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You are here:Home Civil Rights & Accessibility Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Regulations, Guidance, and Procedures Part 38--Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles

Part 38--Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles

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[PDF Version]
[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 1]
[Revised as of October 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR38]
[Page 501-539]
                        TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION
          Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Transportation
                            Subpart A_General
38.1 Purpose.
38.2 Equivalent facilitation.
38.3 Definitions.
38.4 Miscellaneous instructions.
                    Subpart B_Buses, Vans and Systems
38.21 General.
38.23 Mobility aid accessibility.
38.25 Doors, steps and thresholds.
38.27 Priority seating signs.
38.29 Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
38.31 Lighting.
38.33 Fare box.
38.35 Public information system.
38.37 Stop request.
38.39 Destination and route signs.
                Subpart C_Rapid Rail Vehicles and Systems
38.51 General.
38.53 Doorways.
38.55 Priority seating signs.
38.57 Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
38.59 Floor surfaces.
38.61 Public information system.
38.63 Between-car barriers.
                Subpart D_Light Rail Vehicles and Systems
38.71 General.
38.73 Doorways.
38.75 Priority seating signs.
38.77 Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
38.79 Floors, steps and thresholds.
38.81 Lighting.
38.83 Mobility aid accessibility.
38.85 Between-car barriers.
38.87 Public information system.
[[Page 502]]
                Subpart E_Commuter Rail Cars and Systems
38.91 General.
38.93 Doorways.
38.95 Mobility aid accessibility.
38.97 Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
38.99 Floors, steps and thresholds.
38.101 Lighting.
38.103 Public information system.
38.105 Priority seating signs.
38.107 Restrooms.
38.109 Between-car barriers.
                Subpart F_Intercity Rail Cars and Systems
38.111 General.
38.113 Doorways.
38.115 Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
38.117 Floors, steps and thresholds.
38.119 Lighting.
38.121 Public information system.
38.123 Restrooms.
38.125 Mobility aid accessibility.
38.127 Sleeping compartments.
                Subpart G_Over-the-Road Buses and Systems
38.151 General.
38.153 Doors, steps and thresholds.
38.155 Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
38.157 Lighting.
38.159 Mobility aid accessibility.
38.161 Moveable aisle armrests.
                  Subpart H_Other Vehicles and Systems
38.171 General.
38.173 Automated guideway transit vehicles and systems.
38.175 High-speed rail cars, monorails and systems.
38.177 Ferries, excursion boats and other vessels. [Reserved]
38.179 Trams, and similar vehicles, and systems.
Figures to Part 38
Appendix to Part 38--Guidance Material
    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 12101-12213; 49 U.S.C. 322.
    Source: 56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, unless otherwise noted.

                            Subpart A_General

Sec.  38.1  Purpose.
    This part provides minimum guidelines and requirements for 
accessibility standards in part 37 of this title for transportation
vehicles required to be accessible by the Americans With Disabilities
Act (ADA) of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.).

Sec.  38.2  Equivalent facilitation.
    Departures from particular technical and scoping requirements of 
these guidelines by use of other designs and technologies are permitted
where the alternative designs and technologies used will provide
substantially equivalent or greater access to and usability of the
vehicle. Departures are to be considered on a case-by-case basis under
procedures set forth in Sec.  37.7 of this title.

Sec.  38.3  Definitions.
    See Sec.  37.3 of this title.

Sec.  38.4  Miscellaneous instructions.
    (a) Dimensional conventions. Dimensions that are not noted as 
minimum or maximum are absolute.
    (b) Dimensional tolerances. All dimensions are subject to
conventional engineering tolerances for material properties and field
conditions, including normal anticipated wear not exceeding accepted
industry-wide standards and practices.
    (c) Notes. The text of these guidelines does not contain notes or
footnotes. Additional information, explanations, and advisory materials
are located in the Appendix.
    (d) General terminology. (1) Comply with means meet one or more
specification of these guidelines.
    (2) If or if * * * then denotes a specification that applies only
when the conditions described are present.
    (3) May denotes an option or alternative.
    (4) Shall denotes a mandatory specification or requirement.
    (5) Should denotes an advisory specification or recommendation.

                    Subpart B_Buses, Vans and Systems

Sec.  38.21  General.
    (a) New, used or remanufactured buses and vans (except over-the-road 
buses covered by subpart G of this part), to be considered accessible by
regulations in part 37 of this title shall
[[Page 503]]
comply with the applicable provisions of this subpart.
    (b) If portions of the vehicle are modified in a way that affects or
could affect accessibility, each such portion shall comply, to the
extent practicable, with the applicable provisions of this subpart. This
provision does not require that inaccessible buses be retrofitted with
lifts, ramps or other boarding devices.

Sec.  38.23  Mobility aid accessibility.
    (a) General. All vehicles covered by this subpart shall provide a 
level-change mechanism or boarding device (e.g., lift or ramp) complying
with paragraph (b) or (c) of this section and sufficient clearances to
permit a wheelchair or other mobility aid user to reach a securement
location. At least two securement locations and devices, complying with
paragraph (d) of this section, shall be provided on vehicles in excess
of 22 feet in length; at least one securement location and device,
complying with paragraph (d) of this section, shall be provided on
vehicles 22 feet in length or less.
    (b) Vehicle lift--(1) Design load. The design load of the lift shall
be at least 600 pounds. Working parts, such as cables, pulleys, and
shafts, which can be expected to wear, and upon which the lift depends
for support of the load, shall have a safety factor of at least six,
based on the ultimate strength of the material. Nonworking parts, such
as platform, frame, and attachment hardware which would not be expected
to wear, shall have a safety factor of at least three, based on the
ultimate strength of the material.
    (2) Controls--(i) Requirements. The controls shall be interlocked
with the vehicle brakes, transmission, or door, or shall provide other
appropriate mechanisms or systems, to ensure that the vehicle cannot be
moved when the lift is not stowed and so the lift cannot be deployed
unless the interlocks or systems are engaged. The lift shall deploy to
all levels (i.e., ground, curb, and intermediate positions) normally
encountered in the operating environment. Where provided, each control
for deploying, lowering, raising, and stowing the lift and lowering the
roll-off barrier shall be of a momentary contact type requiring
continuous manual pressure by the operator and shall not allow improper
lift sequencing when the lift platform is occupied. The controls shall
allow reversal of the lift operation sequence, such as raising or
lowering a platform that is part way down, without allowing an occupied
platform to fold or retract into the stowed position.
    (ii) Exception. Where the lift is designed to deploy with its long
dimension parallel to the vehicle axis and which pivots into or out of
the vehicle while occupied (i.e., ``rotary lift''), the requirements of
this paragraph prohibiting the lift from being stowed while occupied
shall not apply if the stowed position is within the passenger
compartment and the lift is intended to be stowed while occupied.
    (3) Emergency operation. The lift shall incorporate an emergency
method of deploying, lowering to ground level with a lift occupant, and
raising and stowing the empty lift if the power to the lift fails. No
emergency method, manual or otherwise, shall be capable of being
operated in a manner that could be hazardous to the lift occupant or to
the operator when operated according to manufacturer's instructions, and
shall not permit the platform to be stowed or folded when occupied,
unless the lift is a rotary lift and is intended to be stowed while
    (4) Power or equipment failure. Platforms stowed in a vertical
position, and deployed platforms when occupied, shall have provisions to
prevent their deploying, falling, or folding any faster than 12 inches/
second or their dropping of an occupant in the event of a single failure
of any load carrying component.
    (5) Platform barriers. The lift platform shall be equipped with
barriers to prevent any of the wheels of a wheelchair or mobility aid
from rolling off the platform during its operation. A movable barrier or
inherent design feature shall prevent a wheelchair or mobility aid from
rolling off the edge closest to the vehicle until the platform is in its
fully raised position. Each side of the lift platform which extends
beyond the vehicle in its raised position shall have a barrier a minimum
1\1/2\ inches high. Such barriers shall not interfere with
[[Page 504]]
maneuvering into or out of the aisle. The loading-edge barrier (outer 
barrier) which functions as a loading ramp when the lift is at ground
level, shall be sufficient when raised or closed, or a supplementary
system shall be provided, to prevent a power wheelchair or mobility aid
from riding over or defeating it. The outer barrier of the lift shall
automatically raise or close, or a supplementary system shall
automatically engage, and remain raised, closed, or engaged at all times
that the platform is more than 3 inches above the roadway or sidewalk
and the platform is occupied. Alternatively, a barrier or system may be
raised, lowered, opened, closed, engaged, or disengaged by the lift
operator, provided an interlock or inherent design feature prevents the
lift from rising unless the barrier is raised or closed or the
supplementary system is engaged.
    (6) Platform surface. The platform surface shall be free of any
protrusions over \1/4\ inch high and shall be slip resistant. The
platform shall have a minimum clear width of 28\1/2\ inches at the
platform, a minimum clear width of 30 inches measured from 2 inches
above the platform surface to 30 inches above the platform, and a
minimum clear length of 48 inches measured from 2 inches above the
surface of the platform to 30 inches above the surface of the platform.
(See Fig. 1)
    (7) Platform gaps. Any openings between the platform surface and the
raised barriers shall not exceed \5/8\ inch in width. When the platform
is at vehicle floor height with the inner barrier (if applicable) down
or retracted, gaps between the forward lift platform edge and the
vehicle floor shall not exceed \1/2\ inch horizontally and \5/8\ inch
vertically. Platforms on semi-automatic lifts may have a hand hold not
exceeding 1\1/2\ inches by 4\1/2\ inches located between the edge
    (8) Platform entrance ramp. The entrance ramp, or loading-edge
barrier used as a ramp, shall not exceed a slope of 1:8, measured on
level ground, for a maximum rise of 3 inches, and the transition from
roadway or sidewalk to ramp may be vertical without edge treatment up to
\1/4\ inch. Thresholds between \1/4\ inch and \1/2\ inch high shall be
beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2.
    (9) Platform deflection. The lift platform (not including the
entrance ramp) shall not deflect more than 3 degrees (exclusive of
vehicle roll or pitch) in any direction between its unloaded position
and its position when loaded with 600 pounds applied through a 26 inch
by 26 inch test pallet at the centroid of the platform.
    (10) Platform movement. No part of the platform shall move at a rate
exceeding 6 inches/second during lowering and lifting an occupant, and
shall not exceed 12 inches/second during deploying or stowing. This
requirement does not apply to the deployment or stowage cycles of lifts
that are manually deployed or stowed. The maximum platform horizontal
and vertical acceleration when occupied shall be 0.3g.
    (11) Boarding direction. The lift shall permit both inboard and
outboard facing of wheelchair and mobility aid users.
    (12) Use by standees. Lifts shall accommodate persons using walkers,
crutches, canes or braces or who otherwise have difficulty using steps.
The platform may be marked to indicate a preferred standing position.
    (13) Handrails. Platforms on lifts shall be equipped with handrails
on two sides, which move in tandem with the lift, and which shall be
graspable and provide support to standees throughout the entire lift
operation. Handrails shall have a usable component at least 8 inches
long with the lowest portion a minimum 30 inches above the platform and
the highest portion a maximum 38 inches above the platform. The
handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100 pounds
concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent deformation
of the rail or its supporting structure. The handrail shall have a
cross-sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches or
shall provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges with
corner radii of not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall be placed to
provide a minimum 1\1/2\ inches knuckle clearance from the nearest
adjacent surface. Handrails shall not interfere with wheelchair or
mobility aid maneuverability when entering or leaving the vehicle.
[[Page 505]]
    (c) Vehicle ramp--(1) Design load. Ramps 30 inches or longer shall 
support a load of 600 pounds, placed at the centroid of the ramp
distributed over an area of 26 inches by 26 inches, with a safety factor
of at least 3 based on the ultimate strength of the material. Ramps
shorter than 30 inches shall support a load of 300 pounds.
    (2) Ramp surface. The ramp surface shall be continuous and slip
resistant; shall not have protrusions from the surface greater than \1/
4\ inch high; shall have a clear width of 30 inches; and shall
accommodate both four-wheel and three-wheel mobility aids.
    (3) Ramp threshold. The transition from roadway or sidewalk and the
transition from vehicle floor to the ramp may be vertical without edge
treatment up to \1/4\ inch. Changes in level between \1/4\ inch and \1/
2\ inch shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2.
    (4) Ramp barriers. Each side of the ramp shall have barriers at
least 2 inches high to prevent mobility aid wheels from slipping off.
    (5) Slope. Ramps shall have the least slope practicable and shall
not exceed 1:4 when deployed to ground level. If the height of the
vehicle floor from which the ramp is deployed is 3 inches or less above
a 6-inch curb, a maximum slope of 1:4 is permitted; if the height of the
vehicle floor from which the ramp is deployed is 6 inches or less, but
greater than 3 inches, above a 6-inch curb, a maximum slope of 1:6 is
permitted; if the height of the vehicle floor from which the ramp is
deployed is 9 inches or less, but greater than 6 inches, above a 6-inch
curb, a maximum slope of 1:8 is permitted; if the height of the vehicle
floor from which the ramp is deployed is greater than 9 inches above a
6-inch curb, a slope of 1:12 shall be achieved. Folding or telescoping
ramps are permitted provided they meet all structural requirements of
this section.
    (6) Attachment. When in use for boarding or alighting, the ramp
shall be firmly attached to the vehicle so that it is not subject to
displacement when loading or unloading a heavy power mobility aid and
that no gap between vehicle and ramp exceeds \5/8\ inch.
    (7) Stowage. A compartment, securement system, or other appropriate
method shall be provided to ensure that stowed ramps, including portable
ramps stowed in the passenger area, do not impinge on a passenger's
wheelchair or mobility aid or pose any hazard to passengers in the event
of a sudden stop or maneuver.
    (8) Handrails. If provided, handrails shall allow persons with
disabilities to grasp them from outside the vehicle while starting to
board, and to continue to use them throughout the boarding process, and
shall have the top between 30 inches and 38 inches above the ramp
surface. The handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100
pounds concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent
deformation of the rail or its supporting structure. The handrail shall
have a cross-sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches
or shall provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges
with corner radii of not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall not
interfere with wheelchair or mobility aid maneuverability when entering
or leaving the vehicle.
    (d) Securement devices--(1) Design load. Securement systems on
vehicles with GVWRs of 30,000 pounds or above, and their attachments to
such vehicles, shall restrain a force in the forward longitudinal
direction of up to 2,000 pounds per securement leg or clamping mechanism
and a minimum of 4,000 pounds for each mobility aid. Securement systems
on vehicles with GVWRs of up to 30,000 pounds, and their attachments to
such vehicles, shall restrain a force in the forward longitudinal
direction of up to 2,500 pounds per securement leg or clamping mechanism
and a minimum of 5,000 pounds for each mobility aid.
    (2) Location and size. The securement system shall be placed as near
to the accessible entrance as practicable and shall have a clear floor
area of 30 inches by 48 inches. Such space shall adjoin, and may
overlap, an access path. Not more than 6 inches of the required clear
floor space may be accommodated for footrests under another seat
provided there is a minimum of 9 inches from the floor to the lowest
[[Page 506]]
of the seat overhanging the space. Securement areas may have fold-down 
seats to accommodate other passengers when a wheelchair or mobility aid
is not occupying the area, provided the seats, when folded up, do not
obstruct the clear floor space required. (See Fig. 2)
    (3) Mobility aids accommodated. The securement system shall secure
common wheelchairs and mobility aids and shall either be automatic or
easily attached by a person familiar with the system and mobility aid
and having average dexterity.
    (4) Orientation. In vehicles in excess of 22 feet in length, at
least one securement device or system required by paragraph (a) of this
section shall secure the wheelchair or mobility aid facing toward the
front of the vehicle. Additional securement devices or systems shall
secure the wheelchair or mobility aid facing forward, or rearward with a
padded barrier, extending from a height of 38 inches from the vehicle
floor to a height of 56 inches from the vehicle floor with a width of 18
inches, laterally centered immediately in back of the seated individual.
In vehicles 22 feet in length or less, the required securement device
may secure the wheelchair or mobility aid either facing toward the front
of the vehicle or facing rearward, with a padded barrier as described.
Additional securement locations shall be either forward or rearward
facing with a padded barrier. Such barriers need not be solid provided
equivalent protection is afforded.
    (5) Movement. When the wheelchair or mobility aid is secured in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions, the securement system shall
limit the movement of an occupied wheelchair or mobility aid to no more
than 2 inches in any direction under normal vehicle operating
    (6) Stowage. When not being used for securement, or when the
securement area can be used by standees, the securement system shall not
interfere with passenger movement, shall not present any hazardous
condition, shall be reasonably protected from vandalism, and shall be
readily accessed when needed for use.
    (7) Seat belt and shoulder harness. For each wheelchair or mobility
aid securement device provided, a passenger seat belt and shoulder
harness, complying with all applicable provisions of part 571 of this
title, shall also be provided for use by wheelchair or mobility aid
users. Such seat belts and shoulder harnesses shall not be used in lieu
of a device which secures the wheelchair or mobility aid itself.

