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A Life History Simulator for Terrestrial Wildlife Populations

HexSim is a spatially-explicit, individual-based, multi-species computer model designed for simulating terrestrial wildlife population dynamics and interactions. HexSim is very general, with landscapes, life histories, disturbance regimes, and most other details being supplied by the user at run-time. HexSim also employs a sophisticated graphical user interface. HexSim is freely available, but still under active development.

HexSim is being developed jointly by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
and the
University of Washington

HexSim is compiled for Windows XP and a 32-bit CPU.
Some problems may arise if used with Vista or 64-bit computers.

Download HexSim (version

Download HexSim_User's_Guide.chm (1/8/09)
(After downloading the User's Guide, right-click on the file, select Properties,
and click the Unblock button at the bottom of the General tab.)



For further information, contact Nathan Schumaker (Schumaker.Nathan@epa.gov)

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