Publication Citation

USGS Series Open-File Report
Report Number 2002-468
Title Geologic Map of Mount St. Helens, Washington Prior to the 1980 Eruption
Edition Version 1.0 Online Only
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Hopson, Clifford A.
Year 2008
Originating office Geological Survey (U.S.)
USGS Library Call Number -
Physical description 2 Map Sheets: 34 x 44 inches
Northernmost latitude 0463000
Southernmost latitude 0460000
Easternmost longitude -1220000
Westernmost longitude -1223000

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It is rare that a geologic map exists for a volcano prior to such a catastrophic modification as that produced by the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. As such, this map provides an important historical record of the volcano prior to that eruption. The map has not been reviewed or checked for conformity to USGS editorial standards or stratigraphic nomenclature, and it has not been digitized. This version of the map is unchanged from that submitted to the USGS for publication shortly after the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens and includes unresolved inconsistencies with the subsequently published work of Crandell (1987) and Mullineaux (1996). Nevertheless, it is the most accurate available depiction of the pre-1980 edifice and is published here for comparison with more recent geologic mapping and historical perspectives.