Web News

GSA to Initiate Final Implementation of FAS

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Posted April 5, 2007

GSA has taken the last step in implementing the new Federal Acquisition Service. With the recent successful conclusion of union negotiations about employee assignments and organizational structures, GSA can now begin the implementation process.

This final step enables GSA, through FAS, to provide service, innovation and value, through:

  • Improved customer service and focus
  • Greater career opportunities for employees
  • Greater business flexibility for acquisition solutions
  • Enhanced financial management and accountability
  • Increased efficiencies, allowing for greater standardization within FAS and with our external industry partners while encouraging more innovation
  • Better support for the President’s Management Agenda

The new FAS organization structure will include the following 10 portfolios:

  • Office of General Supplies and Services
  • Office of Travel, Motor Vehicle, and Card Services
  • Office of Integrated Technology Services
  • Office of Assisted Acquisition Services
  • Office of Customer Accounts and Research
  • Office of Acquisition Management
  • Office of Strategic Business Planning and Process Improvement
  • Office of the Controller
  • Office of the Chief Information Officer
  • Office of Administration

The new FAS will mean savings in taxpayer dollars by lowering procurement costs through leveraging of the government’s buying power. FAS will be able to obtain the best value from its suppliers with significantly lower transaction costs. Vendors will also benefit from more consistent and innovative FAS processes to sell products and services to government agencies.

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Last Reviewed 11/6/2008