Title 34--Education

(This index contains parts 300 to 399)

Subtitle B--Regulations of the Offices of the
Department of Education


300 Assistance to states for the education of children with disabilities
301 Preschool grants for children with disabilities
303 Early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities
304 Special Education--Personnel preparation to improve services and results for children with disabilities
345 State grants program for technology-related assistance for individuals with disabilities
350 Disability and rehabilitation research projects and centers program
356 Disability and rehabilitation research: Research fellowships
359 Disability and rehabilitation research: Special projects and demonstrations for spinal cord injuries
361 The State vocational rehabilitation services program
363 The State supported employment services program
364 State independent living services program and centers for independent living program: General provisions
365 State independent living services
366 Centers for independent living
367 Independent living services for older individuals who are blind
369 Vocational rehabilitation service projects
370 Client assistance program
371 Vocational rehabilitation service projects for American Indians with disabilities
376 Special projects and demonstrations for providing transitional rehabilitation services to youth with disabilities
377 Demonstration projects to increase client choice program
379 Projects with industry
380 Special projects and demonstrations for providing supported employment services to individuals with the most severe disabilities and technical assistance projects
381 Protection and advocacy of individual rights
385 Rehabilitation training
386 Rehabilitation training: Rehabilitation long-term training
387 Experimental and innovative training
388 State vocational rehabilitation unit in-service training
389 Rehabilitation continuing education programs
390 Rehabilitation short-term training
395 Vending facility program for the blind on Federal and other property
396 Training of interpreters for individuals who are deaf and individuals who are deaf-blind
397-399 [Reserved]

