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Andersen, C. P., I. Nikolov, P. Nikolova, R. Matyssek and K.-H. Häberle. 2005. Estimating “autotrophic” belowground respiration in spruce and beech forests: decreases following girdling. European J. For. Res. 124(3):155-163. WED-04-115

Bennett, R. S., I. C. Dewhurst, A. Fairbrother, A. D. M. Hart, M. J. Hooper, A.  Leopold, P.  Mineau, S. R. Mortensen, R. F. Shore and T. A. Springer. 2005. A New Interpretation of Avian and Mammalian Reproduction Toxicity Test Data in Ecological Risk Assessment. Ecotoxicology 14(8):801-815. WED-04-171

Boese, Bruce L., B. D. Robbins, and G. Thursby. 2005. "Desiccation is a limiting factor for eelgrass (Zoestera marina L.) distribution in the intertidal zone of a northeastern Pacific (USA) estuary." Botanica Marina. Walter de Gruyter. Vol. 48:274-83. WED-05-019

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Olszyk, D. M., M. Apple, B. Gartner, R. Spicer, C. Wise, E. Buckner, A. Benson-Scott and D. Tingey. 2005 Xeromorphy increases in shoots of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco seedlings with exposure to elevated temperature but not elevated CO2. Trees 19:552-563. WED-04-144

Peterson, S. A., J. Van Sickle, R. M. Hughes, J. A. Schacher, and S. F. Echols. 2005. A biopsy procedure for determining filet and predicting whole-fish mercury concentration. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 48(1):99-107. WED 04-035

Pfleeger, T. 2005. Moving plant toxicology from the greenhouse to the field: a method that incorporates the positive attributes of each. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 74:16-23. WED-03-071

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Stoddard, J. L. 2005 Use of Ecological Regions in Aquatic Assessments of Ecological Condition Environmental Management 34(1):S61-S70. WED-04-013.

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Tingey, D. T., M. G. Johnson, and D. L. Phillips. 2005. Independent and contrasting effects of elevated CO2 and N-fertilization on root architecture in Pinus ponderosa. Trees 19:43-50. WED-04-020

Tingey, D. T., D. L. Phillips, M. G. Johnson, P. T. Rygiewicz, P. A. Beedlow, and W. E. Hogsett. 2005. Estimates of Douglas-fir fine root production and mortality from minirhizotrons. For. Ecol. & Manag. 204:359-370. WED-04-156

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Wigington, P. J., Jr., T. J. Moser, and D. R. Lindeman. 2005. Stream network expansion: a riparian water quality factor. Hydrological Processes 19:1715-1721. WED-04-181

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