of Manure on Fecal Coliform Attachment to Soil and Soil Particles of Different Sizes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73(10):3363-3370.
Multimodel prediction of water flow in a field soil using pedotransfer functions - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Diederik, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nemes, A., Simunek, J., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2007. Multimodel prediction of water flow in a field soil using pedotransfer functions. American Geophysical Union, May 22-25, 2007, Acapulco, Mexico. 1400h:H33B-04.
Evaluating uncertainty in E. coli retention in vegetated buffer strips in locations selected with SWAT simulations - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M. 2007. Evaluating uncertainty in E. coli retention in vegetated buffer strips in locations selected with SWAT simulations. Proceedings of the Symposium on Watershed Management, March 10-14, 2007, San Antonio, Texas. pp.286-293. ASABE Publication 701P0207.
Survival of Escherichia Coli in Cow Pats in Pasture and in Laboratory Conditions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Van Kessel, J.S., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Karns, J.S. 2007. Survival of Escherichia coli in cow pats in pasture and in laboratory conditions. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 103(4):1122-1127.
Simulation of Nitrogen Uptake in 2DSOIL as Passive and Active Processes - (Abstract) - (12-Nov-06)
Comparison of Release and Transport of Manure-Borne E. Coli and Enterococci under Grass Buffer Conditions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guber, A.K., Karns, J.S., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Van Kessel, J.S., Dao, T.H. 2007. Comparison of release and transport of manure-borne E. coli and Enterococci under grass buffer conditions. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 44(2):161-167.
Using Ensemble Predictions to Simulate Field-Scale Soil Water Time Series with Upscaled and Downscaled Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Jacques, D., Van Genuchten, M.T., Simunek, J., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2006. Using ensemble predictions to simulate field-scale soil water time series with upscaled and downscaled soil hydraulic properties. American Geophysical Union, December 11-15, 2006, San Francisco, CA. 1340h:H33A-1482.
Fractional Solute Transport Equation Evaluated with the Miscible Displacement Experimental Data - (Abstract)
San Jose Martinez, F., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2006. Fractional solute transport equation evaluated with the miscible displacement experimental data. American Geophysical Union, December 11-15, 2006, San Francisco, CA. 0800h:H21C-1387.
Attachment of Escherichia Coli to Soil Aggregates As Affected by Aggregate Water Content and Presence of Manure Colloids - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Yu, O.T. 2006. Attachment of escherichia coli to soil aggregates as affected by aggregate water content and presence of manure colloids. American Geophysical Union, December 11-15, 2006, San Francisco, CA. 0800h:H11E-1292.
Model of Aquaspirillum and Arthrobacter transport in soils - (Book/Chapter)
Devin, B.A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shein, E.V., Polyanskaia, L.M., Shelton, D.R., Guber, A.K. 2006. Model of Aquaspirillum and Arthrobacter transport in soils. Transactions of the Institute of Ecological Soil Science. 20(3):207-218.
Rainfall-Induced Release of Manure Constituents: Comparison of Models - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sikora, L.J. 2006. Rainfall-induced release of manure constituents: comparison of models. Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology. AEM.01121-06v1.
Field Data and Preliminary Modeling to Demonstrate Model Abstraction Techniques Using the Ope3 Field Site - (Government Publication) - (24-Aug-06)
Evaluating Uncertainty in E. Coli Retention in Vegetated Buffer Strips in Locations Selected with Swat Simulations - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, G.J. 2007. Evaluating uncertainty in E. coli retention in vegetated buffer strips in locations selected with swat simulations. Watershed Management Conference Proceedings, March 11-13, 2007, San Antonio, Texas. #9, page 6.
Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation as a Model of Solute Transport in Porous Media - (Book/Chapter)
Pachepsky, Y.A., San Jose Martinez, F., Rawls, W.J. 2007. Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation as a Model of Solute Transport in Porous Media. In: Sabatier, J., Agrawal, O., Machado, J., editors. Advances in Fractional Calculus: Theoretical Developments and Applications in Physics and Engineering. Dordrecht, The Netherlands:Springer Verlag. pp. 218-231.
Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation As a Model of Solute Transport in Porous Media - (Book/Chapter)
San Jose Martinez, F., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2007. Fractional advective-dispersive equation as a model of solute transport in porous media. In: Sabatier, J., Agrawal, O.P., Teneiro, Machado, I.A. - editors. Advances in Fractional Calculus. Berlin, Germany. Springer Verlag. p. 199-219.
Transport and Fate of Manure-Borne Pathogens: Modeling Perspective - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Bradford, S.A., Shelton, D.R., Guber, A.K., Dao, T.H. 2006. Transport and fate of manure-borne pathogens: modeling perspective. Agricultural Water Management. Online-(doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2006.06.0l0.)
Comparison and Evaluation of Field Methods (Direct and Indirect) to Estimate Soil Water Fluxes. - (Abstract)
Timlin, D.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Starr, J.L. 2006. Comparison and evaluation of field methods (direct and indirect) to estimate soil water fluxes [abstract]. International Congress of Soil Science. CD-ROM.
Two-Dimensional Soil Water and Temperature Dynamics under Row Crops: Modeling Approaches. - (Abstract)
Timlin, D.J., Shillito, R.M., Pachepsky, Y.A., Kim, S., Fleisher, D.H., Quebedeaux, B. 2006. Two-dimensional soil water and temperature dynamics under row crops: modeling approaches [abstract]. International Congress of Soil Science. CD-ROM.
Sensitivity Analysis of the Non-Parametric Nearest Neighbor Approach to Estimate Water Retention - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemes, A., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Ya. A., van Genuchten, M. Th. 2006. Sensitivity analysis of the nonparametric nearest neighbor technique to estimate soil water retention. Vadose Zone Journal. 5:1222-1235.