Sec.  38.25  Doors, steps and thresholds.
    (a) Slip resistance. All aisles, steps, floor areas where people 
walk and floors in securement locations shall have slip-resistant
    (b) Contrast. All step edges, thresholds and the boarding edge of
ramps or lift platforms shall have a band of color(s) running the full
width of the step or edge which contrasts from the step tread and riser,
or lift or ramp surface, either light-on-dark or dark-on-light.
    (c) Door height. For vehicles in excess of 22 feet in length, the
overhead clearance between the top of the door opening and the raised
lift platform, or highest point of a ramp, shall be a minimum of 68
inches. For vehicles of 22 feet in length or less, the overhead
clearance between the top of the door opening and the raised lift
platform, or highest point of a ramp, shall be a minimum of 56 inches.

Sec.  38.27  Priority seating signs.
    (a) Each vehicle shall contain sign(s) which indicate that seats in 
the front of the vehicle are priority seats for persons with
disabilities, and that other passengers should make such seats available
to those who wish to use them. At least one set of forward-facing seats
shall be so designated.
    (b) Each securement location shall have a sign designating it as
    (c) Characters on signs required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
section shall have a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a
stroke width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10, with a minimum
character height (using an upper case ``X'') of \5/8\ inch, with
``wide'' spacing (generally, the space between letters shall be \1/16\
the height of upper case letters), and shall contrast with
[[Page 507]]
the background either light-on-dark or dark-on-light.

Sec.  38.29  Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
    (a) Interior handrails and stanchions shall permit sufficient 
turning and maneuvering space for wheelchairs and other mobility aids to
reach a securement location from the lift or ramp.
    (b) Handrails and stanchions shall be provided in the entrance to
the vehicle in a configuration which allows persons with disabilities to
grasp such assists from outside the vehicle while starting to board, and
to continue using such assists throughout the boarding and fare
collection process. Handrails shall have a cross-sectional diameter
between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches or shall provide an equivalent
grasping surface, and have eased edges with corner radii of not less
than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall be placed to provide a minimum 1\1/2\
inches knuckle clearance from the nearest adjacent surface. Where on-
board fare collection devices are used on vehicles in excess of 22 feet
in length, a horizontal passenger assist shall be located across the
front of the vehicle and shall prevent passengers from sustaining
injuries on the fare collection device or windshield in the event of a
sudden deceleration. Without restricting the vestibule space, the assist
shall provide support for a boarding passenger from the front door
through the boarding procedure. Passengers shall be able to lean against
the assist for security while paying fares.
    (c) For vehicles in excess of 22 feet in length, overhead
handrail(s) shall be provided which shall be continuous except for a gap
at the rear doorway.
    (d) Handrails and stanchions shall be sufficient to permit safe
boarding, on-board circulation, seating and standing assistance, and
alighting by persons with disabilities.
    (e) For vehicles in excess of 22 feet in length with front-door
lifts or ramps, vertical stanchions immediately behind the driver shall
either terminate at the lower edge of the aisle-facing seats, if
applicable, or be ``dog-legged'' so that the floor attachment does not
impede or interfere with wheelchair footrests. If the driver seat
platform must be passed by a wheelchair or mobility aid user entering
the vehicle, the platform, to the maximum extent practicable, shall not
extend into the aisle or vestibule beyond the wheel housing.
    (f) For vehicles in excess of 22 feet in length, the minimum
interior height along the path from the lift to the securement location
shall be 68 inches. For vehicles of 22 feet in length or less, the
minimum interior height from lift to securement location shall be 56

Sec.  38.31  Lighting.
    (a) Any stepwell or doorway immediately adjacent to the driver shall 
have, when the door is open, at least 2 foot-candles of illumination
measured on the step tread or lift platform.
    (b) Other stepwells and doorways, including doorways in which lifts
or ramps are installed, shall have, at all times, at least 2 foot-
candles of illumination measured on the step tread, or lift or ramp,
when deployed at the vehicle floor level.
    (c) The vehicle doorways, including doorways in which lifts or ramps
are installed, shall have outside light(s) which, when the door is open,
provide at least 1 foot-candle of illumination on the street surface for
a distance 3 feet (915 mm) perpendicular to the bottom step tread or
lift outer edge. Such light(s) shall be shielded to protect the eyes of
entering and exiting passengers.
[56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, as amended at 63 FR 51697, 51702, Sept. 28, 

Sec.  38.33  Fare box.
    Where provided, the farebox shall be located as far forward as 
practicable and shall not obstruct traffic in the vestibule, especially
wheelchairs or mobility aids.

Sec.  38.35  Public information system.
    (a) Vehicles in excess of 22 feet in length, used in multiple-stop, 
fixed-route service, shall be equipped with a public address system
permitting the driver, or recorded or digitized human speech messages,
to announce stops and provide other passenger information within the
    (b) [Reserved]
[[Page 508]]

Sec.  38.37  Stop request.
    (a) Where passengers may board or alight at multiple stops at their 
option, vehicles in excess of 22 feet in length shall provide controls
adjacent to the securement location for requesting stops and which
alerts the driver that a mobility aid user wishes to disembark. Such a
system shall provide auditory and visual indications that the request
has been made.
    (b) Controls required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be
mounted no higher than 48 inches and no lower than 15 inches above the
floor, shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight
grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to
activate controls shall be no greater than 5 lbf (22.2 N).

Sec.  38.39  Destination and route signs.
    (a) Where destination or route information is displayed on the 
exterior of a vehicle, each vehicle shall have illuminated signs on the
front and boarding side of the vehicle.
    (b) Characters on signs required by paragraph (a) of this section
shall have a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke
width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10, with a minimum character
height (using an upper case ``X'') of 1 inch for signs on the boarding
side and a minimum character height of 2 inches for front ``headsigns'',
with ``wide'' spacing (generally, the space between letters shall be 1/
16 the height of upper case letters), and shall contrast with the
background, either dark-on-light or light-on-dark.

                Subpart C_Rapid Rail Vehicles and Systems

Sec.  38.51  General.
    (a) New, used and remanufactured rapid rail vehicles, to be 
considered accessible by regulations in part 37 of this title, shall
comply with this subpart.
    (b) If portions of the vehicle are modified in a way that affects or
could affect accessibility, each such portion shall comply, to the
extent practicable, with the applicable provisions of this subpart. This
provision does not require that inaccessible vehicles be retrofitted
with lifts, ramps or other boarding devices.
    (c) Existing vehicles which are retrofitted to comply with the
``one-car-per-train rule'' of Sec.  37.93 of this title shall comply
with Sec. Sec.  38.55, 38.57(b), 38.59 of this part and shall have, in
new and key stations, at least one door complying with Sec. Sec.  38.53
(a)(1), (b) and (d) of this part. Removal of seats is not required.
Vehicles previously designed and manufactured in accordance with the
accessibility requirements of part 609 of this title or the Secretary of
Transportation regulations implementing section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that were in effect before October 7, 1991,
and which can be entered and used from stations in which they are to be
operated, may be used to satisfy the requirements of Sec.  37.93 of this

Sec.  38.53  Doorways.
    (a) Clear width. (1) Passenger doorways on vehicle sides shall have 
clear openings at least 32 inches wide when open.
    (2) If doorways connecting adjoining cars in a multi-car train are
provided, and if such doorway is connected by an aisle with a minimum
clear width of 30 inches to one or more spaces where wheelchair or
mobility aid users can be accommodated, then such doorway shall have a
minimum clear opening of 30 inches to permit wheelchair and mobility aid
users to be evacuated to an adjoining vehicle in an emergency.
    (b) Signage. The International Symbol of Accessibility shall be
displayed on the exterior of accessible vehicles operating on an
accessible rapid rail system unless all vehicles are accessible and are
not marked by the access symbol. (See Fig. 6.)
    (c) Signals. Auditory and visual warning signals shall be provided
to alert passengers of closing doors.
    (d) Coordination with boarding platform--(1) Requirements. Where new
vehicles will operate in new stations, the design of vehicles shall be
coordinated with the boarding platform design such that the horizontal
gap between each vehicle door at rest and the platform shall be no
greater than 3 inches and the height of the vehicle floor shall be
within plus or minus \5/8\ inch of the
[[Page 509]]
platform height under all normal passenger load conditions. Vertical 
alignment may be accomplished by vehicle air suspension or other
suitable means of meeting the requirement.
    (2) Exception. New vehicles operating in existing stations may have
a floor height within plus or minus 1\1/2\ inches of the platform
height. At key stations, the horizontal gap between at least one door of
each such vehicle and the platform shall be no greater than 3 inches.
    (3) Exception. Retrofitted vehicles shall be coordinated with the
platform in new and key stations such that the horizontal gap shall be
no greater than 4 inches and the height of the vehicle floor, under 50%
passenger load, shall be within plus or minus 2 inches of the platform

Sec.  38.55  Priority seating signs.
    (a) Each vehicle shall contain sign(s) which indicate that certain 
seats are priority seats for persons with disabilities, and that other
passengers should make such seats available to those who wish to use
    (b) Characters on signs required by paragraph (a) of this section
shall have a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke
width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10, with a minimum character
height (using an upper case ``X'') of \5/8\ inch, with ``wide'' spacing
(generally, the space between letters shall be \1/16\ the height of
upper case letters), and shall contrast with the background, either
light-on-dark or dark-on-light.

Sec.  38.57  Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
    (a) Handrails and stanchions shall be provided to assist safe 
boarding, on-board circulation, seating and standing assistance, and
alighting by persons with disabilities.
    (b) Handrails, stanchions, and seats shall allow a route at least 32
inches wide so that at least two wheelchair or mobility aid users can
enter the vehicle and position the wheelchairs or mobility aids in
areas, each having a minimum clear space of 48 inches by 30 inches,
which do not unduly restrict movement of other passengers. Space to
accommodate wheelchairs and mobility aids may be provided within the
normal area used by standees and designation of specific spaces is not
required. Particular attention shall be given to ensuring maximum
maneuverability immediately inside doors. Ample vertical stanchions from
ceiling to seat-back rails shall be provided. Vertical stanchions from
ceiling to floor shall not interfere with wheelchair or mobility aid
user circulation and shall be kept to a minimum in the vicinity of
    (c) The diameter or width of the gripping surface of handrails and
stanchions shall be 1\1/4\ inches to 1\1/2\ inches or provide an
equivalent gripping surface and shall provide a minimum 1\1/2\ inches
knuckle clearance from the nearest adjacent surface.

Sec.  38.59  Floor surfaces.
    Floor surfaces on aisles, places for standees, and areas where 
wheelchair and mobility aid users are to be accommodated shall be slip-

Sec.  38.61  Public information system.
    (a)(1) Requirements. Each vehicle shall be equipped with a public 
address system permitting transportation system personnel, or recorded
or digitized human speech messages, to announce stations and provide
other passenger information. Alternative systems or devices which
provide equivalent access are also permitted. Each vehicle operating in
stations having more than one line or route shall have an external
public address system to permit transportation system personnel, or
recorded or digitized human speech messages, to announce train, route,
or line identification information.
    (2) Exception. Where station announcement systems provide
information on arriving trains, an external train speaker is not
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  38.63  Between-car barriers.
    (a) Requirement. Suitable devices or systems shall be provided to 
prevent, deter or warn individuals from inadvertently stepping off the
platform between cars. Acceptable solutions include, but are not limited
to, pantograph gates, chains, motion detectors or similar devices.
[[Page 510]]
    (b) Exception. Between-car barriers are not required where platform 
screens are provided which close off the platform edge and open only
when trains are correctly aligned with the doors.

