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MAQ: Maximizing Access and Quality
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Supporting research and evidence-based interventions to promote access and quality of reproductive health and family planning services

Upcoming Events:

Save the Date! Please join us for the 8th Annual Global Health Mini-University, sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Global Health in collaboration with the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services. The event will be held on Friday, September 12, 2008, from 8:00am - 4:30pm at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services, Ross Hall, 2300 Eye St NW, Washington, DC 20037.

Registration: Online registration is now closed. If you have not registered online, but would like to attend the Mini U, arrive tomorrow at 8:00am to register in person! This event is free and attendance is open to anyone interested in international health! Read more at http://maqweb.org/miniu/index.php

What is the Mini-University? The Mini-University is a day-long forum offering over 60 different sessions highlighting evidence-based best practices and state-of-the-art information from a variety of technical areas across the Global Health field. The forum is divided into four hour-long blocks, each offering 14 concurrent presentations. In addition, five exciting brown bag sessions are offered during the lunch break. The day culminates with a Knowledge Extravaganza session and the N’Lightening Round, a lively competition during which take-home messages from the sessions are presented and prizes are awarded for the top three.

Need CEUs? This year participants may choose from several courses offering Continuing Education Units from the American College of Nurse Midwives. More information will be available soon!

Questions? Contact Chelsea Smart at csmart@usaid.gov.

Featured Items:

2007 Global Health Mini-University Presentations

Not able to attend this year's Mini-U? Or, just want to have another look or share the knowledge with a colleague? Presentation materials from the October 2007 event are now available to view or download.

See the 2007 Mini-University photos

Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Health Information Products and Services

The objectives of this guide are to: 1) provide a core list of indicators to measure the reach, usefulness, use, and impact of information services and products in a consistent way; 2) improve monitoring and evaluation by simplifying the selection and application of indicators; and 3) define, standardize, and categorize indicators so as to promote agreement on their appropriate application and interpretation.

Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

This new resource, one of the World Health Organization's Family Planning Cornerstones, provides evidence-based guidance developed through worldwide collaboration. This handbook offers clinic-based health care professionals in developing countries the latest guidance on providing contraceptive methods. Available online and in print.

23 Free Internet-based Courses at USAID's Global Health eLearning Center (GHeL), including the following new eLearning course


Pneumonia is a major killer of children under five years of age. Although children's mortality resulting from pneumonia has decreased in the last two decades, it is still the most important cause of death in the developing world. In this course, you will learn what needs to be done for further reduction of this preventable disease. 

Information and Advocacy Kit: Improving Access to Family Planning: Community-based Distribution of DMPA

The MAQ Exchange: Engage in a dialog aimed at developing or improving programs that reflect MAQ principles and practice.

MAQ Exchange Curriculum Modules (French) (Spanish)

See the IUD Toolkit.

See the 51 Global Health Technical Briefs available here, including the following new Tech Brief :

Global Health Technical Brief: Peer Education: A Viable Approach for Reaching YouthHTML file of Peer Education PDF format of Peer Education Peer education can be an effective way to improve youth reproductive and sexual health outcomes (unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV). Programs should ensure high quality by emphasizing adequate training, retention efforts, monitoring and evaluation, curriculum/structure, and meaningful youth involvement.

Population Reports: MAQ Series Q, No.1: Improving Client-Provider Interaction (French) (Spanish) (Portuguese)

Population Reports: MAQ Series Q, No. 2: Organizing Work Better (French) (Spanish) (Portuguese) (English PowerPoint)

Dr. Jim Shelton's Latest Pearl:

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 Maximizing Access and Quality (MAQ) Initiative
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