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Related Links

Children and Family Issues
Federal Government Resources
Full-Text Resources
Grants & Funding
Health Care
Iowa Government
Mental Health
Multicultural Issues
Social Work & Social Policy
Substance Abuse
Welfare Reform

Children and Family Issues

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Important information is made available as a public service to help parents and families.

American Humane Association

This site offers information and resources to help prevent the abuse and neglect of children and animals, and to assure that their interests are guaranteed.

Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing

The Center for Research on Child Wellbeing (CRCW) conducts research on children's health, education, income, and family structure. Our faculty is made up of economists, sociologists, demographers, psychologists, and political scientists. The Center hosts visitors, supports postdoctoral fellows, and students at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Our goal is to promote basic research on children's wellbeing and link research to practice and public policy.

Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice (CECP)

This site provides online information resources and related links on improving services to children and youth with emotional and behavioral problems.

Child & Family Policy Center

This site provides an overview of the CFPC‚s various activities related to its mission „to better link research and policy on issues vital to children and families, and to advocate for outcome-based policies to improve child well-being.

Child Abuse Prevention Services

Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPs) is a not for profit, volunteer organization founded in 1982 to the growing problem of child abuse and neglect on Long Island, New York. This website has information on reporting child abuse from anywhere in the United States.

Child Welfare League of America

The Child Welfare League of America is the nation's oldest and largest organization devoted entirely to the well-being of America's vulnerable children and their families.

Children's Bureau

The oldest federal agency for children, the Children's Bureau (CB) is located within the United States Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families. It is responsible for assisting states in the delivery of child welfare services. The agency provides grants to states, tribes and communities to operate a range of child welfare services, including child protective services (child abuse and neglect) family preservation and support, foster care, adoption and independent living. In addition, the agency makes major investments in staff training, technology and innovative programs.

Children's Defense Fund

This private nonprofit organization exists to defend the interests of children. Accordingly, it's Web site contains information on welfare reform and its impact on children.

Children Now!

This resource on current issues involving children and child welfare also includes a list of links to other online resources concerned with children's issues.

Families Worldwide

This private nonprofit organization's mission is to strengthen families around the world. The Web site contains articles, news and links in support of families and family programs.

Family and Youth Services Bureau

This site from the Department of Health and Human Services offers announcements of funding and policies, publications information, and answers to FAQs.

Family Research Laboratory
The Family Research Laboratory (FRL) is an independent research unit devoted to the study of family problems.

Family Support America

This family support Web site includes principles of family support and information affecting families and communities. Family Support America closed July 31, 2006, however, the webpage remains active (last checked August 19, 2006).

Family Village

This site offers integrated information, resources, and opportunities for parents of children with mental and other disabilities.

Iowa Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health is a statewide advocacy organization working independently and collaboratively at all levels towards a seamless system of care.

Learn and play "Grip, Dip & Spin" - this is a site for training of kids in how to fend off attackers.

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information

This national resource for professionals seeking information on the prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect includes a searchable catalog of prevention programs, statistics, and legal information.

National Clearinghouse on Families and Youth (NCFY)

This clearinghouse provides information on grant announcements, new policy initiatives and publications.

National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA)

This national resource organization provides community-based, culturally-appropriate services dedicated to the well-being of all American Indian children and families.

The Research Forum on Children, Families, and the New Federalism
The Research Forum encourages collaborative research and informed policy on welfare reform and child well-being.

This site, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, provides behavioral health information about adolescents.


Institute for Community Collaborative Studies
This site gives an overview of the philosophy, projects and educational opportunities of the Institute for Community Collaborative Studies, a program at California State University Monterey Bay for the study of collaborative approaches to heath and human services delivery.

Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives for Children and Families
One of the Aspen Institute's Policy Programs, the Roundtable is a forum to discuss lessons learned and problems faced by those involved in comprehensive community initiatives across the nation.
The site includes access to publications, a community building resource exchange, and links to related sites.


Library of Congress Catalog
Search the Library of Congress Catalog. Holdings include records for over 4 million books, 263,000 motion pictures, 200,000 sound recordings and scores, 150,000 maps, and 4,300 computer files.

