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 The Building Materials Reuse Association is a non-profit educational organization whose mission is to facilitate building deconstruction and the reuse/recycling of recovered building materials.


  • 1.5 CEUs will be awarded for each conference session.  Take this opportunity to satisfy your Sustainability Continuing Education requirements!
  • The Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro will provide some additional rooms at the DECON '09 rate.  Please reserve your room while they're available.
  • Sign up for either the BMRA Deconstruction Workshop or the WasteCap Wisconsin C&D Waste Management Workshop on Friday, following DECON '09.
  • Places are still available for the post-conference bus and walking tours.

Click on the graphic to enter the DECON '09 website for more information, to register for the conference, book a hotel room, and sign up for a tour and workshop.



in General Discussion Forum by manymiles, 02-05-09 02:36
in General Discussion Forum by Demolition, 23-04-09 09:34
in General Discussion Forum by PRINCE71, 22-04-09 06:16
in Decon \'09 Conference by lowell, 16-04-09 15:23
in General Discussion Forum by adrea.adisson, 15-04-09 05:32