Preferential E. Coli Transport in Saturated Soil Columns - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Van Genuchten, M.T. 2006. Preferential E. coli transport in saturated soil columns. Preferential Flow and Transport Processes in Soil Conference, November 4-9,2006, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland.
Effect of Manure on Escherichia Coli Attachment to Soil Fractions - (Abstract)
Guber, A.A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Yu, O.T. 2006. Effect of manure on Escherichia coli attachment to soil fractions. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, November 12-16,2006, Indianapolis, Indiana. CD-ROM.
Evaluating the Fractional Convective-Dispersive Equation As a Solute Transport Model with Data from Miscible Displacement Experiments - (Abstract)
San Jose Martinez, F., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2006. Evaluating the fractional convective-dispersive equation as a solute transport model with data from miscible displacement experiments [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. 2006 CDROM.
Comparing the Fractional and the Classical Solute Transport Equations with Data on Solute Breakthrough in Soil Columns - (Proceedings/Symposium)
San Jose Martinez, F., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2006. Comparing the fractional and the classical solute transport equations with data on solute breakthrough in soil columns. The Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, September 12-15,2006, Las Palmas, Spain. 2006 CDROM.
A Two-Stage Monitoring Procedure for Quantifying Flow in Variably-Saturated Heterogeneous Soils - (Abstract)
Guber, A.A., Gish, T.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2006. A two-stage monitoring procedure for quantifying flow in variably-saturated heterogeneous soils. American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, May 23-26, 2006, Baltimore, MD. CD-ROM, Paper No. H43D-04.
Differences in Release and Transport of Manure-Borne E. Coli and Enterococci in Grass Buffer Conditions - (Abstract)
Guber, A.A., Karns, J.S., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Van Kessel, J.S., Dao, T.H. 2006. Differences in release and transport of manure-borne E. coli and Enterococci in grass buffer conditions. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, Indiana. CD-ROM.
Runoff Transport of Manure-Borne Fecal Coliforms and Chloride: Field Plot Experiment and Modeling - (Abstract)
Guber, A.A., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y.A., Nemes, A., Sefton, K.A. 2006. Runoff transport of manure-borne fecal coliforms and chloride: Field plot experiment and modeling. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, Indiana. CD-ROM.
Modeling Manure-Borne Bromide and Fecal Coliform Transport with Runoff and Infiltration at a Hillslope - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kouznetsov, M.Y., Roodsari, R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Shirmohammadi, A., Starr, J.L. 2006. Modeling manure-borne bromide and fecal coliform transport with runoff and infiltration on a hillsope. Journal of Environmental Management. 84(2007):336-346.
Regulation of active and passive nitrogen uptake in response to C02 and nitrogen application rate. - (Abstract)
Timlin, D.J., Fleisher, D.H., Yang, Y., Kouznetsov, M., Reddy, V., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2006. Regulation of active and passive nitrogen uptake in response to C02 and nitrogen application rate. 37th Annual Biological Systems Simulation Conference. p. 35.
The Limited Entrapment Model to Simulate the Breakthrough of Arthrobacter and Aquaspirillum in Soil Columns - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Devin, B.A., Polyanskaya, L.M., Shelton, D.R., Shein, E.V., Guber, A.K. 2006. The limited entrapment model to simulate the breakthrough of arthrobacter and aquaspirillum in soil columns. International Agrophysics. 20(3):207-218.
Modeling Pathogen Fate and Transport in Watersheds to Support Tmdls - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Benham, B.L., Baffaut, C., Zeckoski, R.W., Pachepsky, Y.A., Mankin, K.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Brannan, K.M., Soupir, M.L., Habersac, M.J. 2006. Modeling Pathogen Fate and Transport in Watersheds to Support TMDLs. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 49(4):987-1002.
Testing the Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation for Solute Transport in Soil with Data from Miscible Displacement Experiments - (Abstract)
San Jose Martinez, F., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J., Canjego, F. 2006. Testing the fractional advective-dispersive equation for solute transport in soil with data from miscible displacement experiments [abstract]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Paper No. EGU-06-A-09992.
Information Content and Complexity of Simulated Soil Water Fluxes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Jacques, D., Simunek, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2006. Information content and complexity of simulated soil water fluxes. Geoderma. (134):253-266.
Information Content and Complexity of Simulated Soil Water Fluxes - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Jacques, D., Simunek, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2006. Information content and complexity of simulated soil water fluxes. 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, PA., July 9-15, 2006 ,CD-ROM, Paper No. 48-12.
Attachment of Manure-Borne Escherichia Coli to Soil - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R. 2006. Attachment of manure-borne Escherichia coli to soil. 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, PA. July 9-15, 2006. CD-ROM, Paper No. 139-28.
Using Ensembles of Pedotransfer Functions for Soil Water Retention in Field-Scale Water Flow Simulations - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Jacques, D., Van Genuchten, M.T., Rawls, W.J., Nemes, A., Simunek, J., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2006. Using ensembles of pedotransfer functions for soil water retention in field-scale water flow simulations [abstract]. 18th World Congress of Soil Science. Paper No. 119-4.
Use of the Non-Parametric Nearest Neighbor Approach to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Abstract)
Nemes, A., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., van Grenuchte, M.T. 2006. Use of the non-parametric nearest-neighbor appraoch to estimate soil hydraulic properties [abstract]. 18th ISSS World Congress of Soil Science Conference. Paper No. 119-3.
Influence of Organic Matter on the Estimation of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity - (Abstract)
Nemes, A., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2006. Influence of organic matter on the estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivity [abstract]. 18th ISSS World Congress of Soil Science Conference. Paper No. 82-3.