                Subpart D_Light Rail Vehicles and Systems

Sec.  38.71  General.
    (a) New, used and remanufactured light rail vehicles, to be 
considered accessible by regulations in part 37 of this title shall
comply with this subpart.
    (b)(1) Vehicles intended to be operated solely in light rail systems
confined entirely to a dedicated right-of-way, and for which all
stations or stops are designed and constructed for revenue service after
the effective date of standards for design and construction in
Sec. Sec.  37.21 and 37.23 of this title shall provide level boarding
and shall comply with Sec. Sec.  38.73(d)(1) and 38.85 of this part.
    (2) Vehicles designed for, and operated on, pedestrian malls, city
streets, or other areas where level boarding is not practicable shall
provide wayside or car-borne lifts, mini-high platforms, or other means
of access in compliance with Sec.  38.83 (b) or (c) of this part.
    (c) If portions of the vehicle are modified in a way that affects or
could affect accessibility, each such portion shall comply, to the
extent practicable, with the applicable provisions of this subpart. This
provision does not require that inaccessible vehicles be retrofitted
with lifts, ramps or other boarding devices.
    (d) Existing vehicles retrofitted to comply with the ``one-car-per-
train rule'' at Sec.  37.93 of this title shall comply with Sec.  38.75,
Sec.  38.77(c), Sec.  38.79(a) and Sec.  38.83(a) of this part and shall
have, in new and key stations, at least one door which complies with
Sec. Sec.  38.73 (a)(1), (b) and (d) of this part. Vehicles previously
designed and manufactured in accordance with the accessibility
requirements of part 609 of this title or the Secretary of
Transportation regulations implementing section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that were in effect before October 7, 1991,
and which can be entered and used from stations in which they are to be
operated, may be used to satisfy the requirements of Sec.  37.93 of this

Sec.  38.73  Doorways.
    (a) Clear width--(1) All passenger doorways on vehicle sides shall 
have minimum clear openings of 32 inches when open.
    (2) If doorways connecting adjoining cars in a multi-car train are
provided, and if such doorway is connected by an aisle with a minimum
clear width of 30 inches to one or more spaces where wheelchair or
mobility aid users can be accommodated, then such doorway shall have a
minimum clear opening of 30 inches to permit wheelchair and mobility aid
users to be evacuated to an adjoining vehicle in an emergency.
    (b) Signage. The International Symbol of Accessibility shall be
displayed on the exterior of each vehicle operating on an accessible
light rail system unless all vehicles are accessible and are not marked
by the access symbol (see fig. 6).
    (c) Signals. Auditory and visual warning signals shall be provided
to alert passengers of closing doors.
    (d) Coordination with boarding platform--(1) Requirements. The
design of level-entry vehicles shall be coordinated with the boarding
platform or mini-high platform design so that the horizontal gap between
a vehicle at rest and the platform shall be no greater than 3 inches and
the height of the vehicle floor shall be within plus or minus \5/8\ inch
of the platform height. Vertical alignment may be accomplished by
vehicle air suspension, automatic ramps or lifts, or any combination.
    (2) Exception. New vehicles operating in existing stations may have
a floor height within plus or minus 1\1/2\ inches of the platform
height. At key stations, the horizontal gap between at least one door of
each such vehicle and the platform shall be no greater than 3 inches.
    (3) Exception. Retrofitted vehicles shall be coordinated with the
platform in new and key stations such that the horizontal gap shall be
no greater than 4 inches and the height of the vehicle floor, under 50%
passenger load, shall
[[Page 511]]
be within plus or minus 2 inches of the platform height.
    (4) Exception. Where it is not operationally or structurally
practicable to meet the horizontal or vertical requirements of
paragraphs (d) (1), (2) or (3) of this section, platform or vehicle
devices complying with Sec.  38.83(b) or platform or vehicle mounted
ramps or bridge plates complying with Sec.  38.83(c) shall be provided.

Sec.  38.75  Priority seating signs.
    (a) Each vehicle shall contain sign(s) which indicate that certain 
seats are priority seats for persons with disabilities, and that other
passengers should make such seats available to those who wish to use
    (b) Where designated wheelchair or mobility aid seating locations
are provided, signs shall indicate the location and advise other
passengers of the need to permit wheelchair and mobility aid users to
occupy them.
    (c) Characters on signs required by paragraphs (a) or (b) of this
section shall have a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a
stroke width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10, with a minimum
character height (using an upper case ``X'') of \5/8\ inch, with
``wide'' spacing (generally, the space between letters shall be \1/16\
the height of upper case letters), and shall contrast with the
background, either light-on-dark or dark-on-light.

Sec.  38.77  Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
    (a) Handrails and stanchions shall be sufficient to permit safe 
boarding, on-board circulation, seating and standing assistance, and
alighting by persons with disabilities.
    (b) At entrances equipped with steps, handrails and stanchions shall
be provided in the entrance to the vehicle in a configuration which
allows passengers to grasp such assists from outside the vehicle while
starting to board, and to continue using such handrails or stanchions
throughout the boarding process. Handrails shall have a cross-sectional
diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches or shall provide an
equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges with corner radii of
not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall be placed to provide a minimum
1\1/2\ inches knuckle clearance from the nearest adjacent surface. Where
on-board fare collection devices are used, a horizontal passenger assist
shall be located between boarding passengers and the fare collection
device and shall prevent passengers from sustaining injuries on the fare
collection device or windshield in the event of a sudden deceleration.
Without restricting the vestibule space, the assist shall provide
support for a boarding passenger from the door through the boarding
procedure. Passengers shall be able to lean against the assist for
security while paying fares.
    (c) At all doors on level-entry vehicles, and at each entrance
accessible by lift, ramp, bridge plate or other suitable means,
handrails, stanchions, passenger seats, vehicle driver seat platforms,
and fare boxes, if applicable, shall be located so as to allow a route
at least 32 inches wide so that at least two wheelchair or mobility aid
users can enter the vehicle and position the wheelchairs or mobility
aids in areas, each having a minimum clear space of 48 inches by 30
inches, which do not unduly restrict movement of other passengers. Space
to accommodate wheelchairs and mobility aids may be provided within the
normal area used by standees and designation of specific spaces is not
required. Particular attention shall be given to ensuring maximum
maneuverability immediately inside doors. Ample vertical stanchions from
ceiling to seat-back rails shall be provided. Vertical stanchions from
ceiling to floor shall not interfere with wheelchair or mobility aid
circulation and shall be kept to a minimum in the vicinity of accessible

Sec.  38.79  Floors, steps and thresholds.
    (a) Floor surfaces on aisles, step treads, places for standees, and 
areas where wheelchair and mobility aid users are to be accommodated
shall be slip-resistant.
    (b) All thresholds and step edges shall have a band of color(s)
running the full width of the step or threshold which contrasts from the
step tread and riser or adjacent floor, either light-on-dark or dark-on-
[[Page 512]]

Sec.  38.81  Lighting.
    (a) Any stepwell or doorway with a lift, ramp or bridge plate 
immediately adjacent to the driver shall have, when the door is open, at
least 2 foot-candles of illumination measured on the step tread or lift
    (b) Other stepwells, and doorways with lifts, ramps or bridge
plates, shall have, at all times, at least 2 foot-candles of
illumination measured on the step tread or lift or ramp, when deployed
at the vehicle floor level.
    (c) The doorways of vehicles not operating at lighted station
platforms shall have outside lights which provide at least 1 foot-candle
of illumination on the station platform or street surface for a distance
of 3 feet perpendicular to all points on the bottom step tread. Such
lights shall be located below window level and shielded to protect the
eyes of entering and exiting passengers.

Sec.  38.83  Mobility aid accessibility.
    (a)(1) General. All new light rail vehicles, other than level entry 
vehicles, covered by this subpart shall provide a level-change mechanism
or boarding device (e.g., lift, ramp or bridge plate) complying with
either paragraph (b) or (c) of this section and sufficient clearances to
permit at least two wheelchair or mobility aid users to reach areas,
each with a minimum clear floor space of 48 inches by 30 inches, which
do not unduly restrict passenger flow. Space to accommodate wheelchairs
and mobility aids may be provided within the normal area used by
standees and designation of specific spaces is not required.
    (2) Exception. If lifts, ramps or bridge plates meeting the
requirements of this section are provided on station platforms or other
stops required to be accessible, or mini-high platforms complying with
Sec.  38.73(d) of this part are provided, the vehicle is not required to
be equipped with a car-borne device. Where each new vehicle is
compatible with a single platform-mounted access system or device,
additional systems or devices are not required for each vehicle provided
that the single device could be used to provide access to each new
vehicle if passengers using wheelchairs or mobility aids could not be
accommodated on a single vehicle.
    (b) Vehicle lift--(1) Design load. The design load of the lift shall
be at least 600 pounds. Working parts, such as cables, pulleys, and
shafts, which can be expected to wear, and upon which the lift depends
for support of the load, shall have a safety factor of at least six,
based on the ultimate strength of the material. Nonworking parts, such
as platform, frame, and attachment hardware which would not be expected
to wear, shall have a safety factor of at least three, based on the
ultimate strength of the material.
    (2) Controls--(i) Requirements. The controls shall be interlocked
with the vehicle brakes, propulsion system, or door, or shall provide
other appropriate mechanisms or systems, to ensure that the vehicle
cannot be moved when the lift is not stowed and so the lift cannot be
deployed unless the interlocks or systems are engaged. The lift shall
deploy to all levels (i.e., ground, curb, and intermediate positions)
normally encountered in the operating environment. Where provided, each
control for deploying, lowering, raising, and stowing the lift and
lowering the roll-off barrier shall be of a momentary contact type
requiring continuous manual pressure by the operator and shall not allow
improper lift sequencing when the lift platform is occupied. The
controls shall allow reversal of the lift operation sequence, such as
raising or lowering a platform that is part way down, without allowing
an occupied platform to fold or retract into the stowed position.
    (ii) Exception. Where physical or safety constraints prevent the
deployment at some stops of a lift having its long dimension
perpendicular to the vehicle axis, the transportation entity may specify
a lift which is designed to deploy with its long dimension parallel to
the vehicle axis and which pivots into or out of the vehicle while
occupied (i.e., ``rotary lift''). The requirements of paragraph
(b)(2)(i) of this section prohibiting the lift from being stowed while
occupied shall not apply to a lift design of this type if the stowed
position is within the passenger compartment and the lift is intended to
be stowed while occupied.
[[Page 513]]
    (iii) Exception. The brake or propulsion system interlocks 
requirement does not apply to a station platform mounted lift provided
that a mechanical, electrical or other system operates to ensure that
vehicles do not move when the lift is in use.
    (3) Emergency operation. The lift shall incorporate an emergency
method of deploying, lowering to ground level with a lift occupant, and
raising and stowing the empty lift if the power to the lift fails. No
emergency method, manual or otherwise, shall be capable of being
operated in a manner that could be hazardous to the lift occupant or to
the operator when operated according to manufacturer's instructions, and
shall not permit the platform to be stowed or folded when occupied,
unless the lift is a rotary lift intended to be stowed while occupied.
    (4) Power or equipment failure. Lift platforms stowed in a vertical
position, and deployed platforms when occupied, shall have provisions to
prevent their deploying, falling, or folding any faster than 12 inches/
second or their dropping of an occupant in the event of a single failure
of any load carrying component.
    (5) Platform barriers. The lift platform shall be equipped with
barriers to prevent any of the wheels of a wheelchair or mobility aid
from rolling off the lift during its operation. A movable barrier or
inherent design feature shall prevent a wheelchair or mobility aid from
rolling off the edge closest to the vehicle until the lift is in its
fully raised position. Each side of the lift platform which extends
beyond the vehicle in its raised position shall have a barrier a minimum
1\1/2\ inches high. Such barriers shall not interfere with maneuvering
into or out of the aisle. The loading-edge barrier (outer barrier) which
functions as a loading ramp when the lift is at ground level, shall be
sufficient when raised or closed, or a supplementary system shall be
provided, to prevent a power wheelchair or mobility aid from riding over
or defeating it. The outer barrier on the outboard of the lift shall
automatically rise or close, or a supplementary system shall
automatically engage, and remain raised, closed, or engaged at all times
that the lift is more than 3 inches above the station platform or
roadway and the lift is occupied. Alternatively, a barrier or system may
be raised, lowered, opened, closed, engaged or disengaged by the lift
operator provided an interlock or inherent design feature prevents the
lift from rising unless the barrier is raised or closed or the
supplementary system is engaged.
    (6) Platform surface. The lift platform surface shall be free of any
protrusions over \1/4\ inch high and shall be slip resistant. The lift
platform shall have a minimum clear width of 28\1/2\ inches at the
platform, a minimum clear width of 30 inches measured from 2 inches
above the lift platform surface to 30 inches above the surface, and a
minimum clear length of 48 inches measured from 2 inches above the
surface of the platform to 30 inches above the surface. (See Fig. 1)
    (7) Platform gaps. Any openings between the lift platform surface
and the raised barriers shall not exceed \5/8\ inch wide. When the lift
is at vehicle floor height with the inner barrier (if applicable) down
or retracted, gaps between the forward lift platform edge and vehicle
floor shall not exceed \1/2\ inch horizontally and \5/8\ inch
vertically. Platforms on semi-automatic lifts may have a hand hold not
exceeding 1\1/2\ inches by 4\1/2\ inches located between the edge
    (8) Platform entrance ramp. The entrance ramp, or loading-edge
barrier used as a ramp, shall not exceed a slope of 1:8 measured on
level ground, for a maximum rise of 3 inches, and the transition from
the station platform or roadway to ramp may be vertical without edge
treatment up to \1/4\ inch. Thresholds between \1/4\ inch and \1/2\ inch
high shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2.
    (9) Platform deflection. The lift platform (not including the
entrance ramp) shall not deflect more than 3 degrees (exclusive of
vehicle roll) in any direction between its unloaded position and its
position when loaded with 600 pounds applied through a 26 inch by 26
inch test pallet at the centroid of the lift platform.
    (10) Platform movement. No part of the platform shall move at a rate
exceeding 6 inches/second during lowering and
[[Page 514]]
lifting an occupant, and shall not exceed 12 inches/second during 
deploying or stowing. This requirement does not apply to the deployment
or stowage cycles of lifts that are manually deployed or stowed. The
maximum platform horizontal and vertical acceleration when occupied
shall be 0.3g.
    (11) Boarding direction. The lift shall permit both inboard and
outboard facing of wheelchairs and mobility aids.
    (12) Use by standees. Lifts shall accommodate persons using walkers,
crutches, canes or braces or who otherwise have difficulty using steps.
The lift may be marked to indicate a preferred standing position.
    (13) Handrails. Platforms on lifts shall be equipped with handrails,
on two sides, which move in tandem with the lift which shall be
graspable and provide support to standees throughout the entire lift
operation. Handrails shall have a usable component at least 8 inches
long with the lowest portion a minimum 30 inches above the platform and
the highest portion a maximum 38 inches above the platform. The
handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100 pounds
concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent deformation
of the rail or its supporting structure. Handrails shall have a cross-
sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches or shall
provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges with corner
radii of not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall be placed to provide
a minimum 1\1/2\ inches knuckle clearance from the nearest adjacent
surface. Handrails shall not interfere with wheelchair or mobility aid
maneuverability when entering or leaving the vehicle.
    (c) Vehicle ramp or bridge plate--(1) Design load. Ramps or bridge
plates 30 inches or longer shall support a load of 600 pounds, placed at
the centroid of the ramp or bridge plate distributed over an area of 26
inches, with a safety factor of at least 3 based on the ultimate
strength of the material. Ramps or bridge plates shorter than 30 inches
shall support a load of 300 pounds.
    (2) Ramp surface. The ramp or bridge plate surface shall be
continuous and slip resistant, shall not have protrusions from the
surface greater then \1/4\ inch, shall have a clear width of 30 inches,
and shall accommodate both four-wheel and three-wheel mobility aids.
    (3) Ramp threshold. The transition from roadway or station platform
and the transition from vehicle floor to the ramp or bridge plate may be
vertical without edge treatment up to \1/4\ inch. Changes in level
between \1/4\ inch and \1/2\ inch shall be beveled with a slope no
greater than 1:2.
    (4) Ramp barriers. Each side of the ramp or bridge plate shall have
barriers at least 2 inches high to prevent mobility aid wheels from
slipping off.
    (5) Slope. Ramps or bridge plates shall have the least slope
practicable. If the height of the vehicle floor, under 50% passenger
load, from which the ramp is deployed is 3 inches or less above the
station platform a maximum slope of 1:4 is permitted; if the height of
the vehicle floor, under 50% passenger load, from which the ramp is
deployed is 6 inches or less, but more than 3 inches, above the station
platform a maximum slope of 1:6 is permitted; if the height of the
vehicle floor, under 50% passenger load, from which the ramp is deployed
is 9 inches or less, but more than 6 inches, above the station platform
a maximum slope of 1:8 is permitted; if the height of the vehicle floor,
under 50% passenger load, from which the ramp is deployed is greater
than 9 inches above the station platform a slope of 1:12 shall be
achieved. Folding or telescoping ramps are permitted provided they meet
all structural requirements of this section.
    (6) Attachment--(i) Requirement. When in use for boarding or
alighting, the ramp or bridge plate shall be attached to the vehicle, or
otherwise prevented from moving such that it is not subject to
displacement when loading or unloading a heavy power mobility aid and
that any gaps between vehicle and ramp or bridge plate, and station
platform and ramp or bridge plate, shall not exceed \5/8\ inch.
    (ii) Exception. Ramps or bridge plates which are attached to, and
deployed from, station platforms are permitted in lieu of vehicle
devices provided they meet the displacement requirements of paragraph
(c)(6)(i) of this section.
    (7) Stowage. A compartment, securement system, or other appropriate
[[Page 515]]
method shall be provided to ensure that stowed ramps or bridge plates, 
including portable ramps or bridges plates stowed in the passenger area,
do not impinge on a passenger's wheelchair or mobility aid or pose any
hazard to passengers in the event of a sudden stop.
    (8) Handrails. If provided, handrails shall allow persons with
disabilities to grasp them from outside the vehicle while starting to
board, and to continue to use them throughout the boarding process, and
shall have the top between 30 inches and 38 inches above the ramp
surface. The handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100
pounds concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent
deformation of the rail or its supporting structure. The handrail shall
have a cross- sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches
or shall provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have ``eased''
edges with corner radii of not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall not
interfere with wheelchair or mobility aid maneuverability when entering
or leaving the vehicle.

