Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges

(This index contains parts 1 to 199)


1 General regulations under the Commodity Exchange Act
2 Official seal
3 Registration
4 Commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors
5 Designation of and continuing compliance by contract markets
7 Contract market rules altered or supplemented by the Commission
8 Exchange procedures for disciplinary, summary, and membership denial actions
9 Rules relating to review of exchange disciplinary, access denial or other adverse actions
10 Rules of practice
11 Rules relating to investigations
12 Rules relating to reparations
13 Public rulemaking procedures
14 Rules relating to suspension or disbarment from appearance and practice
15 Reports--general provisions
16 Reports by contract markets
17 Reports by futures commission merchants, members of contract markets and foreign brokers
18 Reports by traders
19 Reports by persons holding bona fide hedge positions pursuant to 1.3(z) of this chapter and by merchants and dealers in cotton
20 [Reserved]
21 Special calls
30 Foreign futures and foreign options transactions
31 Leverage transactions
32 Regulation of commodity option transactions
33 Regulation of domestic exchange-traded commodity option transactions
34 Regulation of hybrid instruments
35 Exemption of swap agreements
36 Exemption of section 4(c) contract market transactions
100 Delivery period required
140 Organization, functions, and procedures of the Commission
141 Salary offset
142 Indemnification of CFTC employees
143 Collection of claims owed the United States arising from activities under the Commission's jurisdiction
144 Procedures regarding the disclosure of information and the testimony of present or former officers and employees in response to subpoenas or other demands of a court
145 Commission records and information
146 Records maintained on individuals
147 Open Commission meetings
148 Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in covered adjudicatory proceedings before the Commission
149 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
150 Limits on positions
155 Trading standards
156 Broker Associations
166 Customer protection rules
170 Registered futures associations
171 Rules relating to review of National Futures Association decisions in disciplinary, membership denial, registration and member responsibility actions
180 Arbitration or other dispute settlement procedures
190 Bankruptcy
191-199 [Reserved]

