Subchapter B—Personal Property


Part 102-41—Disposition of Seized, Forfeited, Voluntarily Abandoned, and Unclaimed Personal Property

Subpart A—General Provisions

102-41.5— What does this part cover?
102-41.10— To whom do “we”, “you”, and their variants refer?
102-41.15— How do we request a deviation from these requirements and who can approve it?
102-41.20— What definitions apply to this part?
102-41.25— Who retains custody and is responsible for the reporting, care, and handling of property covered by this part?
102-41.30— What is GSA’s role in the disposition of property covered by this part?
102-41.35— Do we report to GSA all seized personal property subject to judicial forfeiture as well as forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed personal property not retained for official use?

Subpart B—Seized or Forfeited Personal Property

102-41.40— How is personal property forfeited?
102-41.45— May we place seized personal property into official use before the forfeiture process is completed?
102-41.50— May we retain forfeited personal property for official use?
102-41.55— Where do we send the reports for seized or forfeited personal property?
102-41.60— Are there special requirements in reporting seized or forfeited personal property to GSA?
102-41.65— What happens to forfeited personal property that is transferred or retained for official use?
102-41.70— Are transfers of forfeited personal property reimbursable?
102-41.75— May we retain the proceeds from the sale of forfeited personal property?

Subpart C—Voluntarily Abandoned Personal Property

102-41.80— When is personal property voluntarily abandoned?
102-41.85— What choices do I have for retaining or disposing of voluntarily abandoned personal property?
102-41.90— What happens to voluntarily abandoned personal property retained for official use?
102-41.95— Where do we send the reports for voluntarily abandoned personal property?
102-41.100— What information do we provide when reporting voluntarily abandoned personal property to GSA?
102-41.105— What happens to voluntarily abandoned personal property when reported to GSA?
102-41.110— Are transfers of voluntarily abandoned personal property reimbursable?
102-41.115— May we retain the proceeds received from the sale of voluntarily abandoned personal property?

Subpart D—Unclaimed Personal Property

102-41.120— How long must we hold unclaimed personal property before disposition?
102-41.125— What choices do I have for retaining or disposing of unclaimed personal property?
102-41.130— What must we do when we retain unclaimed personal property for official use?
102-41.135— How much reimbursement do we pay the former owner when he or she files a claim for unclaimed personal property that we no longer have?
102-41.140— When do we report to GSA unclaimed personal property not retained for official use?
102-41.145— Where do we send the reports for unclaimed personal property?
102-41.150— What special information do we provide on reports of unclaimed personal property?
102-41.155— Is unclaimed personal property available for transfer to another Federal agency?
102-41.160— May we retain the reimbursement from transfers of unclaimed personal property?
102-41.165— May we require reimbursement for the costs incurred in the transfer of unclaimed personal property?
102-41.170— Is unclaimed personal property available for donation?
102-41.175— May we sell unclaimed personal property?
102-41.180— May we retain the proceeds from the sale of unclaimed personal property?

Subpart E—Personal Property Requiring Special Handling

102-41.185— Are there certain types of forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed property that must be handled differently than other property addressed in this part?
102-41.190— May we retain forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed firearms for official use?
102-41.195— How do we dispose of forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed firearms not retained for official use?
102-41.200— Are there special disposal provisions for firearms that are seized and forfeited for a violation of the National Firearms Act?
Forfeited Distilled Spirits, Wine, and Beer
102-41.205— Do we report all forfeited distilled spirits, wine, and beer to GSA for disposal?
Drug Paraphernalia
102-41.210— What are some examples of drug paraphernalia?
102-41.215— Do we report to GSA all forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed drug paraphernalia not required for official use?
102-41.220— Is drug paraphernalia forfeited under 21 U.S.C. 863 available for transfer to other Federal agencies or donation through a State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP)?
102-41.225— Are there special provisions to reporting and transferring drug paraphernalia forfeited under 21 U.S.C. 863?
102-41.230— May SASPs pick up or store donated drug paraphernalia in their distribution centers?
102-41.235— May we sell forfeited drug paraphernalia?
Last Reviewed 4/2/2009