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Cornell University ILR School

School of Industrial and Labor Relations

The ILR School started in 1946 with a focus on labor relations, and now focuses on a broad array of workplace issues, including a variety with global impact. Our mission is to 'advance the world of work.' Our official name remains the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, though we prefer to be identified as the ILR School.

The centrality of the workplace in an increasingly complex world is the primary focus at ILR. With its diverse and distinguished faculty, the school leads the way towards new insights about current and future challenges. Faculty expertise ranges across the workplace-related social science disciplines, including economics, sociology, history, psychology, political science, law, and statistical analysis. Cutting-edge research, excellence in teaching, and commitment to outreach remain ILR's defining characteristics.

ILR is the nation's only institution of higher education to offer a four-year undergraduate program focused on the workplace, several types of graduate degrees, programs and workshops for adult learners, and customized services. Programmatic specialties include personnel and human resources management; collective representation, labor law, and labor history; labor economics; organizational behavior; international and comparative labor; and social statistics. From our Ithaca campus and additional offices around the state, ILR connects with the region, the nation, and the world

The site includes links to Current Labor News Labor Research and Career Assistance to future workers in the labor field.


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