Sec.  38.85  Between-car barriers.
    Where vehicles operate in a high-platform, level-boarding mode, 
devices or systems shall be provided to prevent, deter or warn
individuals from inadvertently stepping off the platform between cars.
Appropriate devices include, but are not limited to, pantograph gates,
chains, motion detectors or other suitable devices.

Sec.  38.87  Public information system.
    (a) Each vehicle shall be equipped with an interior public address 
system permitting transportation system personnel, or recorded or
digitized human speech messages, to announce stations and provide other
passenger information. Alternative systems or devices which provide
equivalent access are also permitted.
    (b) [Reserved]

                Subpart E_Commuter Rail Cars and Systems

Sec.  38.91  General.
    (a) New, used and remanufactured commuter rail cars, to be 
considered accessible by regulations in part 37 of this title, shall
comply with this subpart.
    (b) If portions of the car are modified in such a way that it
affects or could affect accessibility, each such portion shall comply,
to the extent practicable, with the applicable provisions of this
subpart. This provision does not require that inaccessible cars be
retrofitted with lifts, ramps or other boarding devices.
    (c)(1) Commuter rail cars shall comply with Sec. Sec.  38.93(d) and
38.109 of this part for level boarding wherever structurally and
operationally practicable.
    (2) Where level boarding is not structurally or operationally
practicable, commuter rail cars shall comply Sec.  38.95 of this part.
    (d) Existing vehicles retrofitted to comply with the ``one-car-per-
train rule'' at Sec.  37.93 of this title shall comply with Sec. Sec. 
38.93(e), 38.95(a) and 38.107 of this part and shall have, in new and
key stations at least one door on each side from which passengers board
which complies with Sec.  38.93(d) of this part. Vehicles previously
designed and manufactured in accordance with the program accessibility
requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or
implementing regulations of the Secretary of Transportation that were in
effect before October 7, 1991; and which can be entered and used from
stations in which they are to be operated, may be used to satisfy the
requirements of Sec.  37.93 of this title.

Sec.  38.93  Doorways.
    (a) Clear width. (1) At least one door on each side of the car from 
which passengers board opening onto station platforms and at least one
adjacent doorway into the passenger coach compartment, if provided,
shall have a minimum clear opening of 32 inches.
    (2) If doorways connecting adjoining cars in a multi-car train are
provided, and if such doorway is connected by an aisle with a minimum
clear width of 30 inches to one or more spaces where wheelchair or
mobility aid users can be accommodated, then such doorway shall have, to
the maximum extent practicable in accordance with the regulations issued
under the Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970 (49 CFR parts
[[Page 516]]
229 and 231), a clear opening of 30 inches.
    (b) Passageways. A route at least 32 inches wide shall be provided
from doors required to be accessible by paragraph (a)(1) of this section
to seating locations complying with Sec.  38.95(d) of this part. In cars
where such doorways require passage through a vestibule, such vestibule
shall have a minimum width of 42 inches. (See Fig. 3.)
    (c) Signals. If doors to the platform close automatically or from a
remote location, auditory and visual warning signals shall be provided
to alert passengers or closing doors.
    (d) Coordination with boarding platform--(1) Requirements. Cars
operating in stations with high platforms, or mini-high platforms, shall
be coordinated with the boarding platform design such that the
horizontal gap between a car at rest and the platform shall be no
greater than 3 inches and the height of the car floor shall be within
plus or minus \5/8\ inch of the platform height. Vertical alignment may
be accomplished by car air suspension, platform lifts or other devices,
or any combination.
    (2) Exception. New vehicles operating in existing stations may have
a floor height within plus or minus 1\1/2\ inches of the platform
height. At key stations, the horizontal gap between at least one
accessible door of each such vehicle and the platform shall be no
greater than 3 inches.
    (3) Exception. Where platform set-backs do not allow the horizontal
gap or vertical alignment specified in paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of
this section, car, platform or portable lifts complying with Sec. 
38.95(b) of this part, or car or platform ramps or bridge plates,
complying with Sec.  38.95(c) of this part, shall be provided.
    (4) Exception. Retrofitted vehicles shall be coordinated with the
platform in new and key stations such that the horizontal gap shall be
no greater than 4 inches and the height of the vehicle floor, under 50%
passenger load, shall be within plus or minus 2 inches of the platform
    (e) Signage. The International Symbol of Accessibility shall be
displaced on the exterior of all doors complying with this section
unless all cars are accessible and are not marked by the access symbol
(see Fig. 6). Appropriate signage shall also indicate which accessible
doors are adjacent to an accessible restroom, if applicable.

Sec.  38.95  Mobility aid accessibility.
    (a)(1) General. All new commuter rail cars, other than level entry 
cars, covered by this subpart shall provide a level-change mechanism or
boarding device (e.g., lift, ramp or bridge plate) complying with either
paragraph (b) or (c) of this section; sufficient clearances to permit a
wheelchair or mobility aid user to reach a seating location; and at
least two wheelchair or mobility aid seating locations complying with
paragraph (d) of this section.
    (2) Exception. If portable or platform lifts, ramps or bridge plates
meeting the applicable requirements of this section are provided on
station platforms or other stops required to be accessible, or mini-high
platforms complying with Sec.  38.93(d) are provided, the car is not
required to be equipped with a car-borne device. Where each new car is
compatible with a single platform-mounted access system or device,
additional systems or devices are not required for each car provided
that the single device could be used to provide access to each new car
if passengers using wheelchairs or mobility aids could not be
accommodated on a single car.
    (b) Car Lift--(1) Design load. The design load of the lift shall be
at least 600 pounds. Working parts, such as cables, pulleys, and shafts,
which can be expected to wear, and upon which the lift depends for
support of the load, shall have a safety factor of at least six, based
on the ultimate strength of the material. Nonworking parts, such as
platform, frame, and attachment hardware which would not be expected to
wear, shall have a safety factor of at least three, based on the
ultimate strength of the material.
    (2) Controls--(i) Requirements. The controls shall be interlocked
with the car brakes, propulsion system, or door, or shall provide other
appropriate mechanisms or systems, to ensure that the car cannot be
moved when the lift is not stowed and so the lift cannot be deployed
unless the interlocks or systems are engaged. The lift shall deploy
[[Page 517]]
to all platform levels normally encountered in the operating 
environment. Where provided, each control for deploying, lowering,
raising, and stowing the lift and lowering the roll-off barrier shall be
of a monetary contact type requiring continuous manual pressure by the
operator and shall not allow improper lift sequencing when the lift
platform is occupied. The controls shall allow reversal of the lift
operation sequence, such as raising or lowering a platform that is part
way down, without allowing an occupied platform to fold or retract into
the stowed position.
    (ii) Exception. Where physical or safety constraints prevent the
deployment at some stops of a lift having its long dimension
perpendicular to the car axis, the transportation entity may specify a
lift which is designed to deploy with its long dimension parallel to the
car axis and which pivots into or out of the car while occupied (i.e.,
``rotary lift''). The requirements of paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this
section prohibiting the lift from being stowed while occupied shall not
apply to a lift design of this type if the stowed position is within the
passenger compartment and the lift is intended to be stowed while
    (iii) Exception. The brake or propulsion system interlock
requirement does not apply to a platform mounted or portable lift
provided that a mechanical, electrical or other system operates to
ensure that cars do not move when the lift is in use.
    (3) Emergency operation. The lift shall incorporate an emergency
method of deploying, lowering to ground or platform level with a lift
occupant, and raising and stowing the empty lift if the power to the
lift fails. No emergency method, manual or otherwise, shall be capable
of being operated in a manner that could be hazardous to the lift
occupant or to the operator when operated according to manufacturer's
instructions, and shall not permit the platform to be stowed or folded
when occupied, unless the lift is a rotary lift intended to be stowed
while occupied.
    (4) Power or equipment failure. Platforms stowed in a vertical
position, and deployed platforms when occupied, shall have provisions to
prevent their deploying, falling, or folding any faster than 12 inches/
second or their dropping of an occupant in the event of a single failure
of any load carrying component.
    (5) Platform barriers. The lift platform shall be equipped with
barriers to prevent any of the wheels of a wheelchair or mobility aid
from rolling off the lift during its operation. A movable barrier or
inherent design feature shall prevent a wheelchair or mobility aid from
rolling off the edge closest to the car until the lift is in its fully
raised position. Each side of the lift platform which, in its raised
position, extends beyond the car shall have a barrier a minimum 1\1/2\
inches high. Such barriers shall not interfere with maneuvering into or
out of the car. The loading-edge barrier (outer barrier) which functions
as a loading ramp when the lift is at ground or station platform level,
shall be sufficient when raised or closed, or a supplementary system
shall be provided, to prevent a power wheelchair or mobility aid from
riding over or defeating it. The outer barrier of the lift shall
automatically rise or close, or a supplementary system shall
automatically engage, and remain raised, closed, or engaged at all times
that the lift platform is more than 3 inches above the station platform
and the lift is occupied. Alternatively, a barrier or system may be
raised, lowered, opened, closed, engaged or disengaged by the lift
operator provided an interlock or inherent design feature prevents the
lift from rising unless the barrier is raised or closed or the
supplementary system is engaged.
    (6) Platform surface. The lift platform surface shall be free of any
protrusions over \1/4\ inch high and shall be slip resistant. The lift
platform shall have a minimum clear width of 28\1/2\ inches at the
platform, a minimum clear width of 30 inches measured from 2 inches
above the lift platform surface to 30 inches above the surface, and a
minimum clear length of 48 inches measured from 2 inches above the
surface of the platform to 30 inches above the surface. (See Fig. 1)
    (7) Platform gaps. Any openings between the lift platform surface
and the raised barriers shall not exceed \5/8\ inch wide. When the lift
is at car floor
[[Page 518]]
height with the inner barrier down (if applicable) or retracted, gaps 
between the forward lift platform edge and car floor shall not exceed
\1/2\ inch horizontally and \5/8\ inch vertically.
    (8) Platform entrance ramp. The entrance ramp, or loading-edge
barrier used as a ramp, shall not exceed a slope of 1:8, when measured
on level ground, for a maximum rise of 3 inches, and the transition from
station platform to ramp may be vertical without edge treatment up to
\1/4\ inch. Thresholds between \1/4\ inch and \1/2\ inch high shall be
beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2.
    (9) Platform deflection. The lift platform (not including the
entrance ramp) shall not deflect more than 3 degrees (exclusive of
vehicle roll) in any direction between its unloaded position and its
position when loaded with 600 pounds applied through a 26 inch by 26
inch test pallet at the centroid of the lift platform.
    (10) Platform movement. No part of the platform shall move at a rate
exceeding 6 inches/second during lowering and lifting an occupant, and
shall not exceed 12 inches/second during deploying or stowing. This
requirement does not apply to the deployment or stowage cycles of lifts
that are manually deployed or stowed. The maximum platform horizontal
and vertical acceleration when occupied shall be 0.3g.
    (11) Boarding direction. The lift shall permit both inboard and
outboard facing of wheelchairs and mobility aids.
    (12) Use by standees. Lifts shall accommodate persons using walkers,
crutches, canes or braces or who otherwise have difficulty using steps.
The lift may be marked to indicate a preferred standing position.
    (13) Handrails. Platforms on lifts shall be equipped with handrails,
on two sides, which move in tandem with the lift which shall be
graspable and provide support to standees throughout the entire lift
operation. Handrails shall have a usable component at least 8 inches
long with the lowest portion a minimum 30 inches above the platform and
the highest portion a maximum 38 inches above the platform. The
handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100 pounds
concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent deformation
of the rail or its supporting structure. The handrail shall have a
cross-sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches or
shall provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges with
corner radii of not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall be placed to
provide a minimum 1\1/2\ inches knuckle clearance from the nearest
adjacent surface. Handrails shall not interfere with wheelchair or
mobility aid maneuverability when entering or leaving the car.
    (c) Car ramp or bridge plate--(1) Design load. Ramps or bridge
plates 30 inches or longer shall support a load of 600 pounds, placed at
the centroid of the ramp or bridge plate distributed over an area of 26
inches by 26 inches, with a safety factor of at least 3 based on the
ultimate strength of the material. Ramps or bridge plates shorter than
30 inches shall support a load of 300 pounds.
    (2) Ramp surface. The ramp or bridge plate surface shall be
continuous and slip resistant, shall not have protrusions from the
surface greater than \1/4\ inch high, shall have a clear width of 30
inches and shall accommodate both four-wheel and three-wheel mobility
    (3) Ramp threshold. The transition from station platform to the ramp
or bridge plate and the transition from car floor to the ramp or bridge
plate may be vertical without edge treatment up to \1/4\ inch. Changes
in level between \1/4\ inch and \1/2\ inch shall be beveled with a slope
no greater than 1:2.
    (4) Ramp barriers. Each side of the ramp or bridge plate shall have
barriers at least 2 inches high to prevent mobility aid wheels from
slipping off.
    (5) Slope. Ramps or bridge plates shall have the least slope
practicable. If the height of the vehicle floor, under 50% passenger
load, from which the ramp is deployed is 3 inches or less above the
station platform a maximum slope of 1:4 is permitted; if the height of
the vehicle floor, under 50% passenger load, from which the ramp is
deployed is 6 inches or less, but more than 3 inches, above the station
platform a maximum slope of 1:6 is permitted; if the height of the
vehicle floor, under 50% passenger load, from which the ramp is deployed
is 9 inches or less, but more
[[Page 519]]
than 6 inches, above the station platform a maximum slope of 1:8 is 
permitted; if the height of the vehicle floor, under 50% passenger load,
from which the ramp is deployed is greater than 9 inches above the
station platform a slope of 1:12 shall be achieved. Folding or
telescoping ramps are permitted provided they meet all structural
requirements of this section.
    (6) Attachment--(i) Requirement. When in use for boarding or
alighting, the ramp or bridge plate shall be attached to the vehicle, or
otherwise prevented from moving such that it is not subject to
displacement when loading or unloading a heavy power mobility aid and
that any gaps between vehicle and ramp or bridge plate, and station
platform and ramp or bridge plate, shall not exceed \5/8\ inch.
    (ii) Exception. Ramps or bridge plates which are attached to, and
deployed from, station platforms are permitted in lieu of car devices
provided they meet the displacement requirements of paragraph (c)(6)(i)
of this section.
    (7) Stowage. A compartment, securement system, or other appropriate
method shall be provided to ensure that stowed ramps or bridge plates,
including portable ramps or bridge plates stowed in the passenger area,
do not impinge on a passenger's wheelchair or mobility aid or pose any
hazard to passengers in the event of a sudden stop.
    (8) Handrails. If provided, handrails shall allow persons with
disabilities to grasp them from outside the car while starting to board,
and to continue to use them throughout the boarding process, and shall
have the top between 30 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface. The
handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100 pounds
concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent deformation
of the rail or its supporting structure. The handrail shall have a
cross-sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches or
shall provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges with
corner radii of not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall not interfere
with wheelchair or mobility aid maneuverability when entering or leaving
the car.
    (d) Mobility aid seating location. Spaces for persons who wish to
remain in their wheelchairs or mobility aids shall have a minimum clear
floor space 48 inches by 30 inches. Such spaces shall adjoin, and may
overlap, an accessible path. Not more than 6 inches of the required
clear floor space may be accommodated for footrests under another seat
provided there is a minimum of 9 inches from the floor to the lowest
part of the seat overhanging the space. Seating spaces may have fold-
down or removable seats to accommodate other passengers when a
wheelchair or mobility aid user is not occupying the area, provided the
seats, when folded up, do not obstruct the clear floor space required.
(See Fig. 2.)