A Probabilistic Approach to the Identification of Soil Textural and Structural Input Variables for the Estimation of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity - (Abstract)
Lilly, A., Nemes, A., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2006. A probabilistic approach to the identification of soil textural and structural input variables for the estimation of saturated hydaulic conductivity [abstract]. 18th ISSS World Congress of Soil Science Conference. Paper No. 137-30.
Hydropedology: Synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lin, H., Bouma, J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Western, A., Thompson, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Vogel Hans-Jorg, Lilly, A. 2006. Hydropedology: Synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology. Water Resources Research. [WO5301.doc:10.1029/2005WR004085.2006] (42):1-13.
Hydropedology: Synergistic Integration of Pedology and Hydrology - (Review Article)
Lin, H., Bouma, J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Western, A., Thompson, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Vogel, H., Lilly, A. 2006. Hydropedology: synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology. Water Resources Research. 42(5):W05301.
Fractal Behaviour in Particle-Size Distributions As Influenced by Soil Properties and Determination Method - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stanchi, S., Bonifacio, E., Zanini, E., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2006. Fractal behaviour in particle-size distributions as influenced by soil properties and determination method. Soil Science. 171:383-292.
Fractal Geometry Applied to Soil and Related Hierarchical Systems - (Popular Publication)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Perfect, E., Martin, M.A. 2006. Fractal Geometry applied to soil and related Hierarchical Systems. Geoderma. doi:10.1016/j.geodema.20067.03.002.
Parameterization of Pore Structure with Respect to the Contaminant Transport - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2006. Parameterization of pore structure with respect to the contaminant transport. Meeting Abstract. International Workshop ¿Methodical and theoretical approaches to study hydro- and thermo-physical characteristics of porous media". February 14-14, 2006, Lublin, Poland. p. 16.
Model Abstraction in Hydrologic Modeling - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E., Simunek, J., Jacques, D., Gish, T.J., Daughtry, C.S. 2006. Model abstraction in hydrologic modeling. Proceedings of Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference. Paper No. 8D. 2006 CDROM.
Use of the Non-Parametric Nearest Neighbor Approach to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rawls, W.J., Nemes, A., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2006. Use of the non-parametric nearest neighbor approach to estimating soil hydraulic properties. Soil Science of America. 70:327-336.
Field-Scale Water Flow Simulations Using Ensembles of Pedotranfer Functions for Soil Water Retention - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Rawls, W.J., Simunek, J., Jacques, D., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2005. Field-Scale Water Flow Simulations Using Ensembles of Pedotransfer Functions for Soil Water Retention. Vadose Zone Journal. 5(5):234-247.
Adaptation of the Biological Simulation Model Maestra for Use in a Generic User Interface - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bauerle, W., Timlin, D.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Anantharamu, S. 2006. Adaptation of the biological simulation model MAESTRA for use in a generic user interface. Agronomy Journal. 98:220-228.
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fecal Coliform at and Near a Manured Field - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Gish, T.J., Daughtry, C.S., Guber, A.K., Coppock, C.R. 2005. Spatial and temporal variability of fecal coliform at and near a manured field [abstract]. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting. 2005 CDROM.
Manure Decreases Escherichia Coli Attachment to Soil - (Research Notes)
Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2005. Manure decreases Escherichia coli attachment to soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 34:2086-2090, DOI: 10.2134/jeq2005.0039.
Ensemble Prediction of Soil Hydraulic Properties Using a Non-Parametric Technique - (Abstract)
Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., van Genuchten, R. 2005. Ensemble prediction of soil hydraulic properties using a non-parametric technique [abstract]. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. 2005 CDROM.
Sensitivity Analysis of the Non-Parametric Nearest Neighbor Technique to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Abstract)
Rawls, Pachepsky, Y.A., van Genuchten, R. 2005. Sensitivity analysis of the non-parametric nearest neighbor technique to estimate soil hydraulic properties [abstract]. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. 2005 CDROM.
Using Temporal Persistence to Upscale Soil Water Contents and Reduce Uncertainty - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Gish, T.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2005. Using temporal persistence to upscale soil water contents and reduce uncertainty. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, CA, Paper No. H43C-06.
Transport of Manure Constituents in Runoff - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Sikora, L.J., Nemes, A., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2005. Transport of manure constituents in runoff [abstract]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. 2005 CDROM.
Model Abstraction Techniques for Soil Water Flow and Transport - (Government Publication)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E., Simunek, J., Schaap, M.G. 2006. Model abstraction techniques for soil water flow and transport. Government Publication/Report-NUREG. http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/contract/cr6884/.
Predicting the Microbial Contamination of Soils of River Valleys - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Devin, B.A., Shein, E.V., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R. 2005. Predicting the microbial contamination of soils of river valleys. International Conference on Ecology of River Basins. September 28-30, 2005, Vladimir, Russia. pp.63-65.
Transport of Giardia and Manure Suspensions in Saturated Porous Media - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bradford, S.A., Tadassa, Y.F., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2006. Transport of giardia and manure suspensions in saturated porous media. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35:749-757.
Model Abstraction in Hydrologic Modeling - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E., Simunek, J., Gish, T.J., Daughtry, C.S., Jackues, D. 2005. Model abstraction in hydrologic modeling [abstract]. Annual Public Meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Multimedia Environmental Models. p. 7.
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fecal Coliforms at and Near a Manured Field - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Gish, T.J., Daughtry, C.S., Guber, A.K., Coppock, C.R. 2005. Spatial and temporal variability of fecal coliform at and near a manured field [abstract]. 2005 International American Agronomy Society Meeting. 2005 CDROM.