The Research Forum on Children, Families, and the New Federalism
The Research Forum encourages collaborative research and informed policy on welfare reform and child well-being. This site features an online database of summaries of large- and small-scale research projects.

Social Work Bibliographic Databases
Access Social Work Abstracts, Sociofile, and NASW Clinical Register. Note: Only on University of Iowa Campus.

THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet
In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, the U.S. Congressional Library offers this online database of legislative information.

Federal Government Resources

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
A government-wide compendium of federal programs, projects, services, and activities that provide assistance or benefits to the American public. It contains financial and nonfinancial assistance programs administered by departments and establishments of the federal government.

Federal Register Online
This site offers detailed search and full-text retrieval of the Federal Register.

Citizens' Handbook
The federal government sponsors this Web site, which includes links to the White House Web site, all government Web sites, the Government Information Locator Service, and Federal Agencies and Commissions.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
This definitive health and human services site includes online press releases, fact sheets, speeches, and congessional testimony. This site also sponsors a policy forum that includes journal and opinion articles by HHS officials concerning current topics.

White House Web Site

At this site you can find all of the publicly-released documents and press releases, radio addresses, and executive orders.


Annie E. Casey Foundation
"A private charitable organization dedicated to helping build better futures for disadvantaged children in the United States." This site offers access to current AEC news, publications, and current initiatives.

David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Founded by one of the cofounders of the Hewlett Packard Corporation, this foundation has a Center for the Future of Children program that is particularly interesting for those involved with children and family planning policy.

Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
"Seeking to improve conditions and opportunities for people who live in poor and disadvantaged communities." Through its grantmaking, the Foundation assists nonprofit organizations and public agencies committed to advancing practices and policies that better the lives of children and families. This site offers access to EMCF publications, grant information, application procedures, and general programs information.

Ford Foundation
Areas of interest on the Ford Foundation site include: Asset Building and Community Development, and Education.

Johnson Foundation at Wingspread
The Johnson Foundation cosponsors conferences on issues of public interest at Wingspread, the educational conference center designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. They do not make grants. They provide a safe place for new ideas and discussion about sustainable communities.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

"The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, based in Princeton, N.J., is the nation's largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to health and health care. It became a national institution in 1972 with receipt of a bequest from the industrialist whose name it bears, and has since made more than $2 billion in grants."

W.K. Kellog Foundation

This Web site offers access to the Kellog Foundation's Online Journal, their annual report, as well as information concerning grant opportunities.

Full-Text Resources

Child Welfare Review
This electronic journal focusing on the well-being of children is an excellent place for locating articles relating to the following subject areas: child abuse, foster care and adoption, welfare reform and children, child poverty and inequality, child advocacy, and values and children.

Electronic Library for Social Care
The electronic library for social care is a site for anyone interested in social care issues. It is a product of the Social Care Institute for Excellence, a new independent organization dedicated to disseminating knowledge to improve social care practice.

The Future of Children
This popular and well-respected publication is available online in Acrobat format.

General Accounting Office
The GAO site provides full-text access to their publications, such as "Reports and Testimony." The search interface allows for broad subject or more specific title searches.

Policy and Practice
Abstracts are available of articles in Policy and Practice (formerly Public Welfare) from spring 1995 to present from the American Public Human Services Association website.

Shelterforce Online
This is a publication of the National Housing Initiative.

Urban Institute
The Urban Institute provides full-texts of its periodicals and policy briefs.

Grants and Funding

Higher Education Network of Research Information
UNO Office of Research and Sponsored Programs directs this site, which offers biweekly information on grants and funding application assistance, as well as a guide to locating funding sources on the Web.

Health Care

Healthy People 2010
This site offers resources on this national health promotion and disease prevention initiative, as well as links to related sites.

National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH)
The NCEMCH is a research center of Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute that offers comprehensive information on maternal and child health.

National Center for Health Statistics Infant and Child Health
This site contains data on breastfeeding, infant mortality, low birthweight, and prenatal care.

National Committee for Quality Assurance

This independent, not-for-profit organization is dedicated to assessing and reporting on the quality of managed care plans, including health maintenance organizations.

