Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)

Table 3-3. FY 2006 RD&T Programs Supporting Mobility

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DOT Operating Administration RD&T Programs
FAA Advanced Technology Development and Prototyping
Airport Technology
Environment and Energy
National Plan for Transformation of Air Transportation
Wake Turbulence
FHWA Highway Operations
ITS Mobility*
ITS System Management Information*
Multimodal Research**
Pavement Research
Planning, Environment, and Realty
Policy Research
Structures Research
Training and Education
Signal and Train Control
FTA Fleet Operations
Metropolitan and Rural Policy Development
National Transit Institute
Planning and Project Development
Specialized Customer Services
Transit Cooperative Research Program
MARAD*** Marine Transportation System
Cooperative Research Programs
Marine Energy and Emissions Technologies
Global Maritime and Transportation School Research and Special Projects
RITA UTC Program**

* Indicates the historical location of the ITS program. Changes may result from Congressional direction established in the final passed surface transportation reauthorization. The ITS program involves several DOT operating administrations.


***MARAD's RD&T-related efforts are not formally part of DOT's RD&T program.

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