Utility of Non-Parametric 'k-Nearest Neighbor' Algorithms to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Nemes, A., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2005. Utility of non-parametric `k-nearest neighbor¿ algorithms to estimate soil hydraulic properties. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference-Innovation and Utility in the Visegrad Fours, October 13-15, 2005, Nyiregyhaza, Hungary. p. 103-108.
Monitoring and Modeling Lateral Transport Through a Large in Situ Chamber - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Starr, J.L., Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y. 2005. Monitoring and modeing lateral transport through a large in situ chamber. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 69:1871-1880.
The Balanced Entropy Index to Characterize Soil Texture for Soil Water Retention Estimation - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Martin, M.A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rey, J.M., Taguas, J., Rawls, W.J. 2005. The balanced entropy index to characterize soil texture for soil water retention estimation. Soil Science. 170(9):759-766.
Solute Transport Simulated with the Fractional Advective-Dispersive Equation - (Proceedings/Symposium)
San Jose, F., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2005. Solute transport simulated with the fractional advective-dispersive equation. In: Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Second Symposium on Fractional Derivatives and their Applications, September 24-28, 2005, Long Beach, California. Paper No. DETC 2005-84340.
Fecal Coliform Transport As Affected by Surface Condition - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Roodsari, R., Shelton, D.R., Shirmohammadi, A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Starr, J.L. 2005. Fecal coliform transport as affected by surface condition. Transactions of the ASAE. 48(3):1055-1061.
Effect of Bovine Manure on Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocyst Attachment to Soil - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kuczynska, E., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2005. Effect of bovine manure on cryptosporidium parvum oocyst attachment to soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71(10):6394-6397.
Information Content and Complexity of Simulated Soil Water Fluxes - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Jacques, D., Simunek, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2005. Information content and complexity of simulated soil water fluxes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 6-10, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT.
Multimodel Ensemble Prediction of Soil Hydraulic Properties to Simulate Field-Scale Soil Water Flow - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Rawls, W.J., Simunek, J., Jacques, D., Nicholson, T.J., Cady, R.E. 2005. Multimodel ensemble prediction of soil hydraulic properties to simulate field-scale soil water flow [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Paper No. 1.
Rainfall-Induced Release of Manure Constituents: Comparison of Models - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M. 2005. Rainfall-induced release of manure constituents: comparison of models [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting.
Using Temporal Persistence to Improve Monitoring and Upscale Soil Moisture Contents - (Abstract)
Guber, A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Jacques, D., Cady, R.E., Nicholson, T.J. 2005. Using temporal persistence to improve monitoring and upscale soil moisture contents [abstract]. Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. 86(18):H43C-06.
Information Content and Complexity of Simulated Soil Water Flux Series - (Abstract)
Guber, A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Jacques, D., Van Genuchten, M.T., Simunek, J., Cady, R.E., Nicholson, T.J. 2005. Information content and complexity of simulated soil water flux series [abstract]. Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. 86(18):H130-06.
Model Abstraction in Flow and Transport Simulations - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Guber, A., Simunek, J., Schaap, M., Cady, R., Nicholson, T. 2005. Model abstraction in flow and transport simulations [abstract]. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste Public Session. p.4.
Transport and Retention of Manure-Borne E. Coli in Undisturbed Soil Columns - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Shelton, D.R., Guber, A.K., Shein, E.V., Polyanskaya, L.M., Devin, B.A., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2005. Transport and Retention of Manure-Borne E. coli in Undisturbed Soil Columns. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Proceedings, April 24-29, 2005, Vienna, Austria. p. 9.
Continuous Time Random Walks for Analysing the Transport of a Nonsorbing Tracer in a Single Fissure - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jimenez-Hornero, F.J., Giraldez, J.V., Laguna, A., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2005. Continuous time random walks for analysing the transport of a nonsorbing tracer in a single fissure. Water Resources Research. 69:1-5.
Transport and Retention of Manure-Borne Coliforms in Soil Columns - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2005. Transport and retention of manure-borne coliforms in soil columns. Vadose Zone Journal. Vol.4:828-837
Runoff Transport of Fecal Coliforms and Phosphorous Released from Manure in Grass Buffer Conditions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stout, W.L., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Saporito, L.S., Sharpley, A.N. 2005. Runoff transport of fecal coliforms and phosphorous released from manure in grass buffer conditions. Letters in Applied Microbiology. (41):230-234.
Transport of Manure-Borne Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts Through Saturated and Unsaturated Soil Columns - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Kuczynska, E., Rouhi, S.A. 2005. Transport of manure-borne cryptosporidium parvum oocysts through saturated and unsaturated soil columns. International Agrophysics. 19:1-7.
Hydropedology: Synergistic Integration of Pedology and Hydrology - (Other)
Lin, H., Bouma, J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Western, A., Thompson, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Vogel, H., Lilly, A. 2004. Hydropedology: synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology. Consortium of Universities for Advances of Hydrological Sciences. Available: http://www.cuahsi.org/vp/cuahsi%20vision%paperon20%r.
An Evaluation of Glycim after Nine Years of on-Farm Trials: Why Does Glycim Often Predict Higher Than Measured Yields? - (Abstract)
Timlin, D.J., Pachepsky, L., Pachepsky, Y.A., Whisler, F., Reddy, V., Fleisher, D.H. 2004. An evaluation of glycim after nine years of on-farm trials: why does glycim often predict higher than measured yields? [abstract]. Meeting Abstract.
Evaluation of Different Representations of the Particle-Size Distribution to Predict Soil Water Retention - (Abstract)
Nemes, A., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2004. Evaluation of different representations of the particle-size distribution to predict soil water retention [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. 2004 CDROM.
