Health and Fitness Tips

ACE Health and Fitness Tips offer insight into the latest research, studies, trends and workouts. Originally published in recent issues of ACE FitnessMatters, each tip covers a different topic related to health and fitness, including muscle strength training, weight loss and nutrition tips.

These quick tips are designed to keep you "up to speed" and "in the know" when it comes to the latest news in the ever-evolving fitness industry.

For more information within these categories, visit our Fitness Q&A section.

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Cardiovascular Exercise     Top
Be a Tortoise, Not a Hare
Intermittent Stair Climbing Improves Fitness
Strong Muscles, Strong Bones
Walking Can Be a Bone Booster
Jog Your Bones Stronger

Choosing Fitness Trainers and Instructors     Top
Guide to Certified Training
Supervised Workouts Improve Results

Exercising with Health Challenges     Top
Physical Activity Reduces Risk of Second Heart Attack
Asthma Warning
Exercise Improves Balance in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis
Injury May Increase Risk of Osteoarthritis
Flat Feet and Injury
Exercise Lifts Spirits of Frail Elderly Adults
Rise and Work Out!
Yoga May Alleviate Chronic Pain
Working Out the Bugs
Vary Stance to Reduce Knee Strain
Exercise Helps Battle Effects of Cancer Treatments
Sports = Bad Knees? Not Necessarily
Dysmenorrhea and Injury Link
Researcher Touts Benefits of ''Gym'' Therapy

Flexibility     Top
Flexibility Reduces DOMS
To Stretch or Not to Stretch?

General Exercise     Top
New Guidelines for Running and Hydration
One More Reason for Men to Stay Active
Exercise Essentials
Top Six Fitness Myths
Yoga Therapy
Are You Getting Enough Exercise?
Yoga for Moms and Moms-to-Be
ACE's Survivor Workout
How Much Water is Too Much?
Exercise May Keep Alzheimer's at Bay
Feeling Stressed? Work It Out
Exercise Supporters
Exercise Ups Brain Power
Exercise is Good for Men
Exercise May Reduce Risk of Ovarian Cancer
Can Exercise Prevent Ulcers?
Bet You Can't Stop Exercising
Exercise and First Impressions
Forget Something? A Walk Might Help You Remember
Exercise Helps Take Away the Pain
Exercise is Good for Women
Time to Heal
It Makes You Feel So Young
Exercise Helps Heart Handle Stress
Exercises You Can't Do Without
Exercise More, Sneeze Less
Three Weeks to a Healthier Heart
Work Stress Equals Fewer Workouts
Exercise and Distress

Miscellaneous     Top
At-Home Herbal Body Wraps Fall Short of Promises
Go With the Tai Chi Flow
ACE's Top 10 Tips for Surviving the Holidays
Anything to Sell a Product
The Five Worst Fitness Ideas of All Time
Want to Keep Your Skin Healthy? Keep Sweating
The Top Ten Mistakes People Make in the Gym
Advertising in Disguise
How To Avoid Brain Freeze
Athletes and Stomach Trouble
Children Follow Mother's Example (Even In The Womb)
FTC Fights False Anti-Cellulite Claims
How To Read Medical News
Buyer Beware!
Low-Tech Togs Keep Exercisers Cool
Exercise Builds Bigger Babies
More Than $76 Billion Saved

Nutrition     Top
FDA Clears Way for More Health Claims
Top Seven Healthiest Foods
Trans Fat-Free Fast Food Coming
Some Fats Are Actually Better Than Others
What You Buy Isn't Always What You Get
The Value of Vegetables and Fruits
Wonder Bars or Wonder Bread?
Don't Skip Breakfast to Cut Calories
Smoother Skin From the Inside Out
Tomatoes and Apples, Edible Essentials
Dangerous Potatoes
The Lingering Effects of Caffeine
Choose Fat Wisely
Do Declining Bagel Sales Signal End of Low-Fat Craze?
Soy is More Than Just Good Source of Protein
Eating Fatty Fish Cuts Risk of Heart Disease
Green Tea Sparks Your Metabolism
Low-Fat Isn't Always Better
Latest Anti-Aging Discovery Has Scientists Seeing Blue
New Labels, New Claims for Soy-Based Foods
The 2005 Dietary Guidelines and You
Garlic May Ward Off More Than Vampires
Vegetarians Be A-Ware!

Sports/Outdoor Activities     Top
Golf is a Pain in the Back for Some
Snowboarding Ups Wrist Fracture Risk
Special Knees
If You Can Walk You Can Snowshoe
Keep Your Cool: Wear Sunscreen
Mountain Biking Facts
Warm Up Before You Tee Off
Good Sportsmanship Equals Fewer Injuries
What Good Are Hiking Poles?
Avoiding the Yips
Get In Shape By Getting In the Ring

Strength/Resistance Training     Top
Build Your Muscles, Build Your Brain
Strong and Steady Wins the Race
Weight Training Hypertrophy
Friends Don't Let Friends Who Take Antibiotics Lift Weights
Strength Training Benefits More than Muscles
Resistance Training Effectively Trims Ab Flab in Women
For Older Adults, A Little Exercise Goes A Long Way
Seniors Get Hip
Stay Fit to Stay Alive
Think Yourself Stronger
Support Wanes for Weightlifting Belts
Anxiety Lifted
Now Everyone Can Do Pilates

Supplements     Top
Andro Angst
Popular Supplement Declared Dangerous, Even Deadly
Fat Trapper Pays Dearly for Fake Fat-Loss Claims
Tips for Choosing Herbal Products
Exercise and the Pill Increase the Calcium Requirement
Tea for Rest or Arrest (Herbal DUI)
Buying Pharmaceuticals Online

Weight     Top
Exercise Versus Diet
Not Sure How You Feel? Think About What You Ate
Hungry? It May Be All In Your Head
AHA Sounds Alarm on High-Protein Diets
Key Ingredient to Keeping off Holiday Pounds? Air
Want to Lose Weight? Then Pay Attention!
Diet Myth Debunked
More Calcium, Less Weight
Size Doesn't Matter As Much As It Should
Diet Peddles Seven-Day ''Vacation'' from Lifestyle Habits
Face Facts
Making Your Way Through the Holidays Without Guilt (Or Added Pounds)
Fitness Magazines and Image Disorders
Some Might Call It Sabotage
A Little Fat Goes a Long Way
Lift Weight to Lose Weight
There's No Place Like Home

Youth     Top
Forget New Math, This is New P.E.
Take the Necessary Steps to Avoid Unnecessary Injuries
Coaches: Watch Your Words!
Kids' Rooms No Place For T.V.
Teletubbies Shape Up
Some Bike Helmets Flunk Safety Tests
If You Build It, They Will Play
Warning: Scooters May be Hazardous to Your Child's Health
Good Nutrition Starts Early
Play Ball! (Safely)
Backpacks: Do It Right
Many Teenagers' Diets Lack Major Nutrients