Title 46--Shipping

(This index contains parts 200 to 499)


200 [Reserved]
201 Rules of practice and procedure
202 Procedures relating to review by Secretary of Transportation of actions by Maritime Subsidy Board
203 Procedures relating to conduct of certain hearings under the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended
204 Claims against the Maritime Administration under the Federal Tort Claims Act
205 Audit appeals; policy and procedure
207 Statistical data for use in operating-differential subsidy application hearings
221 Regulated transactions involving documented vessels and other maritime interests
232 Uniform financial reporting requirements
249 Approval of underwriters for marine hull insurance
251 Application for subsidies and other direct financial aid
252 Operating-differential subsidy for bulk cargo vessels engaged in worldwide services
272 Requirements and procedures for conducting condition surveys and administering maintenance and repair subsidy
276 Construction-differential subsidy repayment
277 Domestic and foreign trade; interpretations
280 Limitations on the award and payment of operating-differential subsidy for liner operators
281 Information and procedure required under liner operating-differential subsidy agreements
282 Operating-differential subsidy for liner vessels engaged in essential services in the foreign commerce of the United States
283 Dividend policy for operators receiving operating-differential subsidy
287 Establishment of construction reserve funds
289 Insurance of construction-differential subsidy vessels, operating-differential subsidy vessels and of vessels sold or adjusted under the Merchant Ship Sales Act 1946
295 Maritime Security Program (MSP)
298 Obligation guarantees
307 Establishment of mandatory position reporting system for vessels
308 War risk insurance
309 Values for war risk insurance
310 Merchant Marine training
315 Agency agreements and appointment of agents
326 Marine protection and indemnity insurance under agreements with agents
327 Seamen's claims; administrative action and litigation
340 Priority use and allocation of shipping services, containers and chassis, and port facilities and services for national security and national defense related operations
349 Reemployment rights of certain merchant seamen
350 Seamen's service awards
351 Depositories
355 Requirements for establishing United States citizenship
370 Claims
380 Procedures
381 Cargo preference--U.S.-flag vessels
382 Determination of fair and reasonable rates for the carriage of bulk and packaged preference cargoes on U.S.-FLAG commercial vessels
383 [Reserved]
385 Research and development grant and cooperative agreements regulations
386 Regulations governing public buildings and grounds at the United States Merchant Marine Academy
387 Utilization and disposal of surplus Federal real property for development or operation of a port facility
390 Capital Construction Fund
391 Federal income tax aspects of the Capital Construction Fund
392-399 [Reserved]


400 [Reserved]
401 Great Lakes pilotage regulations
402 Great Lakes pilotage rules and orders
403 Great Lakes pilotage uniform accounting system
404 Great Lakes pilotage ratemaking

