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Projects by Principal Investigator


Andersen, Christian P. (PhD, Univ. of Minnesota, 1987) plant physiology, air pollution

Salmon Derived Nutrients Project

Boese, Bruce L. (PhD, Oregon State Univ., 1979) toxic chemical effects on aquatic organisms

Indicators of Estuarine Condition

Brooks, Renee (Ph.D., Univ. of Washington, 1993) Tree Physiology

Salmon Derived Nutrients Project

Brown, Cheryl (Ph.D., Texas A&M Univ., 2001) Oceanography

Nutrients and Estuarine Food Web Modeling

Church, M. Robbins (Ph.D., Univ. of Virginia, 1980) Environmental Sciences

Salmon Derived Nutrients Project

Cole, Faith, (B.S. Oregon State Univ. 1968) microbiology

Estimation of Changes in Habitat Value at Estuarine Scale

Compton, Jana (Ph.D., Univ. of Washington, 1994) Forest Biogeochemistry

Salmon Derived Nutrients Project

DeWitt, Theodore H. (PhD, State Univ. of NY, 1985) benthic ecology, populations, multiple stressors

Estimation of Changes in Habitat Value at Estuarine Scale

Eldridge, Peter (PhD, College of William & Mary, 1990 )

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Stress Response Modeling

Ferraro, Steven P. (PhD, State Univ. of NY, 1980) marine and estuarine ecology, pollution, statistics

Estimation of Changes in Habitat Value at Estuarine Scale

Hogsett, William E. (PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, 1973) plant physiology, air pollution

Salmon Derived Nutrients Project

Terrestrial Habitats Modeling

Johnson, Mark G. (PhD, Cornell Univ., 1986) stresses on roots, soil, and soil processes

Salmon Derived Nutrients Project

Kaldy, James (PhD, Univ. of Texas-Austin, 1997) Marine Science

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Stress Response Modeling

Kaufmann, Phil (Ph.D., Oregon State Univ., 1987) Forest Hydrology

EMAP West Streams and Rivers Project

Kentula, Mary E. (Ph.D., Oregon State Univ., 1983) Botany and Aquatic Ecology

EMAP West Streams and Rivers Project

Lamberson, Janet (M.S., College of William and Mary, 1973) Marine Biology

Indicators of Estuarine Condition

EMAP Western Coastal Pilot

Landers, Dixon H. (PhD, Indiana Univ., 1979) limnology, freshwater/landscape interaction

Willamette Basin Alternative Futures Analysis

Larsen, David P. (PhD, Oregon State Univ., 1975) stream/regional ecology, environmental statistics

EMAP West Streams and Rivers Project

Aquatic Resources Monitoring Design Team

Lee, E. Henry (PhD, Iowa State University, 1981) statistics

Pesticides Project

Terrestrial Habitats Modeling

Pesticide Drift Case Study

Lee, Henry II (PhD, Univ. of North Carolina, 1978) coastal and near-coastal ecosystem stressors

Indicators of Estuarine Condition

EMAP Western Coastal Pilot

Leibowitz, Scott G. (PhD, Louisiana State Univ., 1989) wetland science, landscape ecology


McKane, Robert (Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, 1991) Soil Science

Terrestrial Habitats Modeling

Nelson, Walter (Ph.D., Duke Univ., 1978)  Zoology (Oceanography minor)

Indicators of Estuarine Condition

EMAP Western Coastal Pilot

Olsen, Anthony R. (PhD, Oregon State Univ., 1973) environmental statistics, monitoring design

Aquatic Resources Monitoring

EMAP West Streams and Rivers Project

Olszyk, David M. (PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1979) plant physiology, global change, air pollution

Pesticides Project

Pesticide Drift Case Study

Ozretich, Robert J. (PhD, Univ. Of Washington, 1976) sediment geochemistry, analytical methods

Nutrients and Estuarine Food Web Modeling

Peterson, Spencer A. (Ph.D., Univ. of ND, 1971) Limnology

EMAP West Streams and Rivers Project

Pfleeger, Thomas  (PhD, Oregon State Univ., 1998) Plant Ecology

Pesticides Project

Phillips, Donald L. (PhD, Utah State Univ., 1978) climate change, statistical ecology

Terrestrial Habitats Modeling

Power, James H. (PhD, Univ., of Maine, 1982) marine/estuarine fisheries ecology

Nutrients and Estuarine Food Web Modeling

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Stress Response Modeling

Estimation of Changes in Habitat Value at Estuarine Scale

Indicators of Estuarine Condition

Ringold, Paul L. (PhD, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1980) regional ecology, risk assessment

EMAP West Streams and Rivers Project

Rygiewicz, Paul T. (PhD, Univ. of Washington, 1983) soil microbiology, molecular ecology

Salmon Derived Nutrients Project

Schumaker, Nathan (PhD, Univ. of Washington, 1995) landscape ecology, conservation biology

Terrestrial Habitats Modeling

Willamette Basin Alternative Futures Analysis

Sigleo, Anne C. (PhD, Univ. Of Arizona, 1977) biogeochemical cycles in coastal ecosystems

Nutrients and Estuarine Food Web Modeling

Specht, David (MA, Western State College of Colorado, 1976) pollutant impacts on marine species

Estimation of Changes in Habitat Value at Estuarine Scale

Nutrients and Estuarine Food Web Modeling

Stoddard, John L. (PhD, Univ. of California, 1986) human effects on aquatic ecosystems

EMAP West Streams and Rivers Project

Tingey, David (PhD, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, 1972) Plant Physiology

Terrestrial Habitats Modeling

Van Sickle, John (PhD, Michigan State Univ, 1975) environmental statistics, stream ecosystem modeling

Willamette Basin Alternative Futures Analysis

Watrud, Lidia S. (PhD, Michigan State Univ., 1972) plant and microbial biotechnology

Pesticides Project

White, Denis (MA, Boston Univ. 1984) geography, biodiversity

Willamette Basin Alternative Futures Analysis

Wigington, Parker J. (PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1981) hydrology, watershed effects

Fresh Water Habitat Project

Young, David R. (PhD, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, 1970) environmental chemistry,

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Stress Response Modeling

Estimation of Changes in Habitat Value at Estuarine Scale

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