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FTR Table of Contents


General Chapters and Parts


Chapter 300—General

Subchapter A—Introduction

Part 300-1—The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR)

Part 300-2—How to Use the FTR

Part 300-3—Glossary of Terms

Subchapter B—Agency Requirements

Part 300-70—Agency Reporting Requirements

Part 300-80—Relocation Expenses Test Programs

Chapter 301—Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances

Subchapter A—Introduction

Part 301-1—Applicability

Part 301-2—General Rules

Subchapter B—Allowable Travel Expenses

Part 301-10—Transportation Expenses

Part 301-11—Per Diem Expenses

Part 301-12—Miscellaneous Expenses

Part 301-13—Travel of an Employee With Special Needs

Part 301-30—Emergency Travel

Part 301-31—Threatened Law Enforcement/Investigative Employees

Subchapter C—Arranging for Travel Services, Paying Travel Expenses, and Claiming Reimbursement

Part 301-50—Arranging for Travel Services

Part 301-51—Paying Travel Expenses

Part 301-52—Claiming Reimbursement

Part 301-53—Using Promotional Materials and Frequent Traveler Programs

Part 301-54—Collection of Undisputed Delinquent Amounts Owed to the Contractor Issuing the Individually Billed Travel Charge Card

Subchapter D—Agency Responsibilities

Part 301-70—Internal Policy and Procedure Requirements

Part 301-71—Agency Travel Accountability Requirements

Part 301-72—Agency Responsibilities Related to Common Carrier Transportation

Part 301-73—Travel Programs

Part 301-74—Conference Planning

Part 301-75—Pre-employment Interview Travel

Part 301-76—Collection of Undisputed Delinquent Amounts Owed to the Contractor Issuing the Individually Billed Travel Charge Card

Appendix A to Chapter 301—Prescribed Maximum Per Diem Rates for CONUS

Appendix B to Chapter 301—Allocation of M&IE Rates To Be Used in Making Deductions From the M&IE Allowance

Appendix C to Chapter 301—Standard Data Elements for Federal Travel

Appendix D to Chapter 301—Glossary of Acronyms

Appendix E to Chapter 301—Suggested Guidance for Conference Planning

Chapter 302—Relocation Allowances

Subchapter A—Introduction

Part 302-1—General Rules

Part 302-2—Employee Eligibility Requirements

Subchapter B—Relocation Allowances

Part 302-3—Relocation Allowance by Specific Type

Subchapter C—Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Allowances for Subsistence and Transportation Expenses

Part 302-4—Allowances for Subsistence and Transportation

Part 302-5—Allowance for Househunting Trip Expenses

Part 302-6—Allowance for Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses

Subchapter D—Transportation and Storage of Property

Part 302-7—Transportation and Temporary Storage of Household Goods and Professional Books, Papers, and Equipment (PBP&E)

Part 302-8—Allowances for Extended Storage of Household Goods (HHG)

Part 302-9—Allowances for Transportation and Emergency Storage of a Privately Owned Vehicle

Part 302-10—Allowances for Transportation of Mobile Homes and Boats Used as a Primary Residence

Subchapter E—Residence Transaction Allowances

Part 302-11—Allowances for Expenses Incurred in Connection With Residence Transactions

Part 302-12—Use of a Relocation Services Company

Part 302-13—[Reserved]

Part 302-14—Home Marketing Incentive Payments

Part 302-15—Allowance for Property Management Services

Subchapter F—Miscellaneous Allowances

Part 302-16—Allowance for Miscellaneous Expenses

Part 302-17—Relocation Income Tax (RIT) Allowance

Chapter 303—Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees

Part 303-70—Agency Requirements for Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees

Chapter 304—Payment of Travel Expenses From a Non-Federal Source

Subchapter A—Employee’s Acceptance of Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses

Part 304-1—Authority

Part 304-2—Definitions

Part 304-3—Employee Responsibility

Subchapter B—Agency Requirements

Part 304-4—Authority

Part 304-5—Agency Responsibilities

Part 304-6—Payment Guidelines

Subchapter C—Acceptance of Payments for Training

Part 304-7—Authority/Applicability

Part 304-8—Definitions

Part 304-9—Contributions and Awards