Web News

Chief Acquisition Officer Interview

Posted April 29, 2005


GSA leadership is fully committed to an open dialogue with industry, associates, customers and others regarding the reorganization of the Federal Technology Service (FTS) and Federal Supply Service (FSS), according to Chief Acquisition Officer Emily Murphy.

“Part of being a customer-centric organization is making sure industry is best able to deliver its products and services,” said Murphy, who was named chief acquisition officer by GSA Administrator Stephen A. Perry on February 22, 2005.

During her short time at the agency, Murphy has hosted GSA’s Industry Day, a recent forum held to solicit industry comments on the FTS/FSS reorganization, met with senior-level representatives of GSA’s customers, addressed the National Contract Management Association World Congress 2005 in Phoenix, and continued work on GSA’s Get it Right Plan for Excellence in Federal Acquisition.

Industry Day “was a chance for us to hear where industry thinks we do well and where we have room to improve,” Murphy said.  During the event, FSS Commissioner Donna Bennett and Acting FTS Commissioner Barbara Shelton fielded questions and comments from several different industry representatives.

The meeting, attended by over 100 representatives from industry, was part of an ongoing effort to gather information from key GSA stakeholders about how its organizational structure and operations might be improved. 

Murphy also hosted meetings between Bennett and Shelton with the Chief Information Officers Council, the Chief Acquisition Officers Council, and the Small Agency Council.  The meetings gave key decision makers at other agencies the opportunity to explore how GSA can best serve their needs.  "These lively conversations with the Councils help us focus on the strategic needs of our customers as well as their day-to-day requirements," Murphy said. 

Next up for Murphy will be the GSA Expo in San Diego from May 3-5, 2005.  While there, she will participate in an abbreviated version of the Federal Acquisition Conference that will take place in Washington, D.C. in June, 2005.

“Buying on behalf of the government is an enormous responsibility,” Murphy said. “Contracting has become more and more complex. We’re demanding more of the acquisition workforce, and must provide the right tools to ensure success.”

Murphy said the bottom line of the Get it Right Plan, the FTS/FSS reorganization, and other key initiatives is to strengthen GSA's ability to meet increasing customer requirements for excellent acquisition services, make it easier for industry contractors to interface with GSA acquisition processes, and help GSA fulfill its mission of helping Federal agencies better serve the public.


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