A Nearest Neighbor Technique to Estimate Soil Water Retention - (Abstract)
Nemes, A. Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2004. A nearest neighbor technique to estimate soil water retention [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts.
Fate and Transport of Manure-Borne Pathogens: Multi-Scale Assessment - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Shelton, D.R., Starr, D.O. 2004. Fate and Transport of Manure-borne Pathogens: Multi-scale Assessment. Regional Science Workshop on Animal Feeding Operations. p. 2.
The Influence of Organic Matter on the Estimation of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemes, A., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2005. The Influence of Organic Matter on the Estimation of Saturated Hydraulic conductivity. Soil Science of America Journal. 69:1330-1337.
Hydropedology and Pedotransfer Functions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J., Lin, H. 2005. Hydropedology and pedotransfer functions. Geoderma. Vol. 131:308-316.
Temporal Persistence in Vertical Distributions of Soil Moisture Contents - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Jacques, D. 2005. Temporal persistence in vertical distributions of soil moisture contents. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 69:348-352.
Model Abstraction to Assess Uncertainty in Flow and Transport Modeling - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Nicholson, T.J., Simunek, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Cady, R.E., Jacques, D., Schaap, M.G. 2004. Model abstraction to assess uncertainty in flow and transport modeling[Abstract]. American Geophysical Union. p.H14A-06.
Transport and Retention of E. Coli in Saturated Structured Soil - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2004. Transport and retention of E. coli in saturated structured soil.[Abstract] American Geophysical Union. p.27.
Alternative Approaches for Estimating Leaf Area Index (Lai) from Remotely Sensed Satellite and Aircraft Imagery - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Walthall, C.L., Dulaney, W.P., Anderson, M., Norman, J., Fang, H., Liang, S., Timlin, D., Pachepsky, L. 2004. Alternative approaches for estimating leaf area index (LAI) from remotely sensed satellite and aircraft imagery. In: Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, August 2-6, 2004, Denver, Colorado. 5544: p. 241-255.
Model Abstraction Approach in Soil Water Balance Simulations - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Jacques, D., Cady, R.E., Nicholson, T.J., Simunek, J., Schaap, M.G., Van Genuchten, M.T. 2004. Model abstraction approach in soil water balance simulations. [Abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting,October 31 - November 4, 2004. Seattle, Washington. p.78.
Explorative Analysis of the Database on Rangeland Runoff and Erosion Experiments - (Abstract)
Pierson Jr, F.B., Pachepsky, Y.A., Weltz, M.A. 2004. Explorative analysis of the database on rangeland runoff and erosion experiments.[Abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts, October 31 - November 4, 2004, Seattle, Washington. CD-ROM.
Uncertainty in Soil Water Flow Simulations with Various Parameter Sources - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Jacques, D., Simunek, J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Cady, R.E., Nicholson, T.J. 2004. Uncertainty in soil water flow simulations with various parameter sources. [Abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. CD-ROM.
Release and Partitioning of Manure-Borne Phosphorus and Fecal Coliforms - (Abstract)
Shelton, D.R., Guber, A.K., Sikora, L.J., Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y.A., Nemes, A. 2004. Release and partitioning of manure-borne phosphorus and fecal coliforms[abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. 2004 CDROM.
Reality of Models and Fiction of Data in Soil Hydrology - (Book/Chapter)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Smettem, K.J., Vereecken, H. 2004. Reality of models and fiction of data in soil hydrology. Unsaturated Zone Modeling: Progress, Applications and Challenges. pp.233-260.
Distribution of Manure-Borne Fecal Coliforms in Soil on Grass Buffer Strip - (Abstract)
Weltz, L., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Guber, A.K., Nemes, A., Starr, J.L. 2004. Distribution of manure-borne fecal coliforms in soil on grass buffer strip [Abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Northeastern Branch Annual Meeting, July 11-14, 2004, Bordentown, New Jersey. p.4 .
Using Regression Trees to Estimate Surface Water Runoff and Soil Erosion for Rangelands - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Pierson Jr, F.B., Spaeth, S.C., Weltz, M.A. 2004. Using regression trees to estimate surface water runoff and soil erosion for rangelands. [Meeting Abstract]. European Conference on Machine Learning, September 27, 2004, Bled, Slovinai. Paper #88, CDROM.
Model Abstraction Techniques: An Overivew of Applications in Agricultural Contaminant - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Guber, A., Simunek, J., Schaap, M. 2004. Model abstraction techniques: an overivew of applications in agricultural contaminant. [Meeting Abstract]. European Society of Ecological Modeling Conference, September 27th- October 1, 2004, Bled, Slovenia. Paper No. 66, CD-ROM.
Status of Pedotransfer Functions - (Book/Chapter)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2004. Status of pedotransfer functions. Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology. p.7-16.
Effect of Soil Organic Carbon on Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Book/Chapter)
Rawls, W.J., Nemes, A., Pachepsky, Y. 2004. Effect of soil organic carbon on soil hydraulic properties. Elsevier Development in Soil Science. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. 30(6):95-111.
Applications of Fractal Geometry in Soil Hydrology - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2004. Applications of fractal geometry in soil hydrology. [Abstract]. International Workshop Pedofract, July 2-6, 2004. Barco de Avila, Spain. p. 9.
Complexity of Simulated Soil Water Fluxes - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Jacques, D., Kouznetsov, M.Y. 2004. Complexity of simulated soil water fluxes. [Abstract].International Workshop "PEDOFRACT 2004", July 2-6, 2004, Barco de Avila, Spain. p. 17.
Estimation of Viable Escherichia Coli 0157 in Surface Waters Using Enrichment in Conjunction with Immunological Detection - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shelton, D.R., Higgins, J.A., Van Kessel, J.S., Pachepsky, Y.A., Belt, K., Karns, J.S. 2004. Estimation of viable Escherichia coli 0157 in surface waters using enrichment in conjunction with immunological detection. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 58:223-231.