Sec.  38.97  Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
    (a) Where provided, handrails or stanchions within the passenger 
compartment shall be placed to permit sufficient turning and maneuvering
space for wheelchairs and other mobility aids to reach a seating
location, complying with Sec.  38.95(d) of this part, from an accessible
entrance. The diameter or width of the gripping surface of interior
handrails and stanchions shall be 1\1/4\ inches to 1\1/2\ inches or
shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. Handrails shall be placed
to provide a minimum 1\1/2\ inches knuckle clearance from the nearest
adjacent surface.
    (b) Where provided, handrails or stanchions shall be sufficient to
permit safe boarding, on-board circulation, seating and standing
assistance, and alighting by persons with disabilities.
    (c) At entrances equipped with steps, handrails or stanchions shall
be provided in the entrance to the car in a configuration which allows
passengers to grasp such assists from outside the car while starting to
board, and to continue using such assists throughout the boarding
process, to the extent permitted by part 231 of this title.

Sec.  38.99  Floors, steps and thresholds.
    (a) Floor surfaces on aisles, step treads, places for standees, and 
areas where wheelchair and mobility aid users are to be accommodated
shall be slip-resistant.
    (b) All thresholds and step edges shall have a band of color(s)
running the full width of the step or threshold
[[Page 520]]
which contrasts from the step tread and riser or adjacent floor, either 
light-on-dark or dark-on-light.

Sec.  38.101  Lighting.
    (a) Any stepwell or doorway with a lift, ramp or bridge plate shall 
have, when the door is open, at least 2 footcandles of illumination
measured on the step tread, ramp, bridge plate, or lift platform.
    (b) The doorways of cars not operating at lighted station platforms
shall have outside lights which, when the door is open, provide at least
1 footcandle of illumination on the station platform surface for a
distance of 3 feet perpendicular to all points on the bottom step tread
edge. Such lights shall be shielded to protect the eyes of entering and
exiting passengers.

Sec.  38.103  Public information system.
    (a) Each car shall be equipped with an interior public address 
system permitting transportation system personnel, or recorded or
digitized human speech messages, to announce stations and provide other
passenger information. Alternative systems or devices which provide
equivalent access are also permitted.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  38.105  Priority seating signs.
    (a) Each car shall contain sign(s) which indicate that certain seats 
are priority seats for persons with disabilities and that other
passengers should make such seats available to those who wish to use
    (b) Characters on signs required by paragraph (a) shall have a
width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke width-to-height
ratio between 1:5 and 1:10, with a minimum character height (using an
upper case ``X'') of \5/8\ inch, with ``wide'' spacing (generally, the
space between letters shall be \1/16\ the height of upper case letters),
and shall contrast with the background either light-on-dark or dark-on-

Sec.  38.107  Restrooms.
    (a) If a restroom is provided for the general public, it shall be 
designed so as to allow a person using a wheelchair or mobility aid to
enter and use such restroom as specified in paragraphs (a) (1) through
(5) of this section.
    (1) The minimum clear floor area shall be 35 inches by 60 inches.
Permanently installed fixtures may overlap this area a maximum of 6
inches, if the lowest portion of the fixture is a minimum of 9 inches
above the floor, and may overlap a maximum of 19 inches, if the lowest
portion of the fixture is a minimum of 29 inches above the floor,
provided such fixtures do not interfere with access to the water closet.
Fold-down or retractable seats or shelves may overlap the clear floor
space at a lower height provided they can be easily folded up or moved
out of the way.
    (2) The height of the water closet shall be 17 inches to 19 inches
measured to the top of the toilet seat. Seats shall not be sprung to
return to a lifted position.
    (3) A grab bar at least 24 inches long shall be mounted behind the
water closet, and a horizontal grab bar at least 40 inches long shall be
mounted on at least one side wall, with one end not more than 12 inches
from the back wall, at a height between 33 inches and 36 inches above
the floor.
    (4) Faucets and flush controls shall be operable with one hand and
shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.
The force required to activate controls shall be no greater than 5 lbf
(22.2 N). Controls for flush valves shall be mounted no more than 44
inches above the floor.
    (5) Doorways on the end of the enclosure, opposite the water closet,
shall have a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches. Doorways on the
side wall shall have a minimum clear opening width of 39 inches. Door
latches and hardware shall be operable with one hand and shall not
require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.
    (b) Restrooms required to be accessible shall be in close proximity
to at least one seating location for persons using mobility aids and
shall be connected to such a space by an unobstructed path having a
minimum width of 32 inches.

Sec.  38.109  Between-car barriers.
    Where vehicles operate in a high-platform, level-boarding mode, and
[[Page 521]]
where between-car bellows are not provided, devices or systems shall be 
provided to prevent, deter or warn individuals from inadvertently
stepping off the platform between cars. Appropriate devices include, but
are not limited to, pantograph gates, chains, motion detectors or other
suitable devices.

                Subpart F_Intercity Rail Cars and Systems

Sec.  38.111  General.
    (a) New, used and remanufactured intercity rail cars, to be 
considered accessible by regulations in part 37 of this title shall
comply with this subpart to the extent required for each type of car as
specified below.
    (1) Single-level rail passenger coaches and food service cars (other
than single-level dining cars) shall comply with Sec. Sec.  38.113
through 38.123 of this part. Compliance with Sec.  38.125 of this part
shall be required only to the extent necessary to meet the requirements
of paragraph (d) of this section.
    (2) Single-level dining and lounge cars shall have at least one
connecting doorway complying with Sec.  38.113(a)(2) of this part
connected to a car accessible to persons using wheelchairs or mobility
aids, and at least one space complying with Sec. Sec.  38.125(d) (2) and
(3) of this part, to provide table service to a person who wishes to
remain in his or her wheelchair, and space to fold and store a
wheelchair for a person who wishes to transfer to an existing seat.
    (3) Bi-level dining cars shall comply with Sec. Sec.  38.113(a)(2),
38.115(b), 38.117(a), and 38.121 of this part.
    (4) Bi-level lounge cars shall have doors on the lower level, on
each side of the car from which passengers board, complying with Sec. 
38.113, a restroom complying with Sec.  38.123, and at least one space
complying with Sec.  38.125(d) (2) and (3) to provide table service to a
person who wishes to remain in his or her wheelchair and space to fold
and store a wheelchair for a person who wishes to transfer to an
existing seat.
    (5) Restrooms, complying with Sec.  38.123 shall be provided in
single-level rail passenger coaches and food services cars adjacent to
the accessible seating locations required by paragraph (d) of this
section. Accessible restrooms are required in dining and lounge cars
only if restrooms are provided for other passengers.
    (6) Sleeper cars shall comply with Sec. Sec.  38.113 (b) through
(d), 38.115 through 38.121, and 38.125, of this part, and have at least
one compartment which can be entered and used by a person using a
wheelchair or mobility aid and complying with Sec.  38.127 of this part.
    (b)(1) If physically and operationally practicable, intercity rail
cars shall comply with Sec.  38.113(d) of this part for level boarding.
    (2) Where level boarding is not structurally or operationally
practicable, intercity rail cars shall comply with Sec.  38.125.
    (c) If portions of the car are modified in a way that it affects or
could affect accessibility, each such portion shall comply, to the
extent practicable, with the applicable provisions of this subpart. This
provision does not require that inaccessible cars be retrofitted with
lifts, ramps or other boarding devices.
    (d) Passenger coaches or food service cars shall have the number of
spaces complying with Sec.  38.125(d)(2) of this part and the number of
spaces complying with Sec.  38.125(d)(3) of this part, as required by
Sec.  37.91 of this title.
    (e) Existing cars retrofitted to meet the seating requirements of
Sec.  37.91 of this title shall comply with Sec.  38.113(e), Sec. 
38.123, Sec.  38.125(d) of this part and shall have at least one door on
each side from which passengers board complying with Sec.  38.113(d) of
this part. Existing cars designed and manufactured to be accessible in
accordance with the Secretary of Transportation regulations implementing
section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that were in effect before
October 7, 1991, shall comply with Sec.  38.125(a) of this part.

Sec.  38.113  Doorways.
    (a) Clear width. (1) At least one doorway, on each side of the car 
from which passengers board, of each car required to be accessible by
Sec.  38.111(a) and where the spaces required by Sec.  38.111(d) of this
part are located, and at least one adjacent doorway into coach passenger
compartments shall have a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches.
[[Page 522]]
    (2) Doorways at ends of cars connecting two adjacent cars, to the 
maximum extent practicable in accordance with regulations issued under
the Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970 (49 CFR parts 229 and 231),
shall have a clear opening width of 32 inches to permit wheelchair and
mobility aid users to enter into a single-level dining car, if
    (b) Passageway. Doorways required to be accessible by paragraph (a)
of this section shall permit access by persons using mobility aids and
shall have an unobstructed passageway at least 32 inches wide leading to
an accessible sleeping compartment complying with Sec.  38.127 of this
part or seating locations complying with Sec.  38.125(d) of this part.
In cars where such doorways require passage through a vestibule, such
vestibule shall have a minimum width of 42 inches. (see Fig. 4)
    (c) Signals. If doors to the platform close automatically or from a
remote location, auditory and visual warning signals shall be provided
to alert passengers of closing doors.
    (d) Coordination with boarding platforms--(1) Requirements. Cars
which provide level-boarding in stations with high platforms shall be
coordinated with the boarding platform or mini-high platform design such
that the horizontal gap between a car at rest and the platform shall be
no greater than 3 inches and the height of the car floor shall be within
plus or minus \5/8\ inch of the platform height. Vertical alignment may
be accomplished by car air suspension, platform lifts or other devices,
or any combination.
    (2) Exception. New cars operating in existing stations may have a
floor height within plus or minus 1\1/2\ inches of the platform height.
    (3) Exception. Where platform set-backs do not allow the horizontal
gap or vertical alignment specified in paragraph (d) (1) or (2),
platform or portable lifts complying with Sec.  38.125(b) of this part,
or car or platform bridge plates, complying with Sec.  38.125(c) of this
part, may be provided.
    (4) Exception. Retrofitted vehicles shall be coordinated with the
platform in existing stations such that the horizontal gap shall be no
greater than 4 inches and the height of the vehicle floor, under 50%
passenger load, shall be within plus or minus 2 inches of the platform
    (e) Signage. The International Symbol of Accessibility shall be
displayed on the exterior of all doors complying with this section
unless all cars and doors are accessible and are not marked by the
access symbol (see fig. 6). Appropriate signage shall also indicate
which accessible doors are adjacent to an accessible restroom, if
[56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, as amended at 58 FR 63103, Nov. 30, 1993]

Sec.  38.115  Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
    (a) Where provided, handrails or stanchions within the passenger 
compartment shall be placed to permit sufficient turning and maneuvering
space for wheelchairs and other mobility aids to reach a seating
location, complying with Sec.  38.125(d) of this part, from an
accessible entrance. The diameter or width of the gripping surface of
interior handrails and stanchions shall be 1\1/4\ inches to 1\1/2\
inches or shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. Handrails shall
be placed to provide a minimum 1\1/2\ inches knuckle clearance from the
nearest adjacent surface.
    (b) Where provided, handrails and stanchions shall be sufficient to
permit safe boarding, on-board circulation, seating and standing
assistance, and alighting by persons with disabilities.
    (c) At entrances equipped with steps, handrails or stanchions shall
be provided in the entrance to the car in a configuration which allows
passengers to grasp such assists from outside the car while starting to
board, and to continue using such assists throughout the boarding
process, to the extent permitted by part 231 of this title.

Sec.  38.117  Floors, steps and thresholds.
    (a) Floor surfaces on aisles, step treads and areas where wheelchair 
and mobility aid users are to be accommodated shall be slip-resistant.
    (b) All step edges and thresholds shall have a band of color(s)
running the full width of the step or threshold which contrasts from the
step tread and riser or adjacent floor, either light-on-dark or dark-on-
[[Page 523]]

Sec.  38.119  Lighting.
    (a) Any stepwell, or doorway with a lift, ramp or bridge plate, 
shall have, when the door is open, at least 2 foot-candles of
illumination measured on the step tread, ramp, bridge plate or lift
    (b) The doorways of cars not operating at lighted station platforms
shall have outside lights which, when the door is open, provide at least
1 foot-candle of illumination on the station platform surface for a
distance of 3 feet perpendicular to all points on the bottom step tread
edge. Such lights shall be shielded to protect the eyes of entering and
exiting passengers.

