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 Summary of NHEERL Ecological Research on Global Climate Change

The report entitled A Summary of NHEERL Ecological Research on Global Climate Change spans 14 years of research conducted by the Office of Research and Development at its National Health and Environmental Effects (NHEERL) research facilities.  This compendium of ecological research presents findings on how global climate change may affect terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems as well as agriculture. The research described in this report has provided a better understanding of the potential effects of global warming and rising levels of atmospheric CO2 on natural and managed ecosystems.

Aquatic Resources Monitoring Web Site  

This Web site provides information on monitoring of aquatic resources in the US, primarily focused on design and analysis of probability based surveys. Links are provided to other aquatic resources monitoring information available on the internet.

Willamette Basin Alternative Futures Analysis

The Willamette Basin Alternative Futures Analysis project was designed to help local communities make informed decisions about land and water use. Three alternative visions for the future in the Willamette River Basin (Oregon) were designed with input from local stakeholders. The likely consequences of these alternative futures were evaluated for water availability, stream biota, the Willamette River and terrestrial wildlife.

Historical Data Base of Hourly O3 Concentrations for Crestline, California -- 1963 - 2000 

A historical database of hourly O3 concentrations for Crestline, California in 1963-2000 has been developed based on all relevant oxidant/ozone monitoring data taken since 1963. The database provides valuable information on the changing ambient air quality conditions in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California due initially to increases in population and vehicle usage and subsequently due to decreases in O3 precursors from the implementation of more effective emission control strategies beginning in the late 1970s.

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