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New Structure Will Strengthen GSA

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Posted May 20, 2005

The GSA that rises from the reorganization of the Federal Technology Service (FTS) and Federal Supply Service (FSS) will be positioned to set new agency standards for efficiency, responsiveness, and productivity, according to top GSA leaders.

“The new structure will strengthen our customer relationship management by concentrating accountability in one organization,” said Acting FTS Commissioner Barbara Shelton. “It will also improve the quality of our dealings with our suppliers by logically grouping the goods and services needed by our customers."

Susan Marshall, Associate Administrator of GSA’s Office of Performance Improvement, said that hallmarks of the new GSA will include:

  • Consolidated Information Technology (IT) infrastructure operations that will eliminate duplicative IT systems and save taxpayer dollars.
  • A more customer-centric agency that will focus on the strategic needs of customers by utilizing business intelligence and customer relationship management processes nationwide.
  • Improved financial operations that include the standardization, where appropriate, of policies and procedures for the single service.

“Right now FTS and FSS have different financial policies and procedures based on their underlying statutory authority,” Marshall said. “It is our hope that the single fund legislation, when passed by Congress, will help us consolidate financial operations.”

As well, Marshall said that customers will quickly come to appreciate the ease of working with one service organization with various business lines built around their requirements.

Shelton echoed Marshall’s comments, saying, "We are pleased with our progress toward creating an organization that will make it easier to do business with GSA, for both our customers and suppliers.”

Shelton and FSS Commissioner Donna Bennett also said their associates are prepared to continue delivering top-line service once the reorganization is complete. Said Bennett, “FSS people have an unshakable focus on the importance of our role for the government, and that sustains performance through whatever changes we face.”

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