Title 10--Energy

(This index contains parts 200 to 499)


200-201 [Reserved]
202 Production or disclosure of material or information
205 Administrative procedures and sanctions
207 Collection of information
209 International voluntary agreements
210 General allocation and price rules
212 Mandatory petroleum price regulations
215 Collection of foreign oil supply agreement information
216 Materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize domestic energy supplies
218 Standby mandatory international oil allocation
220 [Reserved]
221 Priority supply of crude oil and petroleum products to the Department of Defense under the Defense Production Act
300 Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program: General Guidelines
400-417 [Reserved]
420 State energy program
430 Energy Conservation Program for consumer products
431 Energy efficiency program for certain commercial and industrial equipment
433 Energy efficiency standards for the design and construction of new Federal commercial and multi-family high-rise residential buildings
434 Energy code for new Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings
435 Energy conservation voluntary performance standards for new buildings; mandatory for Federal buildings
436 Federal energy management and planning programs
440 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons
445 [Reserved]
451 Renewable energy production incentives.
455 Grant programs for schools and hospitals and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions
456 [Reserved]
470 Appropriate Technology Small Grants Program
473 Automotive propulsion research and development
474 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Program; petroleum-equivalent fuel economy calculation
490 Alternative fuel transportation program
491-499 [Reserved]