Transport and Retention of E. Coli in Saturated Well-Structured Soil - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R. 2004. Transport and retention of E. coli in saturated well-structured soil. American Geophysical Union, May 17-21, 2004, Montreal, Canada. Paper #3112.
Concurrent Transport of Chloride, Sodium, and Calcium Ions in Undisturbed Soil Columns - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Korsunskaia, L.P., Shein, E.V. 2004. Concurrent transport of chloride, sodium, and calcium ions in undisturbed soil columns. Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin.
Modeling Fate and Transport of Manure-Borne Pathogens in the Environment - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Bradford, S.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R. 2004. Modeling fate and transport of manure-borne pathogens in the environment. In: Proceedings of the Pathogens in the Environment Workshop, February 23-25, 2004, Kansas City, Missouri. p. 34-38.
Seepage in Soils: Principles and Applications - (Other)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2004. Seepage in soils: Principles and Applications. Soil Science. 169:314-315.
Explorative analysis of the database on rangeland runoff and erosion experiments. - (Abstract)
Pierson, F.B., Pachepsky, Y.A., Weltz, M.A. 2004. Explorative analysis of the database on rangeland runoff and erosion experiments (abstract). ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Oct 31 - Nov 4, 2004, Seattle, WA, CD-ROM
Microbial Transport in Soil Caused by Surface and Subsurface Drip Irrigation with Wastewater - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kouznetsov, M.Y., Pachepsky, Y.A., Gillerman, L., Gantzer, C.J., Oron, G. 2004. Microbial transport in soil caused by surface and subsurface drip irrigation with wastewater. Waste Management and Research. 18:253-264.
Two-Dimenional Representation and Modeling of Bromide and Microbial Transport at a Hillslope Grass Buffer - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Kouznetsov, M.Y., Shelton, D.R., Roodsari, R., Shirmohammadi, A., Sadeghi, A.M., Starr, J.L. 2004. Two-dimenional representation and modeling of bromide and microbial transport at a Hillslope Grass Buffer. In: Proceedings of the 1st General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union, April 25-30, 2004, Nice, France. Paper No. 05011.
Faciliatated Manure-Borne Bacteria Transport in Soil Columns - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Shein, E.V., Polyanskaya, L.M., Devin, B.A. 2004. Faciliatated manure-borne bacteria transport in soil columns. [CD-ROM]. European Geophysical Society Meeting, April 26-30, 2004, Nice, France. paper EGU04-A-0542.
Fractal Techniques to Assess Spatial Variability in Soils - (Book/Chapter)
Kravchenko, A.N., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2004. Fractal techniques to assess spatial variability in soils. Soil-Water-Solute Process Characterization: An Integrated Approach. pp. 617-638
Soil Aggregates and Water Retention - (Book/Chapter)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J., Guber, A., Shein, E. 2004. Soil aggregates and water retention. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology. 30(8):143-150.
Developing Pedotransfer Functions with Database Exploration Methods - (Book/Chapter)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2004. Developing pedotransfer functions with database exploration methods. Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology. pp. 21-32.
Comparison of Batch and Flow Experimental Data on Retention of Manure-Borne Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts in Soils - (Other)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R. 2004. Comparison of batch and flow experimental data on retention of manure-borne Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts in soils. Environmental Protection Agency. (website: http://es.epa.gov/neer/publications/meetings/9-9-2003/pdf/yakov_pachepsky.pdf.)
Zoonotic Pathogens from Manure: Transport and Fate - (Other)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Fayer, R., Perdue, M.L., Shelton, D.R., Van Kessel, J.S. 2004. Zoonotic pathogens from manure: Transport and Fate. [CD-ROM]. University of Delaware Cooperative Extension.
Fractal Analysis of Soils - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Crawford, J.W. 2004. Fractal analysis of soils. Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. pp.85-97.
Modeling Canopy Development and Photosynthesis in Potato - (Abstract)
Timlin, D.J., Kim, S., Pachepsky, Y.A., Reddy, V., Fleisher, D.H., Fraisse, C., Alva, A.K., Baker, J.T. 2003. Modeling canopy development and photosynthesis in potato [abstract]. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. CDROM.
Fractal Mass-Size Scaling of Wet Soil Aggregrates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A. 2004. Fractal mass-size scaling of wet soil aggregrates. Ecological Modeling. pp. 317-322.
Mass-Size Scaling in Soil Aggregates As Affected by Aggregate Moisture Content and Soil Compaction - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Levkovsky, E. 2003. Mass-size scaling in soil aggregates as affected by aggregate moisture content and soil compaction. Soil Science. Vol. 169:1-12.
Characterization of Subsurface Flow Regime with Hydrus-2d Simulations - (Abstract)
Starr, J.L., Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003. Characterization of subsurface flow regime with HYDRUS 2-D simulations. American Society of Agronomy. CDROM.
Water Retention Pedotransfer Function for a Horizon - (Abstract)
Rawls, W.J., Nemes, A., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003. Water retention pedotransfer function for a horizon. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meeting.
Water Retention Pedotransfer Function for a Horizon - (Abstract)
Rawls, W.J., Nemes, A., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003. Water retention pedotransfer function for a horizon [abstract]. Soil Science Society Of America Annual Meeting.
Transport of Manure-Borne Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts Through Saturated and Unsaturated Soil Columns - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R. 2003. Transport of manure-borne cryptosporidium parvum oocysts through saturated and unsaturated soil columns. [Abstract]. U.S. Geological Survey/U.S. EPA Stars Meeting, September 10-12, 2003, Reston, VA. p. 17.
