



Contact Information:


Marcia Bair



Library Name:

McKay Library


525 South Center Street

Rexburg, ID 83460-0405



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C  13.10:500-235

 Structured testing. ..  cyclomatic complexity metric




C 13.22:

 Journal of research of the NIST. v. 98 no 4-6




C 13.22:

 Journal of research of the NIST. v 99




C 13.22:

 Journal of research of the NIST. v. 100




C 13.22:

 Journal of research of the NIST. v. 101




C 13.22:

 Journal of research of the NIST. v. 102




C 13.22:

 Journal of research of the NIST. v. 103




C 13.22:

 Journal of research of the NIST. v. 104




C 13.22:

 Journal of research of the NIST. v105 no. 1  2000  0246-E


C 21.2:AU 8/3

 Automated Patent System




C 21.2:AU 8/4

 Review of automated systems




C 21.2:C 33/3

 Century of American invention




C 21.2:F 15/2

 The Conference on Fair Use




C 21.2:F 98

 Setting the course for our future




C 21.2:H 53

 Highlights in Patent Activity




C 21.2:N 21

 Official insignia of Native American tribes  2000



C 21.2:P 94/3

 Intellectual property & Nat. Info. Infrastructure




C 21.2:T 73/2

 Project A3, management information exchange




C 21.2:W 89

 Working for our customers




C 21.14/2:D 79

 Guide for the preparation of patent drawings




C 46.2:AD 4

 Defense adjustment infrastructure bonds




C 46.2:AM 3

 Sustainable America




C 46.2:IN 2/16

 American Indian reservations and trust areas




C 47.12:T 64/4

 Rural tourism handbook




C 51.8:L 78

 How to locate and acquire Japanese scientific ...




C 51.11:AC 7

 CALS publications




C 51.11:D 63

 Learning disabilities




C 51.11:SI 1

 Sick building syndrome




  C 55.2:AL 1/5

 The Gulf of Alaska




C 55.2:Am 6

 Ecological study of the Amoco Cadiz oil spill




C 55.20:SU 7

 Superstorm of March 1993




C 55.22:10

 Atlas of climatology and variability...




C 55.22:11 E

 Atlas of frequency distribution, auto-correlation...




C 55.22:11 M

 Atlas of frequency distribution, auto-corr... metric




C 55.22:12

 Interseasonal & interannual variability--1986 to 1993




C 55.102:T 63/9

 Tampa Bay area tornadoes, October 3, 1992




C 55.109:

 Monthly & seasonal weather outlook v.47 #18-24




C 55.109:

 Monthly & seasonal weather outlook v.48 #2-4, 6-23




C 55.136:5

 A precipitation climatology... tropical Pacific basin




C 55.202:EN 8/4

 A strategic plan for NOAA's NESDIS




C 55.202:OP 2/999

 GOES products and services catalog




C 55.202:R 31/2

 National Environmental Satellite, Data...




C 55.212:

 Storm data v.34 #8-12




C 55.212:

 Storm data v.35 #1-13




C 55.212:

 Storm data v.36




C 55.212:

 Storm data v.37




C 55.212:

 Storm data v.38




C 55.212:

 Storm data v.39




C 55.212:

 Storm data v.40 #1-3




C 55.214/11:

 Climatological data, Idaho v.96 #2-13 (Feb - Annual)




C 55.214/11:

 Climatological data, Idaho v.97 #1-2, 4-12




C 55.214/11:

 Climatological data, Idaho v.98 #1, 3-13 with annual




C 55.214/11:

 Climatological data, Idaho v.99 #1-13 with annual




C 55.214/11:

 Climatological data, Idaho v.100 #1-13 with annual




C 55.214/11:

 Climatological data, Idaho v.101 #1-3




C 55.216/9:

 Hourly precipitation data. Idaho v.44




C 55.216/9:

 Hourly precipitation data. Idaho v.45




C 55.216/9:

 Hourly precipitation data. Idaho v.46




C 55.216/9:

 Hourly precipitation data. Idaho v.47




C 55.216/9:

 Hourly precipitation data. Idaho v.48 #1-3




C 55.287/15-3:

 Local clim. data. Pocatello, ID (July-Dec & Annual




C 55.287/15-3:

 Local climatological data. Pocatello, ID with annual




C 55.287/15-3:

 Local climatological data. Pocatello, ID with annual




C 55.287/15-3:

 Local climatological data. Pocatello, ID (Jan.-May)




C 55.287/15-3:

 Local climatological data. Pocatello, ID with annual




C 55.287/15-3:

 Local climatological data. Pocatello, ID (Jan.-July)




  C 55.310:

 Marine fisheries review v.54




C 55.310:

 Marine fisheries review v.55




C 55.310:

 Marine fisheries review v.56




C 55.310:

 Marine fisheries review v.57




C 55.310:

 Marine fisheries review v.58




C 55.310:

 Marine fisheries review v.59




C 55.310:

 Marine fisheries review v.60




C 55.310:

 Marine fisheries review v.61




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.90 #3-4 (July - Oct)




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.91




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.92




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.93




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.94




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.95




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.96 #1-2,4




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.97




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.98




C 55.313:

