Title 22--Foreign Relations

(This index contains parts 1 to 299)


1 Insignia of rank
2 Protection of foreign dignitaries and other official personnel
3 Gifts and decorations from foreign governments
3a Acceptance of employment from foreign governments by members of the uniformed services
4 Notification of foreign official status
5 Organization
7 Board of Appellate Review
8 Advisory committee management
9 Security information regulations
9a Security information regulations applicable to certain international energy programs; related material
9b Regulations governing Department of State press building passes
11 Appointment of Foreign Service officers
12 Complaints against employees by alleged creditors
13 Personnel
16 Foreign Service grievance system
17 Overpayments from the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund under the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System (FSRDS) and the Foreign Service Pension System
18 Regulations concerning post employment conflict of interest
19 Benefits for spouses and former spouses of participants in the Foreign Service retirement and disability system
20 Benefits for certain former spouses
21 Indemnification of employees
22 Schedule of fees for consular services--Department of State and Foreign Service
23 Finance and accounting
33 Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Fund procedures under section 7
34 Debt collection
35 Program fraud civil remedies
40 Regulations pertaining to both nonimmigrants and immigrants under the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended
41 Visas: Documentation of nonimmigrants under the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended
42 Visas: Documentation of immigrants under the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended
43-45 [Reserved]
46 Control of aliens departing from the United States
47 [Reserved]
50 Nationality procedures
51 Passports
52 Marriages
53 Passport requirement and exceptions
61 World-wide free flow of audio-visual materials
62 Exchange visitor program
63 Payments to and on behalf of participants in the international educational and cultural exchange program
64 Participation by Federal employees in cultural exchange programs of foreign countries
65 Foreign students
66 Availability of the records of the National Endowment for Democracy
67 Organization of the National Endowment for Democracy
71 Protection and welfare of citizens and their property
72 Deaths and estates
89 Prohibitions on longshore work by U.S. nationals
91 Import controls
92 Notarial and related services
93 Service on foreign state
94 International child abduction
95 Implementation of torture convention in extradition cases
96 Accreditation of agencies and approval of persons under the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (IAA)
97 Issuance of adoption certificates and custody delarations in Hague Convention adoption cases
98 Intercountry adoption--Convention record preservation
99 Reporting on Convention and non-Convention adoptions of emigrating children
101 Economic and commercial functions
102 Civil aviation
103 Regulations for implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 on the taking of samples and on enforcement of requirements concerning recordkeeping and inspections
104 International trafficking in persons: Interagency coordination of activities and sharing of information
120 Purpose and definitions
121 The United States munitions list
122 Registration of manufacturers and exporters
123 Licenses for the export of defense articles
124 Agreements, off-shore procurement and other defense services
125 Licenses for the export of technical data and classified defense articles
126 General policies and provisions
127 Violations and penalties
128 Administrative procedures
129 Registration and licensing of brokers
130 Political contributions, fees and commissions
131 Certificates of authentication
132 Books, maps, newspapers, etc.
133 Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance)
134 Equal Access to Justice Act; implementation
135 Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to state and local governments
136 Personal property disposition at posts abroad
138 New restrictions on lobbying
139 Irish peace process cultural and training program
140 Prohibition on assistance to drug traffickers
141 Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of State--effectuation of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
142 Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance
143 Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance
144 Enforcement of non-discrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the United States Department of State
145 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations
146 Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance
151 Compulsory liability insurance for diplomatic missions and personnel
161 Regulations for implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
171 Availability of information and records to the public
172 Service of process; production or disclosure of official information in response to court orders, subpoenas, notices of depositions, requests for admissions, interrogatories, or similar requests or demands in connection with Federal or State litigation; expert testimony
181 Coordination, reporting and publication of international agreements
191 Hostage relief assistance
192 Victims of terrorism compensation
193 Benefits for hostages in Iraq, Kuwait, or Lebanon
194 Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission rules of procedure
196 Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs/Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program

200 Employee responsibilities and conduct
201 Rules and procedures applicable to commodity transactions financed by USAID
202 Overseas shipments of supplies by voluntary nonprofit relief agencies
203 Registration of Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs)
204 Housing guaranty standard terms and conditions
205 Participation by religious organizations in USAID programs
206 Testimony by employees and the production of documents in proceedings where A.I.D. is not a party
207 Indemnification of employees
208 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement)
209 Non-discrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Agency for International Development--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
210 Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance)
211 Transfer of food commodities for food use in disaster relief, economic development and other assistance
212 Public information
213 Claims collection
214 Advisory committee management
215 Regulations for implementation of Privacy Act of 1974
216 Environmental procedures
217 Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance
218 Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance
219 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by International Development Cooperation Agency, Agency for International Development
221 Israel loan guarantee standard terms and conditions
223 Administrative enforcement procedures of post-employment restrictions
224 Implementation of the program fraud civil remedies act
225 Protection of human subjects
226 Administration of assistance awards to U.S. non-governmental organizations
227 New restrictions on lobbying
228 Rules on source, origin and nationality for commodities and services financed by USAID
229 Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance
230 Israel loan guarantees issued under the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, Pub. L. 108-11--Standard terms and conditions
231 Arab Republic of Egypt loan guarantees issued under the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, Public Law 108-11--standard terms and conditions
232-299 [Reserved]
