Chapter 301—Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances
Subchapter B—Allowable Travel Expenses

Part 301-30—Emergency Travel

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707.

§301-30.1  What is emergency travel?

Travel which results from:

(a) Your becoming incapacitated by illness or injury not due to your own misconduct; or

(b) The death or serious illness of a member of your family; or

(c) A catastrophic occurrence or impending disaster, such as fire, flood, or act of God, which directly affects your home.

§301-30.2  What is considered to be “family” with respect to emergency travel?

“Family” includes any member of your immediate family, as defined in §300-3.1. However, your agency may, on a case-by-case basis, expand this definition to include other members of your and/or your spouse’s extended family.

§301-30.3  What should I do if I have to interrupt or discontinue my TDY travel?

Contact your travel authorizing/approving official for instructions as soon as possible.

§301-30.4  When an illness or injury occurs on TDY, what expenses may be allowed?

Your agency may pay:

(a) Per diem at the location where you incurred or were treated for incapacitating illness or injury for a reasonable period of time (generally 14 calendar days). However, your agency may pay for a longer period.

(b) Transportation and per diem expense for travel to an alternate location to receive medical treatment.

(c) Transportation and per diem expense to return to your official station.

(d) Transportation costs of a medically necessary attendant.

§301-30.5  Are there any limitations to the payment of these expenses?

Expenses are not payable when:

(a) Confined to:

(1) A medical facility within the proximity of your official duty station.

(2) The same medical facility you would have been admitted to if your incapacitating illness or injury occurred at your official station.

(b) The Government provides or reimburses you for hospitalization under any Federal statute (including hospitalization in a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical center or military hospital). However, per diem expenses are payable if your hospitalization is paid under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (5 U.S.C. 8901-8913).

Last Reviewed 4/2/2009