Title 46--Shipping

(This index contains parts 1 to 40)


1 Organization, general course and methods governing marine safety functions
2 Vessel inspections
3 Designation of oceanographic research vessels
4 Marine casualties and investigations.
5 Marine investigation regulations--personnel action
6 Waivers of navigation and vessel inspection laws and regulations
7 Boundary lines
8 Vessel inspection alternatives
9 Extra compensation for overtime services
10 Licensing of maritime personnel
12 Certification of seamen
13 Certification of tankermen
14 Shipment and discharge of merchant mariners
15 Manning requirements
16 Chemical testing
24 General provisions
25 Requirements
26 Operations
27 Towing vessels
28 Requirements for commercial fishing industry vessels
30 General provisions
31 Inspection and certification
32 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements
34 Firefighting equipment
35 Operations
36 Elevated temperature cargoes
38 Liquefied flammable gases
39 Vapor control systems

