Office of Indian Services

Division of Self-Determination

Created by the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975, the Division of Indian Self-Determination is charged with the responsibility to further American Indian tribes’ exercise of Self-Determination as a matter of policy. The Division also carries out the Delegation of Authority Initiative which allows for the delegation of authority for the administration and oversight of self-determination contracts and grants to the agency level. 

The Division carries out its responsibilities by providing training and technical assistance to BIA regional and agency employees, tribal officials and their staffs.

The Division oversees the procedures for the delegation of authority for self-determination contracts and grants to the regional and agency levels of the BIA. This involves review of regional and agency Implementation Plans to ensure they have the capability to administer and oversee self-determination contract and grants.  It also involves review and approval of qualifications of BIA employees applying  for certification as awarding officials based on the Awarding Official Certification System Handbook (AOCS) and 13 IAM Chapters 2, 3 and 4. 

Excerpts From Indian Affairs Manual that pertain to Self-Governance

Procedures Handbooks

  • Internal Agencies – 55.2 MB
  • Delegation of Authority


Training Opportunies


Memorandum of Understanding

Indian Services
BIA Logo
Mailing Address:
Office of Indian Services
Bureau of Indian Affairs
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240

Telephone: (202) 513-7641
Telefax: (202) 208-5113