Title 3--Presidential Documents


TEXT PDF Jan. 2 Continuation of Libyan Emergency
TEXTPDF Jan. 6 Designation of Argentina as a Major Non-NATO Ally
TEXTPDF Jan. 12 Certification Pursuant to Section (b)(1) of Public Law 99-183 and to Section 902(a)(6)(B) of Public Law 101-246
TEXTPDF Jan. 21 Continuation of Emergency Regarding Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
TEXTPDF Jan. 28 Determination Pursuant to Section 523 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1998 (Public Law 105-118)
TEXTPDF Jan. 30 Renewal of Trade Agreement With the People's Republic of China
TEXTPDF Feb. 9 U.S. Contribution to the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO)
TEXTPDF Feb. 25 Continuation of the National Emergency Relating to Cuba and of the Emergency Authority Relating to the Regulation of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels
TEXTPDF Feb. 26 Certification for Major Illicit Drug Producing and Drug Transit Countries
TEXT PDF Mar. 4 Continuation of Iran Emergency
TEXTPDF Mar. 4 Vietnamese Cooperation in Accounting for United States Prisoners of War and Missing in Action (POW/MIA)
TEXTPDF Mar. 5 Delegation of Authority With Respect to Reporting Obligations Regarding Counterterrorism and Antiterrorism Programs and Activities
TEXTPDF Mar. 9 Presidential Determination on Section 402(c)(2)(A) of the Trade Act of 1974_Vietnam
TEXTPDF Mar. 9 Presidential Determination Under Subsection 2(b)(2)(D) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as Amended_Vietnam
TEXTPDF Mar. 13 Military Drawdown for Jordan
TEXTPDF Apr. 3 Use of Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related Programs Account Funds for the U.S. Contribution to the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO)
TEXTPDF Apr. 28 Presidential Determination on the Proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between the United States of America and Ukraine Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
TEXTPDF May 13 Sanctions Against India for Detonation of a Nuclear Explosive Device
TEXTPDF Jun. 1 Plain Language in Government Writing
TEXTPDF Jun. 3 Determination Under Section 402(d)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as Amended_Continuation of Waiver Authority
TEXTPDF Jun. 3 Determination Under Subsection 402(d)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as Amended_Continuation of Waiver Authority
TEXTPDF Jun. 3 Determination Under Subsection 402(d)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as Amended_Continuation of Waiver Authority
TEXTPDF Jun. 3 Waiver and Certification of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization
TEXTPDF Jun. 15 Report to Congress Regarding Conditions in Burma and U.S. Policy Toward Burma
TEXTPDF Jun. 19 Presidential Determination on U.S. Assistance to the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO)
TEXTPDF Jul. 8 Delegation of Authority Under Section 1406(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998
TEXTPDF Jul. 15 Presidential Determination on the Proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Romania Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
TEXTPDF Jul. 28 Continuation of Iraqi Emergency
TEXTPDF Aug. 13 Continuation of Emergency Regarding Export Control Regulations
TEXTPDF Sep. 9 Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended
TEXTPDF Sep. 11 Extension of the Exercise of Certain Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act
TEXTPDF Sep. 23 Continuation of Emergency With Respect to UNITA
TEXTPDF Sep. 29 Use of $10 Million in Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related Programs Account Funds and $5 Million in Economic Support Funds for a U.S. Contribution to the Korean Peninsula Development Organization (KEDO)
TEXTPDF Sep. 29 Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 582(a) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1998, on Withholding Assistance to the Government of Chad
TEXTPDF Sep. 30 Presidential Determination on FY 1999 Refugee Admissions Numbers and Authorizations of In-Country Refugee Status Pursuant to Sections 207 and 101(a)(42), Respectively, of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and Determination Pursuant to Section 2(b)(2) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, as Amended
TEXTPDF Sep. 30 Transfer of Funds To Support Court To Try Accused
TEXTPDF Sep. 30 Drawdrawn Under Section 506(a)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act To Provide Counternarcotics Assistance to Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Countries of the Eastern Caribbean
TEXTPDF Oct. 19 Continuation of Emergency With Respect to Significant Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia
TEXTPDF Oct. 21 Determination To Waive Requirements Relating to Blocked Property of Terrorist-List States
TEXTPDF Oct. 27 Report to the Congress Regarding Conditions in Burma and U.S. Policy Toward Burma
TEXTPDF Oct. 27 Continuation of Emergency With Respect to Sudan
TEXTPDF Nov. 6 Drawdown Under Section 506(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended To Provide Emergency Disaster Relief Assistance for Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala
TEXTPDF Nov. 9 Continuation of Iran Emergency
TEXTPDF Nov. 12 Continuation of Emergency Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
TEXTPDF Nov. 14 Drawdown Under Section 506(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the Foreign Assistance Act To Provide Emergency Disaster Relief Assistance for Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala
TEXTPDF Nov. 16 Delegation of Authority Under Section 5(d)(2) of the International Anti-Bribery and Fair Competition Act of 1998
TEXTPDF Nov. 25 Waiver and Certification of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization
TEXTPDF Dec. 8 Assistance Program for the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
TEXTPDF Dec. 24 Use of $12 Million in Economic Support Funds for a U.S. Contribution to the Korean Peninsula Development Organization (KEDO)
TEXTPDF Dec. 30 Continuation of Libyan Emergency

