Title 39--Postal Service


1 Postal policy [Article I]
2 General and technical provisions [Article II]
3 Board of Governors [Article III]
4 Officers [Article IV]
5 Committees [Article V]
6 Meetings [Article VI]
7 Public observation [Article VII]
8 [Reserved]
9 Policy on communications with Governors of the Postal Service during pendency of rate and classification proceedings [Appendix]
10 Rules of conduct for Postal Service Governors [Appendix]
11 Advisory boards [Article XI]
20 International Postal Service
111 General information on Postal Service
211 Application of regulations
221 General principles of organization
222 Delegations of authority
223 Relationships and channels of communication
224 Organizations reporting directly to the Postmaster General
225 Organizations reporting directly to the Deputy Postmaster General
226 Groups and departments reporting to the Associate Postmasters General
227 Headquarters related field units
228 Service centers
229 Field organizations
231 Protection of post offices
232 Conduct on postal property
233 Inspection Service/Inspector General authority
235 Defense Department liaison
241 Establishment classification, and discontinuance
242 Change of site
243 Conduct of offices
255 Access of handicapped persons to postal services, programs, facilities, and employment
259 Services performed for other agencies
261 Records and information management
262 Records and information management definitions
263 Records retention and disposition
264 Vital records
265 Release of information
266 Privacy of information
267 Protection of information
268 Privacy of information--employee rules of conduct
273 Administration of Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act
281 Firm mailings damaged or destroyed through transportation accidents or catastrophes
310 Enforcement of the private express statutes
320 Suspension of the private express statutes
447 Rules of conduct for postal employees
491 Garnishment of salaries of employees of the Postal Service and the Postal Rate Commission
501 Authorization to Manufacture and Distribute Postage Meters
551 Semipostal stamp program
601 Procurement of property and services
602 Intellectual property rights other than patents
760 Applicability of Treasury Department regulations
761 Book-entry procedures
762 Disbursement postal money orders
775 National Environmental Policy Act procedures
776 Floodplain and wetland procedures
777 Relocation assistance and real property acquisition policies
778 Intergovernmental review of Postal Service facility actions
912 Procedures to adjudicate claims for personal injury or property damage arising out of the operation of the U.S. Postal Service
913 Procedures for the issuance of administrative subpoenas under 39 U.S.C. 3016
916 [Reserved]
927 Rules of procedure relating to fines, deductions, and damages
931 Rules of procedure governing the compromise of obligations
946 Rules of procedure relating to the disposition of stolen mail matter and property acquired by the postal inspection service for use as evidence
951 Procedure governing the eligibility of persons to practice before the Postal Service
952 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to false representation and lottery orders
953 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to mailability
954 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to the denial, suspension, or revocation of periodicals mail privileges
955 Rules of practice before the Board of Contract Appeals
956 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to disciplinary action for violation of restrictions on post-employment activity
957 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to debarment and suspension from contracting
958 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to the refusal to provide Post Office box or caller service and the termination of Post Office box or caller service
959 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to the private express statutes
960 Rules relative to implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in Postal Service proceedings
961 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to employee hearing petitions under section 5 of the Debt Collection Act
962 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act
963 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to violations of the pandering advertisements statute, 39 U.S.C. 3008
964 Rules of practice governing disposition of mail withheld from delivery pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3003, 3004
965 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to mail disputes
966 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to administrative offsets initiated against former employees of the Postal Service

3000 Standards of conduct
3001 Rules of practice and procedure
3002 Organization
3003 Privacy Act rules
3004 Freedom of information rules