Entrophy-Based Analysis of Texture to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Abstract)
Martin, M.A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rey, J.M., Rawls, W.J., Taquas, F.J. 2003. Entrophy-based analysis of texture to estimate soil hydraulic properties. [Abstract]. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. p.194.
Facilitated Manure-Borne Bacteria Transport in Soil Columns - (Abstract)
Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A.K., Shein, E.V., Polyanskaya, L.M., Devin, B.A. 2003. Facilitated manure-borne bacteria transport in soil columns.[Abstract]. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. p.221
Mass-Size Scaling in Soil Aggregates As Affected by Aggregate Moisture Contents and Soil Compaction - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Levkovsky, E., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003.[Abstract]. Mass-size scaling in soil aggregates as affected by aggregate moisture contents and soil compaction. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. November 2-6, 2003, Denver, CO. p. 101.
Model Abstraction Techniques Related to Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Nicholson, T., Cady, R. 2003. Model abstraction techniques related to parameter estimation and uncertainty. International Workshop on Uncertainty, Sensitivity, and Parameter Estimation For Multimedia Environmental Modeling. p.2.
Detection and Characterization of Pathogenic E. Coli in Surface Waters: Implications for Preharvest Produce - (Abstract)
Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Belt, K.T., Debroy, C., Karns, J.S. 2003. Detection and characterization of pathogenic E. coli in surface waters: Implications for preharvest produce. United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources. p. 12.
Entropy-Based Analysis of Texture to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Proprties - (Abstract)
Martin, M.A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2003. Entropy-based analysis of texture to estimate soil hydraulic proprties. [Abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. p.194
Modeling Surface and Subsurface Transport of Manure-Borne Pathogens - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Guber, A., Sadeghi, A.M. 2003.Modeling surface and subsurface transport of manure-borne pathogens. Soil and Water Conservation Society Proceedings, July 25-30, 2003, Spokane, WA. p.56
Specific Area of a Typic Hapludult As Affected by the Addition of Organic Matter - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fournierer, I.L., Filgueria, R.R., Sikora, L.J., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003. Specific area of typic hapludult as affected by the addition of organic matter. Ciencia Del Suela. CD-ROM.
Use of Soil Survey Information for Determining Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003. Use of soil survey information for determining soil hydraulic properties. In: Proceedings of the American Society Of Agricultural Engineering Meeting, July 28-31, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2003 CDROM.
Effect of Soil Aggregate Size Distribution on Water Retention - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guber, A.K., Rawls, W.J., Shein, E.V. and Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003. Effects of soil aggregate size distribution on water retention. Soil Science. 168:223-233.
Using Fractal Models in Scaling and Pedotransfer Functions of Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2003. [CD-ROM]. Using fractal models in scaling and pedotransfer functions of soil hydraulic properties. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. November 2-6, 2003. Denver, CO. paper #899293.
Modeling Manure-Borne Pathogen Transport with Runoff and Infiltration - (Abstract)
Roodsari, R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Shirmohammadi, P., Sadeghi, A.M., Starr, J.L. 2003. Modeling manure-borne pathogen transport with runoff and infiltration. [Abstract]. ASAE Annual International Meeting. p. 174.
Two-Dimensional Representation and Modeling of Bromide and Fecal Coliform Transport with Runoff and Infiltration - (Abstract)
Kouznetsov, M.Y., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Roodsari, R., Shirmohammadi, A., Sadeghi, A.M., Starr, J.L. 2003. Two-dimensional representation and modeling of bromide and fecal coliform transport with runoff and infiltration. [Abstract]. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. November 2-6,2003, Denver, Co. p.184.
Time-Mass Scaling in Soil Texture Analysis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Movement of Manure-Borne Bacteria in Soils As a Colloid-Facilitated Transport Affected by Soil Structure - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003. Movement of manure-borne bacteria in soils as a colloid-facilitated transport affected by soil structure. BARC Poster Day.
2dspud, a Two-Dimensional Model of Potato Growth and Development. - (Abstract)
Timlin, D.J., Kim, S., Pachepsky, Y.A., Reddy, V., Fraisse, C., Alva, A.K., Baker, J.T. 2003. 2dspud, a two-dimensional model of potato growth and development.[abstract]. Integrated Biological Systems Conference. P. 63.
Modeling Surface and Subsurface Transport of Manure-Borne Microorganisms - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R. 2003. Modeling surface and subsurface transport of manure-borne microorganisms. Modeling Environmental Impact of Animal Production. p.12
Model Abstraction Techniques Related to Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Van Genuchten, M.T., Cady, R., Nicholson, T.J. 2003. Model abstraction techniques related to parameter estimation and uncertainty. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Uncertainty, Sensitivity, and Parameter Estimation for Multimedia Environmental Modeling. Publisher: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, pp. 107-109.
Scaling in Soil Aggregate Distribution As Dependent on Aggregate Water Content and Soil Compaction - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Guber, A. 2003. Scaling in soil aggregate distribution as dependent on aggregate water content and soil compaction. Joint Assembly of the European and American Geophysical Unions, April 6-10,2003, Nice,France. CDROM.
Transport of Manure-Borne Bacteria and Colloids in a Stony Soil - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Stout, W.L. 2003. Transport of manure-borne bacteria and colloids in a stony soil. Joint Assembly of the European and American Geophysical Unions, April 6-10, 2003, Nice, France. Paper # EGU03-A-03 812.
Modeling Manure-Borne Pathogen Transport with Runoff and Infiltration - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2003. Modeling manure-borne pathogen transport with runoff and infiltration. ASAE Annual International Meeting. p.47.
