Table 5.
Recipients of state supplementation only, by eligibility category and age, June 2004–June 2005
Month Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or older
June 289,647 99,390 190,257 2,903 144,486 142,258
July 290,320 99,502 190,818 2,994 144,947 142,379
August 291,074 99,755 191,319 2,854 145,412 142,808
September 292,147 99,955 192,192 3,016 146,017 143,114
October 292,646 100,151 192,495 2,990 146,349 143,307
November 292,981 99,988 192,993 2,973 146,870 143,138
December 293,268 100,410 192,858 3,234 146,299 143,735
January 285,173 97,999 187,174 2,660 142,575 139,938
February 285,550 98,148 187,402 2,552 142,784 140,214
March 285,912 97,907 188,005 2,427 143,499 139,986
April 288,635 98,401 190,234 2,615 145,325 140,695
May 289,231 98,794 190,437 2,528 145,531 141,172
June 289,703 99,104 190,599 2,606 145,573 141,524
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Data are for the end of the specified month.
CONTACT: Art Kahn (410) 965-0186 for further information.