Iowa Government

Iowa General Assembly
Here visitors are able to look up legislation. It also includes a full listing of the members of the Iowa General Assembly, including each one's telephone number, e-mail address, committee assignments, and sponsored legislation.

State of Iowa

This site provides an alphabetical list of all of Iowa's state emergency agencies and links to their Web sites.

Mental Health

Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
This site specializes in mental health and disability issues, and is a good source for information regarding changes in SSI.

Internet Mental Health
This is an informative and well organized behavioral health site.

Iowa Federation for Children's Mental Health

The Federation IFFCMH is a federally funded statewide advocacy organization

Mental Health InfoSource
This site offers information on conferences and health care professionals.

Mental Health Net
Comprehensive information on mental health is offered, featuring over 4,200 individual resources.

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
NAMI's website offers information on mental illnesses and treatments as well as education and training programs for consumers, families, and providers.

National Mental Health Association
The NMHA is dedicated to improving the mental health of all individuals and achieving victory over mental illnesses.

Multicultural Issues

National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, the NCELA (formerly NCBE, the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education) provides technical assistance, databases, and an online library of resources relating to the effective education of linguistically and culturally diverse learners in the United States.

National Council of La Raza

The site of this private nonprofit organization established "to reduce poverty and discrimination , and to improve life opportunities for Hispanic Americans" gives an overview of the Council's mission, policy and programs, and includes an extensive catalog of publications on topics affecting Hispanic Americans.

National Multicultural Institute
The National Multicultural Institute organizes workshops and conferences that address the needs of diversity training. It also offers useful resource materials and select links.

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

This national network offers resources and timely alerts on immigrant rights and related issues.    

Social Work & Social Policy

American Public Human Services Association
This site offers detailed information about the APHSA and the services they provide. Also, the site offers access to online abstracts of Policy and Practice and W-Memo.

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence

The University of Colorado's center offers information and resources on violence prevention.

Justice Information Center

This site offers a wealth of information on community prevention programs, drug treatment and juvenile justice.

Moving Ideas Network

This site provides some of its own information relating to social policy and numerous links relating to welfare, children and families, education, and tax policy.

Pavnet Online: Partnerships Against Violence

This federal government interagency resource was established to provide information about violence prevention, and describes over 500 programs.

Social Care Institute for Excellence

The Social Care Institute for Excellence is at the forefront of social work and social care in the United Kingdom, actively raising standards and promoting good practice in the public, independent and voluntary sectors.

Social Work Access Network (SWAN)

A loosely-organized interest group composed of caseworkers, counselors, therapists, students, administrators, and professors in the social work fields, SWAN is dedicated to furthering professional connectivity and the overall effectiveness of social work through the advantages provided by computer networking. This site offers numerous links to social work resources on the Web.

The Urban Institute
The Urban Institute is a nonprofit research organization. The staff investigate the social and economic problems confronting the U.S. and government policies, and public and private programs designed to alleviate them. Included in their research are issues concerning children and families and welfare.

Substance Abuse

Join Together: Online
This comprehensive Robert Wood Johnson Foundation site is directed at communities dealing with the prevention and treatment of substance abuse.

Monitoring the Future
"Monitoring the future is an ongoing study of behaviors, attitudes, and values of American secondary school students, college students, and young adults." Click on Publications for an extensive list of full-text monographs, journal articles, and other papers presenting nearly three decades of dedicated adolescent substance abuse research.


Interactive Technologies Group
ITG provides training and consulting services, as well as custom-designed interactive multimedia training products.

Welfare Reform

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
This site includes policy papers and analysis on children and family issues, especially regarding welfare reform.

Center for Law and Social Policy
This site is run by a private, nonprofit organization that does research and analysis on welfare reform and welfare to work.

The Research Forum on Children, Families, and the New Federalism
The Research Forum encourages collaborative research and informed policy on welfare reform and child well-being.

Welfare Information Network
This clearinghouse provides information, policy analysis and technical assistance concerning welfare reform.

This is the U.S. Department of Labor's official Web site concerning welfare to work.

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