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60th Anniversary Slogan Reflects Past, Future

GSA 60th Anniversary Solgan Winner Kyle Van Someren

GSA has selected an anniversary slogan befitting its 60 years as a federal agency.

“The new slogan, ‘A Legacy of Service, a Pursuit of Excellence,’ articulates both GSA’s storied history and continued dedication to excellence on behalf of our customers and American citizens,” said GSA Deputy Administrator Barney Brasseux. “These eight words capture the true essence of GSA’s past, its present and its future.”

The winning slogan was submitted by Kyle Van Someren, an architectural intern who has worked in GSA's Great Lakes Region for three months.

A July 1 event kicks off a year-long celebration to recognize 60 years of public service to the American people. Throughout the year, GSA will celebrate the agency’s numerous accomplishments and the work of its nearly 12,000 dedicated employees.

GSA was formed on July 1, 1949, when President Harry Truman signed into law the merging of the Treasury Department’s Bureau of Federal Supply and Office of Contract Settlement, the National Archives Establishment, the Federal Works Agency, and the War Assets Administration.