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State Education Reforms (SER)

Assessment and Standards

Many states have undertaken reform efforts centered on educational standards and student assessment. The tables in this section feature data on content and performance standards, statewide assessments by grade level and content area, and the alignment of standards and assessments.

Data Tables

Table 2.1Status of elementary, middle, and high school content standards in academic subjects, by state: 2007–08
Table 2.2Names and types of statewide assessments administered, by state: 2003–04
Table 2.3English/language arts statewide assessment name, grade administered, and assessment type, by state: 2008
Table 2.4Mathematics statewide assessment name, grade administered, and assessment type, by state: 2008
Table 2.5Science statewide assessment name, grade administered, and assessment type, by state: 2008
Table 2.6Early childhood education standards, school readiness definitions, assessments, expectations, and programs for children not meeting expectations, by state: 2008–09  Updated!
Table 2.7Use of technology and capacity to use technology, by state: 2007-08
Table 2.8State high school policies for college and work readiness, by state: 2008
Table 2.9Types of promotion and graduation practices based on statewide exit and end-of-course exams, by state: 2005–06
Table 2.10State high school exit exams, by exam characteristics and state: 2007–08
Table 2.11State policies for helping students pass exit exam, by state: 2005–06
Table 2.12Alternative paths to graduation for students with disabilities, by state: 2007
Table 2.13State course credit requirements for high school graduation, by state: 2006
Table 2.14School level in which student assessments are aligned to state standards, by subject and state: 2007–08
Table 2.15Use of criterion-referenced tests aligned to state standards, by subject area, level and state: 2005–06