Sec.  38.121  Public information system.
    (a) Each car shall be equipped with a public address system 
permitting transportation system personnel, or recorded or digitized
human speech messages, to announce stations and provide other passenger
information. Alternative systems or devices which provide equivalent
access are also permitted.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  38.123  Restrooms.
    (a) If a restroom is provided for the general public, and an 
accessible restroom is required by Sec.  38.111 (a) and (e) of this
part, it shall be designed so as to allow a person using a wheelchair or
mobility aid to enter and use such restroom as specified in paragraphs
(a) (1) through (5) of this section.
    (1) The minimum clear floor area shall be 35 inches by 60 inches.
Permanently installed fixtures may overlap this area a maximum of 6
inches, if the lowest portion of the fixture is a minimum of 9 inches
above the floor, and may overlap a maximum of 19 inches, if the lowest
portion of the fixture is a minimum of 29 inches above the floor.
Fixtures shall not interfere with access to and use of the water closet.
Fold-down or retractable seats or shelves may overlap the clear floor
space at a lower height provided they can be easily folded up or moved
out of the way.
    (2) The height of the water closet shall be 17 inches to 19 inches
measured to the top of the toilet seat. Seats shall not be sprung to
return to a lifted position.
    (3) A grab bar at least 24 inches long shall be mounted behind the
water closet, and a horizontal grab bar at least 40 inches long shall be
mounted on at least one side wall, with one end not more than 12 inches
from the back wall, at a height between 33 inches and 36 inches above
the floor.
    (4) Faucets and flush controls shall be operable with one hand and
shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.
The force required to activate controls shall be no greater than 5 lbf
(22.2 N). Controls for flush valves shall be mounted no more than 44
inches above the floor.
    (5) Doorways on the end of the enclosure, opposite the water closet,
shall have a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches. Doorways on the
side wall shall have a minimum clear opening width of 39 inches. Door
latches and hardware shall be operable with one hand and shall not
require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.
    (b) Restrooms required to be accessible shall be in close proximity
to at least one seating location for persons using mobility aids
complying with Sec.  38.125(d) of this part and shall be connected to
such a space by an unobstructed path having a minimum width of 32

Sec.  38.125  Mobility aid accessibility.
    (a)(1) General. All intercity rail cars, other than level entry 
cars, required to be accessible by Sec. Sec.  38.111 (a) and (e) of this
subpart shall provide a level-change mechanism or boarding device (e.g.,
lift, ramp or bridge plate) complying with either paragraph (b) or (c)
of this section and sufficient clearances to permit a wheelchair or
other mobility aid user to reach a seating location complying with
paragraph (d) of this section.
    (2) Exception. If portable or platform lifts, ramps or bridge plates
meeting the applicable requirements of this section are provided on
station platforms or other stops required to be accessible, or mini-high
platforms complying with Sec.  38.113(d) are provided, the car is not
required to be equipped with a car-borne device.
    (b) Car Lift--(1) Design load. The design load of the lift shall be
at least 600 pounds. Working parts, such as cables,
[[Page 524]]
pulleys, and shafts, which can be expected to wear, and upon which the 
lift depends for support of the load, shall have a safety factor of at
least six, based on the ultimate strength of the material. Nonworking
parts, such as platform, frame, and attachment hardware which would not
be expected to wear, shall have a safety factor of at least three, based
on the ultimate strength of the material.
    (2) Controls--(i) Requirements. The controls shall be interlocked
with the car brakes, propulsion system, or door, or shall provide other
appropriate mechanisms or systems, to ensure that the car cannot be
moved when the lift is not stowed and so the lift cannot be deployed
unless the interlocks or systems are engaged. The lift shall deploy to
all platform levels normally encountered in the operating environment.
Where provided, each control for deploying, lowering, raising, and
stowing the lift and lowering the roll-off barrier shall be of a
monetary contact type requiring continuous manual pressure by the
operator and shall not allow improper lift sequencing when the lift
platform is occupied. The controls shall allow reversal of the lift
operation sequence, such as raising or lowering a platform that is part
way down, without allowing an occupied platform to fold or retract into
the stowed position.
    (ii) Exception. Where physical or safety constraints prevent the
deployment at some stops of a lift having its long dimension
perpendicular to the car axis, the transportation entity may specify a
lift which is designed to deploy with its long dimension parallel to the
car axis and which pivots into or out of the car while occupied (i.e.,
``rotary lift''). The requirements of paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this
section prohibiting the lift from being stowed while occupied shall not
apply to a lift design of this type if the stowed position is within the
passenger compartment and the lift is intended to be stowed while
    (iii) Exception. The brake or propulsion system interlocks
requirement does not apply to platform mounted or portable lifts
provided that a mechanical, electrical or other system operates to
ensure that cars do not move when the lift is in use.
    (3) Emergency operation. The lift shall incorporate an emergency
method of deploying, lowering to ground or station platform level with a
lift occupant, and raising and stowing the empty lift if the power to
the lift fails. No emergency method, manual or otherwise, shall be
capable of being operated in a manner that could be hazardous to the
lift occupant or to the operator when operated according to
manufacturer's instructions, and shall not permit the platform to be
stowed or folded when occupied, unless the lift is a rotary lift and is
intended to be stowed while occupied.
    (4) Power or equipment failure. Platforms stowed in a vertical
position, and deployed platforms when occupied, shall have provisions to
prevent their deploying, falling, or folding any faster than 12 inches/
second or their dropping of an occupant in the event of a single failure
of any load carrying component.
    (5) Platform barriers. The lift platform shall be equipped with
barriers to prevent any of the wheels of a wheelchair or mobility aid
from rolling off the lift during its operation. A movable barrier or
inherent design feature shall prevent a wheelchair or mobility aid from
rolling off the edge closest to the car until the lift is in its fully
raised position. Each side of the lift platform which, in its raised
position, extends beyond the car shall have a barrier a minimum 1\1/2\
inches high. Such barriers shall not interfere with maneuvering into or
out of the car. The loading-edge barrier (outer barrier) which functions
as a loading ramp when the lift is at ground or station platform level,
shall be sufficient when raised or closed, or a supplementary system
shall be provided, to prevent a power wheelchair or mobility aid from
riding over or defeating it. The outer barrier of the lift shall
automatically rise or close, or a supplementary system shall
automatically engage, and remain raised, closed, or engaged at all times
that the lift platform is more than 3 inches above the station platform
and the lift is occupied. Alternatively, a
[[Page 525]]
barrier or system may be raised, lowered, opened, closed, engaged or 
disengaged by the lift operator provided an interlock or inherent design
feature prevents the lift from rising unless the barrier is raised or
closed or the supplementary system is engaged.
    (6) Platform surface. The lift platform surface shall be free of any
protrusions over \1/4\ inch high and shall be slip resistant. The lift
platform shall have a minimum clear width of 28\1/2\ inches at the
platform, a minimum clear width of 30 inches measured from 2 inches
above the lift platform surface to 30 inches above the surface, and a
minimum clear length of 48 inches measured from 2 inches above the
surface of the platform to 30 inches above the surface. (See Fig. 1.)
    (7) Platform gaps. Any openings between the lift platform surface
and the raised barriers shall not exceed \5/8\ inch wide. When the lift
is at car floor height with the inner barrier (if applicable) down or
retracted, gaps between the forward lift platform edge and car floor
shall not exceed \1/2\ inch horizontally and \5/8\ inch vertically.
    (8) Platform entrance ramp. The entrance ramp, or loading-edge
barrier used as a ramp, shall not exceed a slope of 1:8, when measured
on level ground, for a maximum rise of 3 inches, and the transition from
station platform to ramp may be vertical without edge treatment up to
\1/4\ inch. Thresholds between \1/4\ inch and \1/2\ inch high shall be
beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2.
    (9) Platform deflection. The lift platform (not including the
entrance ramp) shall not deflect more than 3 degrees (exclusive of car
roll) in any direction between its unloaded position and its position
when loaded with 600 pounds applied through a 26 inch by 26 inch test
pallet at the centroid of the lift platform.
    (10) Platform movement. No part of the platform shall move at a rate
exceeding 6 inches/second during lowering and lifting an occupant, and
shall not exceed 12 inches/second during deploying or stowing. This
requirement does not apply to the deployment or stowage cycles of lifts
that are manually deployed or stowed. The maximum platform horizontal
and vertical acceleration when occupied shall be 0.3g.
    (11) Boarding direction. The lift shall permit both inboard and
outboard facing of wheelchairs and mobility aids.
    (12) Use by standees. Lifts shall accommodate persons using walkers,
crutches, canes or braces or who otherwise have difficulty using steps.
The lift may be marked to indicate a preferred standing position.
    (13) Handrails. Platforms on lifts shall be equipped with handrails,
on two sides, which move in tandem with the lift, and which shall be
graspable and provide support to standees throughout the entire lift
operation. Handrails shall have a usable component at least 8 inches
long with the lowest portion a minimum 30 inches above the platform and
the highest portion a maximum 38 inches above the platform. The
handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100 pounds
concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent deformation
of the rail or its supporting structure. The handrail shall have a
cross-sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches or
shall provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges with
corner radii of not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall be placed to
provide a minimum 1\1/2\ inches knuckle clearance from the nearest
adjacent surface. Handrails shall not interfere with wheelchair or
mobility aid maneuverability when entering or leaving the car.
    (c) Car ramp or bridge plate--(1) Design load. Ramps or bridge
plates 30 inches or longer shall support a load of 600 pounds, placed at
the centroid of the ramp or bridge plate distributed over an area of 26
inches by 26 inches, with a safety factor of at least 3 based on the
ultimate strength of the material. Ramps or bridge plates shorter than
30 inches shall support a load of 300 pounds.
    (2) Ramp surface. The ramp or bridge plate surface shall be
continuous and slip resistant, shall not have protrusions from the
surface greater than \1/4\ inch high, shall have a clear width of 30
inches and shall accommodate both four-wheel and three-wheel mobility
[[Page 526]]
    (3) Ramp threshold. The transition from station platform to the ramp 
or bridge plate and the transition from car floor to the ramp or bridge
plate may be vertical without edge treatment up to \1/4\ inch. Changes
in level between \1/4\ inch and \1/2\ inch shall be beveled with a slope
no greater than 1:2.
    (4) Ramp barriers. Each side of the ramp or bridge plate shall have
barriers at least 2 inches high to prevent mobility aid wheels from
slipping off.
    (5) Slope. Ramps or bridge plates shall have the least slope
practicable. If the height of the vehicle floor, under 50% passenger
load, from which the ramp is deployed is 3 inches or less above the
station platform a maximum slope of 1:4 is permitted; if the height of
the vehicle floor, under 50% passenger load, from which the ramp is
deployed is 6 inches or less, but more than 3 inches, above the station
platform a maximum slope of 1:6 is permitted; if the height of the
vehicle floor, under 50% passenger load, from which the ramp is deployed
is 9 inches or less, but more than 6 inches, above the station platform
a maximum slope of 1:8 is permitted; if the height of the vehicle floor,
under 50% passenger load, from which the ramp is deployed is greater
than 9 inches above the station platform a slope of 1:12 shall be
achieved. Folding or telescoping ramps are permitted provided they meet
all structural requirements of this section.
    (6) Attachment--(i) Requirement. When in use for boarding or
alighting, the ramp or bridge plate shall be attached to the vehicle, or
otherwise prevented from moving such that it is not subject to
displacement when loading or unloading a heavy power mobility aid and
that any gaps between vehicle and ramp or bridge plate, and station
platform and ramp or bridge plate, shall not exceed \5/8\ inch.
    (ii) Exception. Ramps or bridge plates which are attached to, and
deployed from, station platforms are permitted in lieu of car devices
provided they meet the displacement requirements of paragraph (c)(6)(i)
of this section.
    (7) Stowage. A compartment, securement system, or other appropriate
method shall be provided to ensure that stowed ramps or bridge plates,
including portable ramps or bridge plates stowed in the passenger area,
do not impinge on a passenger's wheelchair or mobility aid or pose any
hazard to passengers in the event of a sudden stop.
    (8) Handrails. If provided, handrails shall allow persons with
disabilities to grasp them from outside the car while starting to board,
and to continue to use them throughout the boarding process, and shall
have the top between 30 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface. The
handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100 pounds
concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent deformation
of the rail or its supporting structure. The handrail shall have a
cross-sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches and 1\1/2\ inches or
shall provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges with
corner radii of not less than \1/8\ inch. Handrails shall not interfere
with wheelchair or mobility aid maneuverability when entering or leaving
the car.
    (d) Seating--(1) Requirements. All intercity rail cars required to
be accessible by Sec. Sec.  38.111 (a) and (e) of this subpart shall
provide at least one, but not more than two, mobility aid seating
location(s) complying with paragraph (d)(2) of this section; and at
least one, but not more than two, seating location(s) complying with
paragraph (d)(3) of this section which adjoin or overlap an accessible
route with a minimum clear width of 32 inches.
    (2) Wheelchair or mobility aid spaces. Spaces for persons who wish
to remain in their wheelchairs or mobility aids shall have a minimum
clear floor space 48 inches by 30 inches. Such spaces shall adjoin, and
may overlap, an accessible path. Not more than 6 inches of the required
clear floor space may be accommodated for footrests under another seat
provided there is a minimum of 9 inches from the floor to the lowest
part of the seat overhanging the space. Seating spaces may have fold-
down or removable seats to accommodate other passengers when a
wheelchair or mobility aid user is not occupying the area, provided the
seats, when folded up, do not obstruct the clear floor space provided
(See Fig. 2).
    (3) Other spaces. Spaces for individuals who wish to transfer shall
include a regular coach seat or dining car
[[Page 527]]
booth or table seat and space to fold and store the passenger's 
[56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, as amended at 58 FR 63103, Nov. 30, 1993]

Sec.  38.127  Sleeping compartments.
    (a) Sleeping compartments required to be accessible shall be 
designed so as to allow a person using a wheelchair or mobility aid to
enter, maneuver within and approach and use each element within such
compartment. (See Fig. 5.)
    (b) Each accessible compartment shall contain a restroom complying
with Sec.  38.123(a) which can be entered directly from such
    (c) Controls and operating mechanisms (e.g., heating and air
conditioning controls, lighting controls, call buttons, electrical
outlets, etc.) shall be mounted no more than 48 inches, and no less than
15 inches, above the floor and shall have a clear floor area directly in
front a minimum of 30 inches by 48 inches. Controls and operating
mechanisms shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight
grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.

                Subpart G_Over-the-Road Buses and Systems

Sec.  38.151  General.
    (a) New, used and remanufactured over-the-road buses, to be 
considered accessible by regulations in part 37 of this title, shall
comply with this subpart.
    (b) Over-the-road buses covered by Sec.  37.7 (c) of this title
shall comply with Sec.  38.23 and this subpart.

