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CPF 2-2000-1009
Oct 30, 2002

US Department of Transportation
Research and Special Programs Administration
400th Seventh Street S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590

October 30, 2002

Mr. Kim Cocklin
Senior Vice President
Williams Gas Pipeline
3800 Frederica Street
Owensboro, KY 42301

Re: CPFNo.2-2000-1009

Dear Mr. Ralph:

Enclosed is the Final Order issued by the Associate for Pipeline safety in above referenced case. It makes findings of violation, assesses a civil penalty of $20,000 and acknowledges completion of required corrective action.Your receipt of the Final Order constitutes service of that document under 49 C;F.R. § 190.5.

I acknowledge receipt of. and accept, your wire transfer in the amount of $20,000 as payment in full of the civil penalty assessed against Texas Gas Transmission in the Final Order. I also acknowledge your prompt correcttive action with respect to the items in the proposed compliance order. This case is now closed and no further enforcement action is contemplated with respect to the matters involved in the case. Thank you for your cooperation in our joint effort to ensure pipeline safety.


Gwendolyn M. Hill

Pipeline Compliance Registry
Office of Pipeline Safety



In the Matter of

Williams Gas Pipeline,



CPF No: 2-2000-1009


From February 27, to September 14,2000, pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 60117, a representative of the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS), conducted an on-site pipeline safety inspection of Respondent's facilities and records from Louisiana to the DOrtbcm state line of Kentucky. As a result of the inspection, the Director, Southern Region, OPS, issued to Respondent, by letter dated November 3, 2000, a Notice of Probable Violation, Proposed Civil Penalty, and Proposed Compliance Order (Notice). In KCOrdance with 49 C.F.R. § 190.207, the NoticcproJK) sed finding that Respondent had violated 49 C.F.R. §§ 192.199 and 192.743 and proposed ~sing a civil penalty of $20,000 for the alleged violations. The Notice also proposed that Resporldent take certain measures to correct the alleged violations.

Respondent responded to the Notice by letters dated December 6.2000 and June 13,2002, and made a wire transfer in the amount of the proposed civil penalty ($20,000). Respondent did not contest the allegations of violation but provided information concerning the corrective actions it has taken. Respondent did not request a bearing; conseq~t1y, Respondent waived its right to ODe. Respondent's payment of the civil penalty authorizes finding of the facts as alleged in the Notice and closing oftbe case under 49 C.F.R. § l90.209(a)(l).


Respondent did not contest the alleged violations in the Notice. Accordingly, I find that Respondent violated the following sections of 49 C.F .R. Part 192, as more fully described in the Notice:

49 C.F.R. § 192.199( c) and (h) - Except for rupture discs, failing to utilize a pressure relief or limiting device designed and installed so that it can be readily operated to detennine if the valve is free, can be tested to detennine the pressure at which it will operate, and can be tested for leakage when in the closed position; and, except for a valve that will isolate the system under protection from its source of pressure. failing to utilize a pressure relief or limiting device designed to prevent unauthorized operation of any stop valve that will make the pressure relief valve or pressure limiting device inoperative.

49 C.F.R. § 192.743 -- failing to properly review all regulator and relief valve records for compliance with capacity requirements; failing to modify records in ~rdance with changes in capacity requirements; and failing to install a new or additional pressure relieving device to provide the additional capacity required at a second location.

These findings of violation will be considered prior offenses in any subsequent enforcement action taken against Respondent I assess Respondent a civil penalty of $20,000, already paid by Respondent


The Notice proposed a compliance order.Respondent has demonstrated corrective action addressing all items in the proposed compliance order.No further action is needed with respect to the compliance order.

Stacey Gerard
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety

Date Issued


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