 Fishery bulletin v.99 #1-3 (Jan - July)




C 55.602:G 21

 GAS, global awareness for students




C 55.602:H 88

 EIHI, environmental issues & human interactions




C 55.602:M 56/994

 Student activities in meteorology : SAM




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.72




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.73




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.74 #1-8,10




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.75 #1-6,8-11




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.76




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.77




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.78 #1-7,9-12




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.79 #1-4,6-12




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.80




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.81




C 59.11:

 Survey of current business v.82




C 59.11/5:929-94/v.1-2

 National income and product accounts




C 59.11/5:929-97/v.1-2

 National income and product accounts




C 59.13:P 95/92-2

 Population and health transitions




C 59.18:969-92

 Local area personal income, 1969-92




C 59.20/2:

 U.S. direct investment abroad revised




C 59.20/2:

 U.S. direct investment abroad revised




C 59.20/2:

 U.S. direct investment abroad revised




C 59.20/3:997

 Foreign direct investment in the United States.




  C 60.2:C 76

 Connecting the Nation




C 60.2:IN 3

 Common ground




C 60.2:IN 8/2

 Capital formation and investment




C 61.2:B 96/3

 American business centers in Russia




C 61.2:C 43

 Chile and Argentina




C 61.2:C 44/5/2002

 China environmental technologies export..




C 61.2:C 76/3/989

 Competitive assessment... intl. construction




C 61.2:EX 7/23

 U.S. exports to Latin America & the Caribbean




C 61.2:F 76/

 Foreign regulations affecting U.S. textile..




C 61.2:F 76/7

 U.S. and foreign commercial service review




C 61.2:IN 8/7/2001

 Environmental industry of the United States




C 61.2:M 34/9

 Markets for climate change




C 61.2:M 56/4/999

 Metropolitan area exports




C 61.2:M 57/2

 U.S. exports to Mexico




C 61.2:M 57/4/2001

 Mexico, environmental technologies export..




C 61.2:P 92

 Presidential business development mission




C 61.2:T 31/4

 The Australia textile and apparel market




C 61.2:T 67/12

 North American Free Trade Agreement




C 61.2:W 31/2

 Water and wastewater technologies export..




C 61.8:AF 8/2

 Africa : financial sectors




C 61.8:EU 7/3

 Showcase Europe




C 61.8:EX 7/3/998

 A basic guide to exporting




C 61.18:

 Business America v.113 #2-26




C 61.18:

 Business America v.114 #1-25




C 61.18:

 Business America v.115 #1-12




C 61.18:

 Business America v.116 #1-12




C 61.18:

 Business America v.117 #1-12




C 61.18:

 Business America v.118 #1-12




C 61.18:

 Business America v.119 #1-9




C 61.18/2:

 Export America. v.1 #1, 5- 11 (Nov 1999- 2000)  2000  0127-A


C 61.18/2:

 Export America. v.2 #1-10 (Oct 2000- Aug 2001)




C 61.34:

 U.S. industrial outlook.




C 61.34/2:

 U.S. global trade outlook




C 61.45:996

 The big emerging markets




  CC 1.12/3:

 FCC record v.16 #1-32




CC 1.12/3:

 FCC record v.17 #1-35




CR 1.2:AF 8/v.1-2

 The crisis of the young African American male..




CR 1.2:D 63/2

 Federal efforts to eradicate employment discr..




CR 1.2:EM 7

 Helping employers comply with the ADA




CR 1.2:EQ 2/V.2-3

 Equal educational opportunity project series




CR 1.2:F 96/CORR.

 Funding federal civil rights enforcement




CR 1.2:H 81/21

 The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988




CR 1.2:IM 6

 Federal immigration law enforcement in the SW




CR 1.2:P 26

 Overcoming the past, focusing on the future  2000  0288-A


CR 1.2:P 75/28

 Revisiting Who is guarding the guardians?




CR 1.2:R 11/3/ EXEC.SUM.

 Racial and ethnic tensions in Am. communities




CR 1.2:R 11/3/v.1

 Racial and ethnic tensions in Am. Communities




CR 1.2:R 11/3/v.6

 Racial and ethnic tensions in Am. Communities




CR 1.2:R 11/3/v.7

 Racial and ethnic tensions in Am. communities




CR 1.2:SCH 6/26

 Schools and religion




CR 1.2:ST 2/3

 Helping state & local gov... with the ADA




CR 1.2:T 53

 Federal Title VI enforcement to ensure nondiscr..




CR 1.15:

 Civil rights update (May - Dec 1992)




CR 1.15:

 Civil rights update (Jan - Nov 1993)




CR 1.15:

 Civil rights update (Sum. & Dec 1994/ Jan 1995)




CR 1.15:

 Civil rights update ( May/ June 1996)




CR 1.15:

 Civil rights update (Spring - Winter 1997-98)




CR 1.15:

 Civil rights update (Winter/ Spring 1999)




Postage Reimbursement Requirements:

Reimbursement is requested for all postage over $10.00.  Please use stamps or check -- no cash please. 


Additional Information:

Available until June 2, 2009