Sec.  38.153  Doors, steps and thresholds.
    (a) Floor surfaces on aisles, step treads and areas where wheelchair 
and mobility aid users are to be accommodated shall be slip-resistant.
    (b) All step edges shall have a band of color(s) running the full
width of the step which contrasts from the step tread and riser, either
dark-on-light or light-on-dark.
    (c)(1) Doors shall have a minimum clear width when open of 30 inches
(760 mm), measured from the lowest step to a height of at least 48
inches (1220 mm), from which point they may taper to a minimum width of
18 inches (457 mm). The clear width may be reduced by a maximum of 4
inches (100 mm) by protrusions of hinges or other operating mechanisms.
    (2) Exception. Where compliance with the door width requirement of
paragraph (c)(1) of this section is not feasible, the minimum door width
shall be 27 in (685 mm).
    (d) The overhead clearance between the top of the lift door opening
and the sill shall be the maximum practicable but not less than 65
inches (1651 mm).
[56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, as amended at 63 FR 51698, 51702, Sept. 28, 

Sec.  38.155  Interior circulation, handrails and stanchions.
    (a) Handrails and stanchions shall be provided in the entrance to 
the vehicle in a configuration which allows passengers to grasp such
assists from outside the vehicle while starting to board, and to
continue using such handrails or stanchions throughout the boarding
process. Handrails shall have a cross-sectional diameter between 1\1/4\
inches and 1\1/2\ inches or shall provide an equivalent grasping
surface, and have eased edges with corner radii of not less than \1/8\
inch. Handrails shall be placed to provide a minimum 1\1/2\ inches
knuckle clearance from the nearest adjacent surface. Where on-board fare
collection devices are used, a horizontal passenger assist shall be
located between boarding passengers and the fare collection device and
shall prevent passengers from sustaining injuries on the fare collection
device or windshield in the event of a sudden deceleration. Without
restricting the vestibule space, the assist shall provide support for a
boarding passenger from the door through the boarding procedure.
Passengers shall be able to lean against the assist for security while
paying fares.
    (b) Where provided within passenger compartments, handrails or
stanchions shall be sufficient to permit safe on-board circulation,
seating and standing assistance, and alighting by persons with

Sec.  38.157  Lighting.
    (a) Any stepwell or doorway immediately adjacent to the driver shall
[[Page 528]]
have, when the door is open, at least 2 foot-candles of illumination 
measured on the step tread.
    (b) The vehicle doorway shall have outside light(s) which, when the
door is open, provide at least 1 foot-candle of illumination on the
pathway to the door for a distance of 3 feet (915 mm) to the bottom step
tread or lift outer edge. Such light(s) shall be shielded to protect the
eyes of entering and exiting passengers.
[56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, as amended at 63 FR 51698, 51702, Sept. 28, 

Sec.  38.159  Mobility aid accessibility.
    (a)(1) General. All vehicles covered by this subpart shall provide a 
level-change mechanism or boarding device (e.g., lift or ramp) complying
with paragraph (b) or (c) of this section and sufficient clearances to
permit a wheelchair or other mobility aid user to reach a securement
location. At least two securement locations and devices, complying with
paragraph (d) of this section, shall be provided.
    (2) Exception. If portable or station-based lifts, ramps or bridge
plates meeting the applicable requirements of this section are provided
at stations or other stops required to be accessible under regulations
issued by the Department of Transportation, the bus is not required to
be equipped with a vehicle-borne device.
    (b) Vehicle lift--(1) Design load. The design load of the lift shall
be at least 600 pounds (2665 N). Working parts, such as cables, pulleys,
and shafts, which can be expected to wear, and upon which the lift
depends for support of the load, shall have a safety factor of at least
six, based on the ultimate strength of the material. Nonworking parts,
such as platform, frame and attachment hardware which would not be
expected to wear, shall have a safety factor of at least three, based on
the ultimate strength of the material.
    (2) Controls--(i) Requirements. The controls shall be interlocked
with the vehicle brakes, transmission, or door, or shall provide other
appropriate mechanisms or systems, to ensure that the vehicle cannot be
moved when the lift is not stowed and so the lift cannot be deployed
unless the interlocks or systems are engaged. The lift shall deploy to
all levels (i.e., ground, curb, and intermediate positions) normally
encountered in the operating environment. Where provided, each control
for deploying, lowering, raising, and stowing the lift and lowering the
roll-off barrier shall be of a momentary contact type requiring
continuous manual pressure by the operator and shall not allow improper
lift sequencing when the lift platform is occupied. The controls shall
allow reversal of the lift operation sequence, such as raising or
lowering a platform that is part way down, without allowing an occupied
platform to fold or retract into the stowed position.
    (ii) Exception. Where the lift is designed to deploy with its long
dimension parallel to the vehicle axis and which pivots into or out of
the vehicle while occupied (i.e., ``rotary lift''), the requirements of
this paragraph (b)(2) prohibiting the lift from being stowed while
occupied shall not apply if the stowed position is within the passenger
compartment and the lift is intended to be stowed while occupied.
    (3) Emergency operation. The lift shall incorporate an emergency
method of deploying, lowering to ground level with a lift occupant, and
raising and stowing the empty lift if the power to the lift fails. No
emergency method, manual or otherwise, shall be capable of being
operated in a manner that could be hazardous to the lift occupant or to
the operator when operated according to manufacturer's instructions, and
shall not permit the platform to be stowed or folded when occupied,
unless the lift is a rotary lift and is intended to be stowed while
    (4) Power or equipment failure. Platforms stowed in a vertical
position, and deployed platforms when occupied, shall have provisions to
prevent their deploying, falling, or folding any faster than 12 inches/
second (305 mm/sec) or their dropping of an occupant in the event of a
single failure of any load carrying component.
    (5) Platform barriers. The lift platform shall be equipped with
barriers to prevent any of the wheels of a wheelchair or mobility aid
from rolling off the platform during its operation. A movable barrier or
inherent design feature shall prevent a wheelchair or mobility
[[Page 529]]
aid from rolling off the edge closest to the vehicle until the platform 
is in its fully raised position. Each side of the lift platform which
extends beyond the vehicle in its raised position shall have a barrier a
minimum 1\1/2\ inches (13 mm) high. Such barriers shall not interfere
with maneuvering into or out of the aisle. The loading-edge barrier
(outer barrier) which functions as a loading ramp when the lift is at
ground level, shall be sufficient when raised or closed, or a
supplementary system shall be provided, to prevent a power wheelchair or
mobility aid from riding over or defeating it. The outer barrier of the
lift shall automatically raise or close, or a supplementary system shall
automatically engage, and remain raised, closed, or engaged at all times
that the platform is more than 3 inches (75 mm) above the roadway or
sidewalk and the platform is occupied. Alternatively, a barrier or
system may be raised, lowered, opened, closed, engaged, or disengaged by
the lift operator, provided an interlock or inherent design feature
prevents the lift from rising unless the barrier is raised or closed or
the supplementary system is engaged.
    (6) Platform surface. The platform surface shall be free of any
protrusions of \1/4\ inch (6.5 mm) high and shall be slip resistant. The
platform shall have a minimum clear width of 28\1/2\ inches (725 mm) at
the platform, a minimum clear width of 30 inches (760 mm) measured from
2 inches (50 mm) above the platform surface to 30 inches (760 mm) above
the platform, and a minimum clear length of 48 inches (1220 mm) measured
from 2 inches (50 mm) above the surface of the platform to 30 inches
(760 mm) above the surface of the platform. (See Figure 1 to this part.)
    (7) Platform gaps. Any openings between the platform surface and the
raised barriers shall not exceed \5/8\ inch (16 mm) in width. When the
platform is at vehicle floor height with the inner barrier (if
applicable) down or retracted, gaps between the forward lift platform
edge and the vehicle floor shall not exceed \1/2\ inch (13 mm)
horizontally and \5/8\ inch (16 mm) vertically. Platforms on semi-
automatic lifts may have a hand hold not exceeding 1\1/2\ inches (28 mm)
by 4\1/2\ inches (113 mm) located between the edge barriers.
    (8) Platform entrance ramp. The entrance ramp, or loading-edge
barrier used as a ramp, shall not exceed a slope of 1:8, measured on
level ground, for a maximum rise of 3 inches (75 mm), and the transition
from roadway or sidewalk to ramp may be vertical without edge treatment
up to \1/4\ inch (6.5 mm) . Thresholds between \1/4\ inch (6.5 mm) and
\1/2\ inch (13 mm) high shall be beveled with a slope no greater than
    (9) Platform deflection. The lift platform (not including the
entrance ramp) shall not deflect more than 3 degrees (exclusive of
vehicle roll or pitch) in any direction between its unloaded position
and its position when loaded with 600 pounds (2665 N) applied through a
26 inch (660 mm) by 26 inch test pallet at the centroid of the platform.
    (10) Platform movement. No part of the platform shall move at a rate
exceeding 6 inches/second (150 mm/sec) during lowering and lifting an
occupant, and shall not exceed 12 inches/second (300 mm/sec) during
deploying or stowing. This requirement does not apply to the deployment
or stowage cycles of lifts that are manually deployed or stowed. The
maximum platform horizontal and vertical acceleration when occupied
shall be 0.3g.
    (11) Boarding direction. The lift shall permit both inboard and
outboard facing of wheelchair and mobility aid users.
    (12) Use by standees. Lifts shall accommodate persons using walkers,
crutches, canes or braces or who otherwise have difficulty using steps.
The platform may be marked to indicate a preferred standing position.
    (13) Handrails. Platforms on lifts shall be equipped with handrails
on two sides, which move in tandem with the lift, and which shall be
graspable and provide support to standees throughout the entire lift
operation. Handrails shall have a usable component at least 8 inches
(200 mm) long with the lowest portion a minimum 30 inches (760 mm) above
the platform and the highest portion a maximum 38 inches (965 mm) above
the platform. The handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of
100 pounds (445 N) concentrated at any
[[Page 530]]
point on the handrail without permanent deformation of the rail or its 
supporting structure. The handrail shall have a cross-sectional diameter
between 1\1/4\ inches (32 mm) and 1\1/2\ inches (38 mm) or shall provide
an equivalent grasping surface, and have eased edges with corner radii
of not less than \5/8\ inch (3.5 mm). Handrails shall be placed to
provide a minimum 1\1/2\ inches (38 mm) knuckle clearance from the
nearest adjacent surface. Handrails shall not interfere with wheelchair
or mobility aid maneuverability when entering or leaving the vehicle.
    (c) Vehicle ramp--(1) Design load. Ramps 30 inches (760 mm) or
longer shall support a load of 600 pounds (2665 N), placed at the
centroid of the ramp distributed over an area of 26 inches by 26 inches
(660 mm by 660 mm), with a safety factor of at least 3 based on the
ultimate strength of the material. Ramps shorter than 30 inches (760 mm)
shall support a load of 300 pounds (1332 N).
    (2) Ramp surface. The ramp surface shall be continuous and slip
resistant; shall not have protrusions from the surface greater than \1/
4\ inch (6.5 mm) high; shall have a clear width of 30 inches (760 mm);
and shall accommodate both four-wheel and three-wheel mobility aids.
    (3) Ramp threshold. The transition from roadway or sidewalk and the
transition from vehicle floor to the ramp may be vertical without edge
treatment up to \1/4\ inch (6.5 mm). Changes in level between \1/4\ inch
(6.5 mm) and \1/2\ inch (13 mm) shall be beveled with a slope no greater
than 1:2.
    (4) Ramp barriers. Each side of the ramp shall have barriers at
least 2 inches (50 mm) high to prevent mobility aid wheels from slipping
    (5) Slope. Ramps shall have the least slope practicable and shall
not exceed 1:4 when deployed to ground level. If the height of the
vehicle floor from which the ramp is deployed is 3 inches (75 mm) or
less above a 6 inch (150 mm) curb, a maximum slope of 1:4 is permitted;
if the height of the vehicle floor from which the ramp is deployed is 6
inches (150 mm) or less, but greater than 3 inches (75 mm), above a 6
inch (150 mm) curb, a maximum slope of 1:6 is permitted; if the height
of the vehicle floor from which the ramp is deployed is 9 inches (225
mm) or less, but greater than 6 inches (150 mm), above a 6 inch curb, a
maximum slope of 1:8 is permitted; if the height of the vehicle floor
from which the ramp is deployed is greater than 9 inches (225 mm) above
a 6 inch (150 mm) curb, a slope of 1:12 shall be achieved. Folding or
telescoping ramps are permitted provided they meet all structural
requirements of this section.
    (6) Attachment. When in use for boarding or alighting, the ramp
shall be firmly attached to the vehicle so that it is not subject to
displacement when loading or unloading a heavy power mobility aid and
that no gap between vehicle and ramp exceeds \5/8\ inch (16 mm).
    (7) Stowage. A compartment, securement system, or other appropriate
method shall be provided to ensure that stowed ramps, including portable
ramps stowed in the passenger area, do not impinge on a passenger's
wheelchair or mobility aid or pose any hazard to passengers in the event
of a sudden stop or maneuver.
    (8) Handrails. If provided, handrails shall allow persons with
disabilities to grasp them from outside the vehicle while starting to
board, and to continue to use them throughout the boarding process, and
shall have the top between 30 inches (760 mm) above the ramp surface.
The handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100 pounds
(445 N) concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent
deformation of the rail or its supporting structure. The handrail shall
have a cross-sectional diameter between 1\1/4\ inches (32 mm) and 1\1/2\
inches (38 mm) or shall provide an equivalent grasping surface, and have
eased edges with corner radii of not less than \1/8\ inch (3.5 mm).
Handrails shall not interfere with wheelchair or mobility aid
maneuverability when entering or leaving the vehicle.
    (d) Securement devices--(1) Design load. Securement systems, and
their attachments to vehicles, shall restrain a force in the forward
longitudinal direction of up to 2,000 pounds (8,880 N) per securement
leg or clamping mechanism and a minimum of 4,000 pounds (17,760 N) for
each mobility aid.
[[Page 531]]
    (2) Location and size. The securement system shall be placed as near 
to the accessible entrance as practicable and shall have a clear floor
area of 30 inches (760 mm) by 48 inches (1220 mm). Such space shall
adjoin, and may overlap, an access path. Not more than 6 inches (150 mm)
of the required clear floor space may be accommodated for footrests
under another seat, modesty panel, or other fixed element provided there
is a minimum of 9 inches (230 mm) from the floor to the lowest part of
the seat overhanging the space. Securement areas may have fold-down
seats to accommodate other passengers when a wheelchair or mobility aid
is not occupying the area, provided the seats, when folded up, do not
obstruct the clear floor space required. (See Figure 2 to this part.)
    (3) Mobility aids accommodated. The securement system shall secure
common wheelchairs and mobility aids and shall either be automatic or
easily attached by a person familiar with the system and mobility aid
and having average dexterity.
    (4) Orientation. At least one securement device or system required
by paragraph (a) of this section shall secure the wheelchair or mobility
aid facing toward the front of the vehicle. Additional securement
devices or systems shall secure the wheelchair or mobility aid facing
forward or rearward. Where the wheelchair or mobility aid is secured
facing the rear of the vehicle, a padded barrier shall be provided. The
padded barrier shall extend from a height of 38 inches (965 mm) from the
vehicle floor to a height of 56 inches (1420 mm) from the vehicle floor
with a width of 18 inches (455 mm), laterally centered immediately in
back of the seated individual. Such barriers need not be solid provided
equivalent protection is afforded.
    (5) Movement. When the wheelchair or mobility aid is secured in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions, the securement system shall
limit the movement of an occupied wheelchair or mobility aid to no more
than 2 inches (50 mm) in any direction under normal vehicle operating
    (6) Stowage. When not being used for securement, or when the
securement area can be used by standees, the securement system shall not
interfere with passenger movement, shall not present any hazardous
condition, shall be reasonably protected from vandalism, and shall be
readily accessed when needed for use.
    (7) Seat belt and shoulder harness. For each wheelchair or mobility
aid securement device provided, a passenger seat belt and shoulder
harness, complying with all applicable provisions of the Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards (49 CFR part 571), shall also be provided for
use by wheelchair or mobility aid users. Such seat belts and shoulder
harnesses shall not be used in lieu of a device which secures the
wheelchair or mobility aid itself.
[63 FR 51698, 51703, Sept. 28, 1998]