Release Rates of Manure-Borne Coliform Bacteria from Data on Leaching Through Stony Soil - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Stout, W.L., Karns, J.S., Gbarek, W.J. 2003. Release rates of manure-borne coliform bacteria from data on leaching through stony soil. Vadose Zone Journal. 2:34-39.
How Does the Physics of the Soil System Dictate Dispersal of Waste-Borne Microorganism in Soils? - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Young, I.M., Crawford, J.W., David, U.C., Baveye, P. 2003. How does the physics of the soil system dictate dispersal of waste-borne microorganism in soils?. Biodiversity of Soil International Conference Proceedings. p.27.
Measuring the Specific Surface Area of Soil Using Nitrogen: Variation Due to the Addition of Organic Matter - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (15-Dec-02)
Use of Spatial Variance Information from Remote Sensing Imagery to Map Vegetation Foliage Density - (Abstract)
2dspud, a Two-Dimensional Model of Potato Growth and Development - (Abstract)
Timlin, D.J., Reddy, V., Pachepsky, Y.A., Baker, J.T., Kim, S., Fraisse, C., Alva, A. 2002. 2dspud, a two-dimensional model of potato growth and development[absract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Proceedings. Poster No. 336.
Modeling Coliform Bacteria and Bromide Transport in Large in-Situ Columns of a Fractured Soil - (Abstract)
Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Stout, W.L. 2002. Modeling coliform bacteria and bromide transport in large in-situ columns of a fractured soil. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. p.178.
Comparing Small Scale Spatial Relationships of Surface Soil Water - (Abstract)
Fisher, J., Timlin, D.J., Hill, R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Dulaney, W.P., Walthall, C.L. 2002. Comparing small scale spatial relationships of surface soil water. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Proceedings.
Linking Within-Field Crop Response with Soil Characteristics - (Abstract)
Kaul, M., Walthall, C.L., Pachepsky, Y.A., Timlin, D.J. 2002. Linking within-field crop response with soil characteristics [abstract]. In: Abstracts of Agronomy Socieity of America, Soil Science Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Annual Meeting, November 10-15, 2002. Indianapolis, Indiana [CDROM].
Scaling Methods in Soil Physics - (Book/Chapter)
A Mix of Scales: Topographic Information, Point Samples and Yield Maps - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
A Mix of Scales: Topographic Information, Point Samples and Yield Maps - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Timlin, D.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Walthall, C.L. 2003. A mix of scales: topographic information, point samples and yield maps. Bridging Scales in Soil Physics. p. 227-241.
Use of Soil Survey Information for Determining Soil Hydraulic Properties - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
The Additivity Model to Estimate Water Retention of Mineral Soils - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J., Nemes, A., Wosten, J., Zeiliguer, A. 2002. The additivity model to estimate water retention of mineral soils. Abstract of Agronomy Meetings. p.98.
Effect of Soil Aggregate Size Distribution on Water Retention - (Abstract)
Guber, A.K., Shein, E.G., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J. 2002. Effect of soil aggregate size distribution on water retention. Abstract of Agronomy Meetings.p.115.
Field-Scale Monitoring and Simulation of the Overland Transport of Bromide and Pathogens - (Abstract)
Roodsari, R., Shirmohammadi, A., Shelton, D.R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Starr, J.L. 2002. Field-scale monitoring and simulation of the overland transport of bromide and pathogens. Abstract of Agronomy Meetings. p.178.
Translating Available Basic Soil Data into Missing Soil Hydraulic Characteristics - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wosten, H., Nemes, A., Pachepsky, Y.A., Rawls, W.J., Zeiliguer, A. 2002. Translating available basic soil data into missing soil hydraulic characteristics. World Congress of Soil Science. Vol.4:135-143
Use of Soil Survey Information for Determining Soil Hydraulic Parameters for Hydrologic Modeling - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2002. Use of soil survey information for determining soil hydraulic parameters for hydrologic modeling [CD-ROM]. Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference.
Effect of Soil Organic Carbon on Soil Water Retention - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Conventional and Fractal Geometry in Soil Studies - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2002. Conventional and fractal geometry in soil studies. International Workshop on Fractal Mathematics Describing Soil and Heterogeneous Systems. p.5.
Mass Fractal Dimension of Shrinking Soil Aggregates - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2002. Mass fractal dimension of shrinking soil aggregates. International Workshop on Fractal Mathematics Describing Soil and Heterogeneous Systems. p.24.
Use of Soil Survey Information for Determining Soil Hydraulic Parameters for Hydrologic Modeling - (Abstract)
Exploiting Image Spatial Variance for Vegetation Patterns - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Walthall, C.L., Timlin, D.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., Dulaney, W.P., Daughtry, C.S., 2002. Exploiting image spatial variance for vegetatation patterns. In: Proceedings of American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, November 12-14, 2002, Denver, Colorado, [CDROM].
Using Field Topographic Descriptors to Estimate Soil Water Retention - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A., 2002. Using field topographic descriptors to estimate soil water retention, Soil Science, vol. 167, no 6. pp. 423-435.
Scaling and Fractional Equations of Water and Contaminant Transport in Soils - (Abstract)
Pachepsky, Y.A. 2002. Scaling and fractional equations of water and contaminant transport in soils. International Workshop on Fractal Mathematics Describing Soil and Heterogeneous Systems, Barco de Avila, Spain, June 29-July 4, 2002. p.19.
Specific Surface Area of a Typic Hapludult As Affected by the Addition of Organic Matter - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fournier L.L., Figueira, R.R., Sikora, L.J., Rawls, W.J., Pachepsky, Y.A. 2002. Influencia del agregado de materia organica sobre la superficie espefica del suelo. In: XVIII Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del suelo, April 16-19, 2002, Puerto Madryn. 2002 CDROM.
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