International Paruresis Association



International Paruresis Association

PO Box 65111
Baltimore, MD 21209

410-367-1253 (phone)
410-367-1254 (fax)



International Paruresis Association
PO Box 65111
Baltimore, MD 21209

Welcome to the official IPA (International Paruresis Association) website. This site is provided as a resource for people who find it difficult or impossible to urinate in the presence of others, either in their own home or in public facilities. Also, for people who have difficulty under the stress of time pressure, when being observed, when others are close by and might hear them, or when traveling on moving vehicles.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. In fact, recent studies show that about seven percent (7%) of the public, or 17 million people, may suffer from this social anxiety disorder. Often referred to as Pee-Shy, Shy-Bladder, Bashful Bladder, etc., avoidant paruresis is nothing to be ashamed of, and you have made an important step simply by coming to this website.

Inside you will find helpful information on support groups, support seminars (workshops), and even drug therapy. There is also a useful and friendly discussion board where you can share your problems and success -- or just "listen in" -- with others who have the same problem as you.

Please enjoy your visit to the IPA website. We hope it will enlighten you and help with overcoming avoidant paruresis. Also consider joining and/or making a contribution to the IPA in the near future.

Important Notice:  Please add the following website addresses to your favorites/bookmarks: and  Unfortunately, and are no longer associated with the IPA or the Shybladder Center.

If you have any questions about the IPA, please call, write or send email to:

The Shy Bladder Syndrome:  Your Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Paruresis The Shy Bladder Syndrome : Your Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Paruresis Steven Soifer, Ph.D., LGSW The definitive book on paruresis by Steven Soifer, Ph. D. - IPA President and other experts in the field. You can purchase the book by clicking the hypertext next to the image.

Bathrooms Make Me Nervous:  A Guidebook for Women with Urination Anxiety Bathrooms Make Me Nervous:  A Guidebook for Women with Urination Anxiety (Shy Bladder)
Carol Olmert, IPA’s Women’s Coordinator
(CJOB Publications: 2008)
The first book to explore the shy bladder condition (paruresis) from a woman’s point of view. It offers clear and effective information on understanding, coping with, and recovering from the phobia.   Click here for more information.

More interesting reading from our members.....

I am sitting at my ergonomically designed workstation, surrounded by four-foot cubicle walls, yet feeling a distinct ergonomic dissatisfaction. It’s unrelated to the furniture that surrounds me, but rather concerns the furnishings inside of me: my bladder, urethra, prostate and frayed nervous system. A warning system somewhere in my brain is screaming, “Fire! Fire in the hole! Get out! Run!”

Click here to

A Few Notes on Paruresis
by Christopher J. McCullough, Ph.D
(Author of Free to Pee)

What is Paruresis?
Self-consciousness and Self-containment
Sketch of Factors that Contribute to Paruresis
Resistance to Recovery

Click here to

This book is available from The IPA Store.


Donate to the IPA!
Pay online with Paypal or your credit cardClick here for a mail-in form. Shop at and a portion of the sales will be donated to the IPA!
Mission Fish Buy and Sell on Ebay to Support IPA!
Sign up through

2009 Workshops Announced!
November 23, 2008

IPA is coming to a city near you!  Click here for more information!
Bathrooms Make Me Nervous:  A Guidebook for Women with Urination Anxiety
November 16, 2008

Now Available!  Written by Carol Olmert, IPA’s Women’s Coordinator and recovered paruretic. For more information, visit the official website

Buy it Now!
2008-2009 Fundraisting Appeal - URGENT!
November 19, 2008

For those of you who are simply going to join IPA and need little or no prodding, here is a gentle reminder that we have begun the 2009 fundraising drive, and we need your support now.  Click here to read more!

Join Now!
Planned Giving - Please Help Out IPA Forever!!
July 24, 2008
Planned Giving is a donation method that helps you balance your personal financial goals and your charitable interests while realizing significant tax benefits.  Click here to read more!
IPATALK update
August 11, 2008
We have recently upgraded to a more powerful server to fix the problems that have recently been reported.  We apologize for any inconveniences these problems may have caused.
2008 Workshops Announced
December 20, 2007
Click here to sign-up for a workshop today!
An Award winning Site!
October 8, 2007
The IPA website receives the Hope Award from IBS Tales. Click here to read more!

Shop and a portion of the sales will be donated to the IPA!
Join the IPA Today!
Receive discounts on workshops and products!  You can now donate to the IPA using your credit card!  Click here for details!
Shy Bladder and Drug Testing in Dilbert!
July 21, 2006
Catbert:  Evil Director of Human Resources
The IPA Store is always open!

The best products for recovery are now available for ordering online!  Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Home | Join IPA | Press Room | Paruresis Resources | Women's Resources | Advocacy | Get Involved | IPA Talk Forums | IPA Store | About the IPA | Research Results | Shy Bladder Center | Workshops | Support Groups  | American Restroom Association

Copyright 1999-2008 International Paruresis Association.

WARNING AND DISCLAIMER: This website is NOT a substitute for medical or legal advice and does not constitute the practice of law, medicine, psychiatry, clinical psychology, clinical social work, or any other mental health profession.  If you are having trouble urinating, you should always contact a physician since difficulty with voiding can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. We are a group of professional people and people who have suffered with paruresis. We have assembled a board and a board of advisors to help people cope with urinary dysfunction that has a psychological or social origin. On this website, we are NOT practicing medicine, psychiatry, clinical psychology, clinical social work or any other mental health profession. You should have your doctor evaluate your condition before diagnosing yourself, and seek the appropriate necessary mental health counseling if warranted. IPA, Inc. disclaims any and all legal liability whatsoever.