Sec.  38.161  Moveable aisle armrests.
    A minimum of 50% of aisle seats, including all moveable or removable 
seats at wheelchair or mobility aide securement locations, shall have an
armrest on the aisle side which can be raised, removed, or retracted to
permit easy entry or exit.
[63 FR 51700, 51703, Sept. 28, 1998]

                  Subpart H_Other Vehicles and Systems

Sec.  38.171  General.
    (a) New, used and remanufactured vehicles and conveyances for 
systems not covered by other subparts of this part, to be considered
accessible by regulations in part 37 of this title shall comply with
this subpart.
    (b) If portions of the vehicle or conveyance are modified in a way
that affects or could affect accessibility, each such portion shall
comply, to the extent practicable, with the applicable provisions of
this subpart. This provision does not require that inaccessible vehicles
be retrofitted with lifts, ramps or other boarding devices.
    (c) Requirements for vehicles and systems not covered by this part
shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department of
Transportation in consultation with the U.S. Architectural and
Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board).
[[Page 532]]

Sec.  38.173  Automated guideway transit vehicles and systems.
    (a) Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) vehicles and systems, sometimes 
called ``people movers'', operated in airports and other areas where AGT
vehicles travel at slow speed (i.e., at a speed of no more than 20 miles
per hour at any location on their route during normal operation), shall
comply with the provisions of Sec.  38.53 (a) through (c), and
Sec. Sec.  38.55 through 38.61 of this part for rapid rail vehicles and
    (b) Where the vehicle covered by paragraph (a) will operate in an
accessible station, the design of vehicles shall be coordinated with the
boarding platform design such that the horizontal gap between a vehicle
door at rest and the platform shall be no greater than 1 inch and the
height of the vehicle floor shall be within plus or minus \1/2\ inch of
the platform height under all normal passenger load conditions. Vertical
alignment may be accomplished by vehicle air suspension or other
suitable means of meeting the requirement.
    (c) In stations where open platforms are not protected by platform
screens, a suitable device or system shall be provided to prevent, deter
or warn individuals from stepping off the platform between cars.
Acceptable devices include, but are not limited to, pantograph gates,
chains, motion detectors or other appropriate devices.
    (d) Light rail and rapid rail AGT vehicles and systems shall comply
with subparts D and C of this part, respectively. AGT systems whose
vehicles travel at a speed of more than 20 miles per hour at any
location on their route during normal operation are covered under this
paragraph rather than under paragraph (a) of this section.
[56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, as amended at 61 FR 25416, May 21, 1996]

Sec.  38.175  High-speed rail cars, monorails and systems.
    (a) All cars for high-speed rail systems, including but not limited 
to those using ``maglev'' or high speed steel-wheel-on-steel rail
technology, and monorail systems operating primarily on dedicated rail
(i.e., not used by freight trains) or guideway, in which stations are
constructed in accordance with part 37, subpart C of this title, shall
be designed for high-platform, level boarding and shall comply with
Sec.  38.111(a) of this part for each type of car which is similar to
intercity rail, Sec. Sec.  38.111(d), 38.113 (a) through (c) and (e),
38.115 (a) and (b), 38.117 (a) and (b), 38.121 through 38.123,
38.125(d), and 38.127 (if applicable) of this part. The design of cars
shall be coordinated with the boarding platform design such that the
horizontal gap between a car door at rest and the platform shall be no
greater than 3 inches and the height of the car floor shall be within
plus or minus \5/8\ inch of the platform height under all normal
passenger load conditions. Vertical alignment may be accomplished by car
air suspension or other suitable means of meeting the requirement. All
doorways shall have, when the door is open, at least 2 footcandles of
illumination measured on the door threshold.
    (b) All other high-speed rail cars shall comply with the similar
provisions of subpart F of this part.

Sec.  38.177  Ferries, excursion boats and other vessels. [Reserved]

Sec.  38.179  Trams, and similar vehicles, and systems
    (a) New and used trams consisting of a tractor unit, with or without 
passenger accommodations, and one or more passenger trailer units,
including but not limited to vehicles providing shuttle service to
remote parking areas, between hotels and other public accommodations,
and between and within amusement parks and other recreation areas, shall
comply with this section. For purposes of determining applicability of
49 CFR 37.101, 37.103, or 37.105 the capacity of such a vehicle or
``train'' shall consist of the total combined seating capacity of all
units, plus the driver, prior to any modification for accessibility.
    (b) Each tractor unit which accommodates passengers and each trailer
unit shall comply with Sec.  38.25 and Sec.  38.29 of this part. In
addition, each such unit shall comply with Sec.  38.23 (b) or (c) and
shall provide at least one space for wheelchair or mobility aid users
complying with Sec.  38.23(d) of this part unless the complete operating
unit consisting of tractor and one or more trailers can
[[Page 533]]
already accommodate at least two wheelchair or mobility aid users.
                           Figures to Part 38

[[Page 534]]


[[Page 535]]


[[Page 536]]


[56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, as amended at 63 FR 51700, 51703, Sept. 28,
                 Appendix to Part 38--Guidance Material
    This appendix contains materials of an advisory nature and provides 
additional information that should help the reader to understand the
minimum requirements of the standards or to design vehicles for greater
accessibility. Each entry is applicable to all subparts of this part
except where noted. Nothing in this appendix shall in any way obviate
any obligation to comply with the requirements of the standards
I. Slip Resistant Surface--Aisles, Steps, Floor Areas Where People Walk, 
       Floor Areas in Securement Locations, Lift Platforms, Ramps
    Slip resistance is based on the frictional force necessary to keep a 
shoe heel or crutch tip from slipping on a walking surface under
conditions likely to be found on the surface. While the dynamic
coefficient of friction during walking varies in a complex and non-
uniform way, the static coefficient of friction, which can be measured
in several ways, provides a close approximation of the slip resistance
of a surface. Contrary to popular belief, some slippage is necessary to
[[Page 537]]
especially for persons with restricted gaits; a truly ``non-slip'' 
surface could not be negotiated.
    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends that
walking surfaces have a static coefficient of friction of 0.5. A
research project sponsored by the Architectural and Transportation
Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) conducted tests with persons
with disabilities and concluded that a higher coefficient of friction
was needed by such persons. A static coefficient of friction of 0.6 is
recommended for steps, floors, and lift platforms and 0.8 for ramps.
    It is recognized that the coefficient of friction varies
considerably due to the presence of contaminants, water, floor finishes,
and other factors not under the control of transit providers and may be
difficult to measure. Nevertheless, many common materials suitable for
flooring are now labeled with information on the static coefficient of
friction. While it may not be possible to compare one product directly
with another, or to guarantee a constant measure, transit operators or
vehicle designers and manufacturers are encouraged to specify materials
with appropriate values. As more products include information on slip
resistance, improved uniformity in measurement and specification is
likely. The Access Board's advisory guidelines on Slip Resistant
Surfaces provides additional information on this subject.
           II. Color Contrast--Step Edges, Lift Platform Edges
    The material used to provide contrast should contrast by at least 
70%. Contrast in percent is determined by:
Where B=light reflectance value (LRV) of the lighter area
and B=light reflectance value (LRV) of the darker area.
Note that in any application both white and black are never absolute; 
thus, B never equals 100 and B is always greater than 0.
                      III. Handrails and Stanchions
    In addition to the requirements for handrails and stanchions for 
rapid, light, and commuter rail vehicles, consideration should be given
to the proximity of handrails or stanchions to the area in which
wheelchair or mobility aid users may position themselves. When
identifying the clear floor space where a wheelchair or mobility aid
user can be accommodated, it is suggested that at least one such area be
adjacent or in close proximity to a handrail or stanchion. Of course,
such a handrail or stanchion cannot encroach upon the required 32 inch
width required for the doorway or the route leading to the clear floor
space which must be at least 30 by 48 inches in size.
              IV. Priority Seating Signs and Other Signage
    A. Finish and Contrast. The characters and background of signs 
should be eggshell, matte, or other non-glare finish. An eggshell finish
(11 to 19 degree gloss on 60 degree glossimeter) is recommended.
Characters and symbols shall contrast with their background--either
light characters on a dark background or dark characters on a light
background. Research indicates that signs are more legible for persons
with low vision when characters contrast with their background by at
least 70 percent. Contrast in percent shall be determined by:
Where B=light reflectance value (LRV) of the lighter area
and B=light reflectance value (LRV) of the darker area.
Note that in any application both white and black are never absolute; 
thus, B never equals 100 and B is always greater than 0.
    The greatest readability is usually achieved through the use of
light-colored characters or symbols on a dark background.
    B. Destination and Route Signs. (The following specifications, which
are required for buses (Sec.  38.39), are recommended for other types of
vehicles, particularly light rail vehicles, were appropriate.)
    1. Where destination or route information is displayed on the
exterior of a vehicle, each vehicle shall have illuminated signs on the
front and boarding side of the vehicle.
    2. Characters on signs required by paragraph IV.B.1 of this appendix
shall have a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke
width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10, with a minimum character
height (using an upper case ``X'') of 1 inch for signs on the boarding
side and a minimum character height of 2 inches for front ``headsigns,''
with ``wide'' spacing (generally, the space between letters shall be \1/
16\ the height of upper case letters), and shall contrast with the
background, either dark-on-light or light-on-dark, or as recommended
    C. Designation of Accessible Vehicles. The International Symbol of
Accessibility should be displayed as shown in Figure 6.
                      V. Public Information Systems
    This section has been reserved and there currently is no requirement 
that vehicles be equipped with an information system which is capable of
providing the same or equivalent information to persons with hearing
loss. While the Department assesses available and soon-to-be available
technology during a study to be conducted during Fiscal Year 1992,
entities are encouraged to employ whatever services, signage or
alternative systems or devices that provide equivalent access and are
available. Two possible types
[[Page 538]]
of devices are visual display systems and listening systems. However, it 
should be noted that while visual display systems accommodate persons
who are deaf or are hearing impaired, assistive listening systems aid
only those with a partial loss of hearing.
    A. Visual Display Systems. Announcements may be provided in a visual
format by the use of electronic message boards or video monitors.
    Electronic message boards using a light emitting diode (LED) or
``flip-dot'' display are currently provided in some transit stations and
terminals and may be usable in vehicles. These devices may be used to
provide real time or pre-programmed messages; however, real time message
displays require the availability of an employee for keyboard entry of
the information to be announced.
    Video monitor systems, such as visual paging systems provided in
some airports (e.g., Baltimore-Washington International Airport), are
another alternative. The Architectural and Transportation Barriers
Compliance Board (Access Board) can provide technical assistance and
information on these systems (``Airport TDD Access: Two Case Studies,''
    B. Assistive Listening Systems. Assistive listening systems (ALS)
are intended to augment standard public address and audio systems by
providing signals which can be received directly by persons with special
receivers or their own hearing aids and which eliminate or filter
background noise. Magnetic induction loops, infra-red and radio
frequency systems are types of listening systems which are appropriate
for various applications.
    An assistive listening system appropriate for transit vehicles,
where a group of persons or where the specific individuals are not known
in advance, may be different from the system appropriate for a
particular individual provided as an auxiliary aid or as part of a
reasonable accommodation. The appropriate device for an individual is
the type that individual can use, whereas the appropriate system for a
station or vehicle will necessarily be geared toward the ``average'' or
aggregate needs of various individuals. Earphone jacks with variable
volume controls can benefit only people who have slight hearing loss and
do not help people who use hearing aids. At the present time, magnetic
induction loops are the most feasible type of listening system for
people who use hearing aids equipped with ``T-coils'', but people
without hearing aids or those with hearing aids not equipped with
inductive pick-ups cannot use them without special receivers. Radio
frequency systems can be extremely effective and inexpensive. People
without hearing aids can use them, but people with hearing aids need a
special receiver to use them as they are presently designed. If hearing
aids had a jack to allow a by-pass of microphones, then radio frequency
systems would be suitable for people with and without hearing aids. Some
listening systems may be subject to interference from other equipment
and feedback from hearing aids of people who are using the systems. Such
interference can be controlled by careful engineering design that
anticipates feedback sources in the surrounding area.
    The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
(Access Board) has published a pamphlet on Assistive Listening Systems
which lists demonstration centers across the country where technical
assistance can be obtained in selecting and installing appropriate
systems. The State of New York has also adopted a detailed technical
specification which may be useful.
                         VI. Over-the-Road Buses
    A. Door Width. Achieving a 30 inch wide front door on an over-the-
road bus is considered not feasible if doing so would necessitate
reduction of the bus approach angle, relocating the front axle rearward,
or increasing the bus overall length.
    B. Restrooms. The following is provided to assist manufacturers and
designers to create restrooms which can be used by people with
disabilities. These specifications are derived from requirements for
rail vehicles and represent compromises between space needed for use and
constraints imposed by vehicle dimensions. As a result, some persons
with disabilities cannot use a restroom which meets these specifications
and operators who do provide such restrooms should provide passengers
with disabilities sufficient advance information about design so that
those passengers can assess their ability to use them. Designers should
provide additional space beyond these minimum specifications whenever
    (1) If an accessible restroom is provided, it should be designed so
as to allow a person using a wheelchair or mobility aid to enter and use
such restroom as specified in paragraphs (1)(a) through (e) of section
VI.B of this appendix.
    (a) The minimum clear floor area should be 35 inches (890 mm) by 60
inches (1525 mm). Permanently installed fixtures may overlap this area a
maximum of 6 inches (150 mm), if the lowest portion of the fixture is a
minimum of 9 inches (230 mm) above the floor, and may overlap a maximum
of 19 inches (485 mm), if the lowest portion of the fixture is a minimum
of 29 inches (740 mm) above the floor, provided such fixtures do not
interfere with access to the water closet. Fold-down or retractable
seats or shelves may overlap the clear floor space at a lower height
provided they can be easily folded up or moved out of the way.
    (b) The height of the water closet should be 17 inches (430 mm) to
19 inches (485 mm) measured to the top of the toilet seat. Seats
[[Page 539]]
should not be sprung to return to a lifted position.
    (c) A grab bar at least 24 inches (610 mm) long should be mounted
behind the water closet, and a horizontal grab bar at least 40 inches
(1015 mm) long should be mounted on at least one side wall, with one end
not more than 12 inches (305 mm) from the back wall, at a height between
33 inches (840 mm) and 36 inches (915 mm) above the floor.
    (d) Faucets and flush controls should be operable with one hand and
should not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.
The force required to activate controls should be no greater than 5 lbs
(22.2 N). Controls for flush valves should be mounted no more than 44
inches (1120 mm) above the floor.
    (e) Doorways on the end of the enclosure, opposite the water closet,
should have a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches (815 mm). Door
latches and hardware should be operable with one hand and should not
require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.
    (2) Accessible restrooms should be in close proximity to at least
one seating location for persons using mobility aids and should be
connected to such a space by an unobstructed path having a minimum width
of 32 inches (815 mm).
    C. Visibility Through a Window. Care should be taken so that the
lift does not obscure the vision of the person occupying the securement
[56 FR 45756, Sept. 6, 1991, as amended at 63 FR 51702, 51703, Sept. 28, 


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